Thursday, September 25, 2008

BLOG TOUR: Joshua McClure

Joshua McClure

Genre: Christian Non Fiction

Why do you write:

I feel compelled to get God’s message out to the masses.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I never wanted to be a writer, however, I would continually wake up at 4:00am with thoughts and words forming in my mind and I recorded them on pads of paper lying by my bed. I Later I realized the words were from the Holy Spirit to be shared.

Who or what was your inspiration for writing?

My love for Christ, His church, and people

When writers block attacks, what do you do to get back on track?

I seldom have writers block because I am a recorder rather than an initiator. I feel no pressure for me to produce on my own.

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?

I am a pastor of a very active church and ministry so writing is not my primary task.

When I feel the inspiration to write I take three to five days off consecutively each month, go into seclusion and work from morning to night until I complete the book.

Your book is about to be sent into the reader world, what is one word that describes how you feel?


What do you like to do when you are not writing?

I work a lot with people, poor, homeless, needy, disadvantaged. That is my real joy.

What is something shocking or weird about you that your readers don’t know about?

What is most shocking to me is the fact that up until my late early thirties I was too shy to talk to people one on one. My high school yearbook said: “Cheerful as a bird, always seen but never heard.”

I find it astounding that by the grace of God, over the past thirty years I have stood before thousands and proclaimed the Good News of God in Christ.

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

I have written two books and I am presently working on a third. My first book “Can These Bones Live?” is my favorite probably because it was my introduction to writing. Can these bones live is the miraculous story of a God given vision to a church, people, and community. It has received great reviews. My new book “Almost Persuaded, Now to believe.” Is more comprehensive, having a workbook and teaching guide and is also downloadable as well as on Audio CD.

Do you tend to base your characters on real people or are they totally from your imagination?

Both of my books are based on real people.

Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

Do not get discouraged if your work does not find ready acceptance by a publisher. Some publishers only want books of a specific genre and subject matter, so you must keep trying until you find the right one. I look at rejections as a positive reason to move more quickly to the next publisher.

How can a reader contact you or purchase your books?


Publishers website:

Share The Vision Ministries . 31 Pleasant Street . Westerly, RI 02891 . 401-596-1923

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