Monday, July 14, 2008


Artist C. Arthur was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland where she currently resides with her husband and three children. An active imagination and a love for reading encouraged her to begin writing in high school and she hasn’t stopped since.

During the course of her writing career Artist has won the YOUnity Guild’s Best New Drama and Romance Author Award in 2005/06; been nominated 3 years straight for EMMA Awards, with the fourth time being a charm she took home the 2007 EMMA Award for Favorite Romantic Suspense; and has also received her first Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award Nomination for Best African American Romance.

“Mr. Bennett, I’ll guard your body as if it were my own.”

The ex-marine spoke with confidence and steely determination, but all Renny Bennett saw in his new bodyguard was a petite, doe-eyed nymph. Sabrina Dedune’s feisty, take-no-prisoners attitude proved she took her job seriously. But suddenly, the gorgeous body under that T-shirt seemed far more dangerous than any threat on his life.

Sabrina was good at her job, but this talented sculptor and his erotic works of art left her reeling. Staying focused was hard when her body ached to taste all Renny had to offer. But after one searing kiss, she was guarding more than his body. Now her heart was at risk…

What would you like your readers to take away from your book?

That woman can and continue to do anything they put their minds to.

What did you learn while writing this book?

I learned that there was a good reason I never enlisted in the armed forces. LOL
Researching the Marine Corp and their basic training, etc. was enlightening and more than a little scary.

What is the hardest part about the writing business?

The “business” aspect. Coming up with the idea and writing is a piece of cake compared to learning the ins and outs of the publishing industry, selling your work, promoting your work and keeping up with an ever changing readership. All in all, being in the writing business is not easy, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

Do you still experience self-doubts regarding your work?

All the time. I don’t turn a story into my editor until I feel satisfied with it. Yet a day or two later I’ll think of something else I could have added. It’s a terrible habit of mine. Then just before the book is about to be released I’m so nervous as to what the readers will think. At the end of the day, I’m going to write the story I want to tell, but I respect the opinions of the readers who purchase my books.

What’s one thing about writing you wish other non-writers would understand?

That writing is a passion, it’s a serious career and that if you are not going to dedicate yourself to learning the trade and putting out the best product that you can, don’t do it.

What marketing have you found that particularly works well for you?

Online marketing has been great for me. This way I’m able to reach readers all over the world. Between email blasts, my newsletters, my yahoo group (The Book Lounge) and participation in other literary groups, I’ve been able to steadily build my readership.

What are three things you wish you'd known before you reached where you are now?

I wish I’d known how cutthroat the business could be. But then it’s like any other industry and I should have taken that into account. There are many technical aspects I wish I’d known early on, but learning the hard way is sometimes best.

This month our theme is Agent Hunting. Do you have any advice for finding an agent?

Agh! I would be the worst at giving that advice since it’s taken me four years to find one. LOL But I will say this, do your research. Make sure the agent is selling the type of work you are producing and make sure the agent knows exactly what you want out of the relationship.

Do you have any advice for the aspiring writer?

If you don’t have patience, learn it! Pray on it and wait for it because you will need it in this industry.

How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)

Email is best. I make a valiant effort to respond to every email.


  1. Great interview! AC, I loved Guarding His Body.

  2. AC,

    Thanks so much for the interview. When I read your blurb, I was like how did she hear about my story idea. I have story about a bodyguard, only she's ex-Navy. However reading your blurb, I know mine will stay in the closet LOL. You're sounds a lot better. I look forward to reading it.

    Many blessings to you,


  3. Great interview, ladies! I really enjoyed Guarding His Body. It was an amazing mix of romance and intrigue. Great novel, AC!

    LaShaunda, there can never be too many novels about strong women who can kick butt! You better get your novel out there for us to enjoy.



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