Friday, November 07, 2008

COVER AUTHOR: Phyllis Bourne Williams

Phyllis Bourne Williams began her writing career as a crime reporter for the Ft. Wayne News-Sentinel and the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. After years of writing about cops and crime, she left reporting to pen her own tales.

Nowadays her stories are filled with heart-stopping heroes and happy endings. Phyllis is a 2001 and 2005 RWA Golden Heart finalist. When she’s not writing, she can usually be found at a make-up counter feeding her lipstick addiction. Phyllis currently resides in middle-Tennessee.

“By New Year’s Day”

The Holiday Inn

Phyllis Bourne Williams, Farrah Rochon & Stefanie Worth

Dorchester Publishing
ISBN-10: 0-8439-6157-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-8439-6157-7
October 2008

Fed up with their demanding adult children driving his exhausted wife into the ground, Devon Masters whisks her off for a romantic New Year’s weekend.

Eva is furious with her husband for dragging her a thousand miles away from their Miami home. Holidays should be spent surrounded by family.

The couple’s grudges have stacked up over the past year, and their marriage is crumbling under the strain. But as temperatures drop, the Masters’ passion heats up melting both their resentments and the sheets. Will a sexy weekend at the Holiday Inn be enough to revive their marriage before the clock strikes midnight?

Five of Phyllis' Favorites:

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Food: Pizza, pizza and more pizza

Favorite Drink: Black coffee

Favorite Movies: The Replacement Killers, The Dinner Game, The Devil Wears Prada, Finding Forrester, Roman Holiday, The Long Kiss Goodnight

Favorite TV Shows: Top Chef, Project Runway

What would you like your readers to take away from your novella?

Romance readers already understand the power of love. I hope this novella reminds them that you can’t love or take care of anyone, until you love and take care of yourself.

Eva, my heroine in “By New Year’s Day”, neglected herself over the years to focus on her children. She also unconsciously put her husband on the backburner.

As the story progresses she rediscovers herself as a woman, as well as her marriage.

What did you learn while writing this novella?

Married for nearly thirty-years, the couple in my story “talked” everyday. However, it was always about their kids, mortgage, car repairs, etc. They rarely talked to each other like they did in the early days of their marriage.

So my characters taught me that even decades-long marriages don’t run on autopilot. They still need the love, care and attention you put in during the early days.

What is the hardest part about the writing business?

Juggling the writing side (actually writing, editing, deadlines, galleys) with the business side of promotion. Writing a great book is important, but so is letting readers know it’s there.

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

It doesn’t seem like it, but writing is physically demanding. Sitting at a computer for hours on end can be tough on your neck, shoulders and back.

Our theme this month is Time Management. How do you do to manage your writing time?

I’m probably the absolute worst person to answer this question. Honestly, I’m awful at it.

My most helpful time management tool is a kitchen timer. When I’m on deadline, I alternate 30 minutes of writing with 30-minute breaks. Also, “Time to Write” by Kelly L. Stone is a great book on time management for writers.

Was there ever a time in your writing career you thought of quitting?

Occasionally, but I always end up back at my computer.

Do you have any advice for the aspiring writer?

My advice would be to write the book you’d most want to read.

What are you thankful for this year?

This and every year, I continue to be grateful for good health. My dad is 86-years-old and isn’t on any prescription medication – zero, zilch, nada. My goal is to be just like him!

Five questions about books:

One book you’ve read more than once.

“God on a Harley” by Joan Brady. It’s my absolute favorite book, and I read it at least twice a year.

One book you couldn’t put down until you finished.

“If Only You Knew” by Gwyneth Bolton. The story took me on an emotional rollercoaster, and I wasn’t getting off until I finished every word.

One book that made you laugh.

“Calamity Jayne” by Kathleen Bacus. It’s the first romance novel I’ve read that’s funnier than a joke book.

One book that made you cry.

LOL! I cry when the couple in any romance novel breaks up – even though I know they’ll eventually get back together.

One book you wish you'd written.

Hmmm… I can’t pick just one, but I feel that way anytime I read a book by Rochelle Alers, Brenda Jackson, Karen White-Owens or Adrianne Byrd.

How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)

Readers can contact me through my website, or my blog .


  1. Nice interview.
    Glad your novella is about an already married couple - would like to see more stories about married couples.I look forward to reading your book.

  2. Cool! A crime reporter sounds fascinating. Your fav. shows are definitely in my favorite list too!

    The timer idea is GREAT! I love it. Thanks for sharing about your book. :-)

  3. Nice interview. I see we share a love of reading romance. Brenda Jackson is also one of my favorites. Thanks for sharing.

    Love & Peace,

  4. Hi Vanessa, Jessica and Beverly! Thanks for stopping by!

    @ Beverly, I also love stories about married couples. Holding on to love can be just as challenging as getting together in the first place.

    @ Jessica, Before I set the timer I put drinks and snacks on my desk so I won't have an excuse to get up.

    @ Vanessa, I just finished a Brenda Jackson book!

  5. Correction, Phyllis: you're the second worst at time management. I take the prize, I'll have you know. :)

    Blue is my fave color too. Looking forward to reading The Holiday Inn!


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