Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Sophia Shaw released her debut novel, Shades and Shadows, in January 2005. The Romantic Times chose Shades and Shadows as a top pick and rated it with 4.5 stars (out of five).

Depths of Desire is Sophia’s second novel, released in March 2006, and also received a rating of 4.5 stars from the Romantic Times. She released her third novel, Moment of Truth, in July 2007 and has again received rave reviews. Here 4th book, A Rare Groove, will be release on July 1, 2008.

Sophia lives in Brampton, Ontario with her young daughters, Sierra and Naima.


Twenty-eight-year-old Simone St. Clair has a successful career as an on-air announcer in Atlanta, and an enviable romance with one of the city's most eligible bachelors. Yet Simone can't help feeling something is missing. She’s never been in love, and wonders if she is dreaming of a man who can't possibly exist - until she travels to Jamaica for a friend's wedding.

Simone is then forced to choose between what should be the perfect man and what feels like the perfect love. In the process, she discovers that one of these men hides a dangerous secret, and he will do anything to protect it, including murder.

What would you like your readers to take away from your book?

I would like my readers to feel inspired to look deeper than the surface when choosing a life partner. The right man or woman for you may not come in the perfect package, but if there is that very rare connection between you, many obsticals can be overcome.

What did you learn while writing this book?

I learned that all relationships are very complicated - between friends, siblings, parents and children. It was very interesting for me to analyse that motivations behind the different personal conflicts in the book.

What is the hardest part about the writing business?

My natural tendency is to write when I'm in the mood, so the hardest part is being consistant and deligent in order to meet deadlines.

Do you still experience self-doubts regarding your work?

I do still experience self-doubts. Though I've published 4 books, I feel very new in the industry. I am still developing my style and, of course, I get very nervous when the reviews are about to come out.

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

I wish they would understand that it's about 80% tedious work and research, and 20% creativity. I have a full time job that is quite demanding, so I write at nights and on the weekend. That means I'm not always available for people and activities, but is the only way for me to finish my novels.

What marketing have you found that particularly works well for you?

I do a lot of community events in the Toronto area, and quite a few books signings here and other cities. I am also developing a stronger web presences by participating in on-line forums and discussions and maintaining a Facebook and Myspace account. I think this will be the most effective marketing tool going forward.

What are three things you wish you'd known before you reached where you are now?

First - the importance of a well developed outlined. Second - that writing the book is half the job, marketing is just as important. Third - I wish I knew more about the business of book sales, contract negotiations and the overall industry.

This month our theme is Agent Hunting. Do you have any advice for finding an agent?

The best advice is to really understand what it is you want from your agent, and role you expect them to play in your career. When you start reaching out to potential agents, follow their submission quidelines and only submit material that is in the best shape possible. My manuscript was finished and professionally edited when I started looking for an agent, and it definately help me secure mine faster.

Do you have any advice for the aspiring writer?

I think it's very important to understand what's going on in the genre that you are writing for such as the trends, what readers expect, what other writers are doing. You should treat your writing like a business and your books like a product, while still mainting the creative perspective.

How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)

They can visit my website -, or send me an e-mail at My mailing address is 3 Allness Road, Brampton, Ontario, Canada L7A 3N5


  1. Sophia,

    Thank you so much for your interview.

    Many blessings to you.

  2. Very nice feature, Lashaunda and her books sounds very good. I'll have to get it. 4.5 with RT is hard to come by so it must be good. Thanks, again.



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