Wednesday, July 30, 2008


T.N. Williams was born and raised in Muskegon, MI. Writing short stories and poems had been a passion from childhood, but it wasn't until graduating from Grand Valley State University with a Bachelor degree in Sociology, that she began to fully embrace that God-given gift and relate it to the diversity of people. She has received several awards for recognition from the International Society of Poets and collaborated poetic work in the published collection entitled Traces of the Infinite. Since college, T.N. uses her experience in the field of Employment Services and currently resides outside of Charlotte, NC with her three children.

Something on the Inside

On the outside, Khalil Alexander seemed like the dream husband that every black woman wanted. But on the inside, something is terribly wrong with Khalil. Something so wrong that it makes his wife, Celia, run with the children. Celia Alexander believed herself to be blessed and highly favored in the eyes of God. Her marriage was solid, her children were wonderful and her recent promotion only added to her list of proud accomplishments. Few obstacles have crossed her path. That is, until she catches her husband committing an unspeakable act.

At once, her comfortable family life is ripped apart, causing her to doubt everything that she thought mattered. Celia is determined to get justice as Khalil goes to great lengths to manipulate her into silence. With somethimes wavering faith and more drama than she thought imaginable, Celia tries to bridge the gap of confusion for her children and find a greater strength within to carry them through the storm.

What would you like your readers to take away from your book?

I want my readers to feel enlightened about the decisions people make under pressure even when they are Christians. That decisions are not always pretty, or morally acceptable, or easy. Life can't be wrapped up in an idealistic bow.

What did you learn while writing this book?

That God gave me a gift I didn’t realize I had. Writing is my self-therapy, it never dawned on me that it could be a ministry for others.

What is the hardest part about the writing business?

Like many other first time authors I learned that completely the book is only a quarter of the battle, it takes a great deal more to get published and for marketing of that book.

Do you still experience self-doubts regarding your work?

All the time now. With ‘Something On The Inside’ I was focused so I didn’t think much about any doubts, but once it got published and I started writing my second book some serious self doubt set in because I realized people were going to judge what I wrote and nobody wants their baby judged.

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

That a craft such as writing not only takes creativity, but it also requires disciple to complete a project.

What marketing have you found that particularly works well for you?

Word of mouth is still the best marketing device. I talk about my book where ever I go. I also like eTours and other internet marketing.

What are three things you wish you'd known before you reached where you are now?

I wish I had studied the publishing world and knew how that particular machine operates better than I did.

This month our theme is Agent Hunting. Do you have any advice for finding an agent?

If you don’t personally know a good agent ask other authors. There are a few books out that gives a listing of agents, but research is required in that process.

Do you have any advice for the aspiring writer?

If you believe in yourself and your craft don’t give up. Also join a critique group so others can give you feedback on your manuscript before you start submitting it and go to a few writer’s workshops if you can. Even the best author has something to learn.

How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)

I don’t have a snail mail address yet, but their is a comment section on, my email address is and my website is


  1. T.N. thank you so much for the interview. It is always a pleasure to meet new authors. Many blessings to you and your career.

  2. Very nice feature on my UC sister, TN. Thanks for highlighting her.


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