Monday, September 08, 2008


Linda R. Herman is a native of South Georgia who remains an avid reader as she fulfills her dream of writing fictional stories that parallel reality.

Linda has been married for nearly ten years and together she and her husband are raising two teens and a three year old. The author works full time as an emergency 911 dispatcher in her hometown. She signed with Xpress Yourself Publishing in August 2007.

For more about Linda, visit her website at

Consequences When Love Is Blind

Life for Sade Peters is picture perfect. With a fabulous home in upscale Atlanta, Georgia, Sade is living the life most of society only read about in magazines. A successful novelist, Sade is married to the man of her dreams, Andre Peters, an equally successful sports agent. Couple that with a set of fraternal twins, and you have all the makings of the contemporary modern day Huxtables. However, what life looks like from the outside, may not necessarily match the inner workings of this household. The Down Low is a real and earth-shattering truth, and Sade's happiness abruptly ends when she is faced with this reality. Life as Sade knows it changes within the blink of an eye when she soon discovers that both she and her husband are HIV positive. Imagine walking through life in Sade's shoes. Who is to blame when faith and trust is tested tremendously?

What would you like your readers to take away from your book?

HIV/AIDS is an issue that affects every race and every class of people. Marriage, money, social status-none of those things can protect a person from contracting this deadly disease. Only by being honest with each other and ourselves first and foremost can we work towards eradicating the HIV epidemic.

What did you learn while writing this book?

I learned that African American women have the highest new cases of HIV. It is not all a result of Black men on the down low but that is one issue. I was happy to learn that the risk of an infected mother passing the virus along to her unborn child now stands at less than 2%.

What is the hardest part about the writing business?

I would have to say promoting because there is so much to learn. You have to know how to budget yourself while not only promoting your book but also promoting yourself. You have to connect with readers.

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

Even though some works of fiction parallel reality, it is not always the writer's personal story. I've been asked numerous times if Consequences is my personal story, and the answer remains, no. It is not my personal story but I take the issue personally because I'm an African American woman and that's who I see dying from this disease.

Our theme this month is Online Marketing. What online marketing have you found that particularly works well for you?

NIA Book Promotions-Dana Pittman is awesome!

EDC Creations-Ella Curry

Ebonyfly Authors-Trista Russell

Events by Especially Yours-Tamara Angela Grant

I know there are more avenues of online promoting out there but I have personal knowledge of the four above and I am NOT disappointed.

What are three things you wish you'd known before you reached where you are now?

I'd have to say promoting me as not only a writer but a person that readers can connect with. It's not just about selling books; you have to build a relationship with your reading audience.

Was there ever a time in your writing career you thought of quitting?

I am discouraged some times if I feel my book is not reaching enough people, but quitting is not an option. Never.

Do you have any advice for the aspiring writer?

I advise all aspiring writers to follow their dreams but at the same time learn the business you're getting into. It's a lot more to writing than finishing a book and sitting back collecting royalty checks. You need to know the ins and outs of the publishing industry even if you don't self publish. I'm also co-founder of ASA, Authors Supporting Authors. I want to invite all readers and aspiring authors to tune in and call into our show on Saturday, September 13, 2008, 8pm EST. We're having a question and answer segment with our guest panel, Jessica Tilles, Marie Cook, and Shani Greene-Dowdell. This is the night to ask your questions about writing and publishing!

Are you part of a writer’s organization and if you are, tell us about the benefits?

Yes, I am the co-founder of ASA, Authors Supporting Authors. We are a group of authors who truly support each other by answering questions about the industry. We also help each other by cross-promoting. One example being that I'm in South Georgia and Co-founder Tinisha Nicole Johnson is in Denver, CO. I take her material wherever I make an appearance and she does the same. Our future goals are to become more involved in the community promoting reading.

Five questions about books:

One book you’ve read more than once.

Changing Faces by Kimberla Lawson Roby

One book you couldn’t put down until you finished.

Searchable Whereabouts by Tinisha Nicole Johnson

One book that made you laugh.

In My Sister's Corner by Jessica Tilles

One book that made you cry.

Butterscotch Blues by Margaret Johnson-Hode

One book you wish you'd written.

Fly on the Wall by Trista Russell

How can readers get in contact with you?

I can be reached through my website at or by email,

Make a comment for a chance to Win a copy of this book.


  1. Nice interview with Linda. I like the questions about the books. I always like to know what books other authors enjoy.

  2. Linda,

    I feel more connected to you because of this interview. I look forward to reading Consequences When Love is Blind. Nice job!

    Rekaya Gibson, Author
    The Food Temptress

  3. Thank you Ladies for coming by! Please share with family and friends that they can win a free copy of Consequences When Love Is Blind by simply visiting the blog and leaving comments!

    Many blessings!


    P.S. Go to my website for an excerpt to Consequences.

  4. You know your novel is a success when people ask you if it's a true story. Congrats on the wonderful success and I wish you every happiness that springs from this book.


Thanks for your comment.