Monday, October 20, 2008

FEATURED AUTHOR: Michele Cameron

Michele Cameron, a native of Bridgeport Connecticut is a graduate of the Danbury High School Connecticut school system.

Cameron is a graduate of North Carolina A & T State University in Greensboro with a B.S. degree in professional writing and English Education.

Cameron’s first novel, given a 4 star rating Never Say Never was published in January, 2008 and earned her the prestigious title as being named New Face among African-American writers for the month of January by Romanceincolor.

Her highly anticipated second novel titled Moments of Clarity… has received a 5 star rating from Affaire de Coeur and will be released October 7, 2008 through Genesis-Press, Inc. Ms. Cameron’s third novel When Lightning Strikes! will be released August, 2009. Her fourth novel titled, Unclear and Present Danger will be released February 2010.

Cameron currently teaches Language Arts in Central Florida.

Moment of Clarity

You know the song, Friends… how many of us have them? That is what Sasha is asking herself. Her so called best friend, Tiara, always has to show off and be one up on her. When Sasha walked in on her boyfriend, Abdul, with another woman, Tiara wanted to take control of Sasha’s love life. Tiara’s brother, Calvin, is a trainer for the Knicks and hooked them up with treatment at the basketball game. After the game, Sasha takes a pro ball player, Sexton Johnson up on his offer to attend the official team after party and sparks fly between them.

Sasha and Sexton are together whenever he was in town. They exchange apartment keys, Sexton gives her a new car, Sasha cuts down on her work hours, and she begins to think of her life as a married woman. That is until Tiara gets jealous and concocts a plan to ruin Sasha’s life. Will Sexton and Sasha be able to fight off the evil that looms ahead?

We should all learn to take a Moment of Clarity… before making difficult life decisions.

What would you like your readers to take away from your book?

I want my readers to feel a connection as they read my novels. I want a story line that everyday women enjoy, the passion that they want, and to have the protagonist have to deal with the same issues that they have in their lives so that they feel that it's not them alone out there in a sometimes harsh world.

What did you learn while writing this book?

Women are really doing it all. Jobs, career, family and they want something relaxing that they can read and lose themselves in when they have their much needed downtime.

What is the hardest part about the writing business?

Finding the time. I'm a full time high school English teacher and that is not a nine to five job.

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

When a author is on a deadline or has a personal goal that he or she is trying to reach, allow that author to have his or her space. They're not ignoring you but there are only so many hours in a day.

Our theme this month is THE BUSINESS OF WRITING. Most new writers don’t know about the business side of writing, what advice can you offer on this important part of writing?

Get a copy of the Writer's Market from a bookstoe. You'll find what every reputable publisher is looking for.

When you send out your query letter, synopsis, or manuscript spend the extra fifty cents at the post office and do delivery confirmation so that you can track it via computer. Once your package reaches its destination, print a copy of that from your computer a put it in a file. That way you know where your work is at all times.

What are three things you wish you'd known before you reached where you are now?

That I could actually get this done. Had I known that, I would've pursued my dream sooner.

Was there ever a time in your writing career you thought of quitting?

No because first novel that I submitted, Never say Neve was picked up by my publisher Genesis Press, Inc

Do you have any advice for the aspiring writer?

Write it. The only true failure is not trying at all. Take your time and write your novel making it the best that you can make it and then send it in following to the tee the guidelines of the publisher. If you get a rejection letter and they have a common thread, for example, it's too long, take their advice and fix the problem. They've been in the business longer than you have and they know what sells.

What is the best lesson you have learnt from another writer?

Get a website and keep in touch with your readers. My website is


  1. Thank you for posting this interview with Michele Cameron I also recently listened to Michele being interviewed along with her editor on blogtalk radio.

    I read "Never Say Never" when on vacation over the summer. This was a very moving love story. It was real, not over the top, yet entertaining nevertheless. I look forward to reading more of Ms. Cameron's work.

  2. I'm sitttng at my computer and you made my day when I read your comment. Moments of Clarity... focuses on Sasha Diamond, a character from Never say Never. Once your read it, let me know what you think!

    Michele Cameron

  3. I'm glad to know about Michele Cameron and her books. I have been exposed to a whole bunch of new books and authors recently and look forward to reading each book as soon as I have the chance.
    I missed some of the information of writing going through High School, my husband is always correcting me on things I say or write wrong. I expect that has helped you out, Michele, to have that learned already. That much less edits to be done to the book once it was written.
    I'll be on the lookout for your books!
    Pam Williams
    cepjwms at yahoo dot com


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