Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Ex-Free: 9 Keys To Freedom After Heartbreak

Getting over your ex is exactly that and such a process requires actions beyond crying, spreading rumors, stalking, ignoring or avoiding the situation. In order to better understand how you navigate the tumultuous sea of love, these 9 Keys allow you to determine the best way for you to overcome heartbreak and make the right decision.

Once you understand what makes you happy you will know what works for you in a relationship. The information and exercises will help identify the Boat You Float on the sea of love. Upon completing this book and integrating the 9 Keys to freedom, your perception of yourself will never be the same. You will view your ex as a formerly necessary but forever finished aspect of your past. Discover and find the treasures you're truly hunting for. The 9 Keys will also give you the ability to recognize the things that you shared with your ex and the importance that those experiences will have in your future relationships.

Troy Byer, one of Hollywood's successful writers, directors, and actors has had an impressive career in the entertainment industry since the age of four when she starred in the Emmy Award-winning PBS series, Sesame Street. She later went on to star in such prime time hit television series as Dynasty and Murder One. With an unbridled passion for writing, an exceptional visual eye and a knack for storytelling, Troy went on to write and direct major theatrical films for Warner Brothers and New Line Pictures with such stars as Martin Landau and Halle Berry.

Along with her passion for film making, Troy's commitment to the study and practice of Ontology has grown and deepened over the years. As a result, Troy began participating in Transformational Programs for global organizations at the ripe age of seventeen. After years of training, and pursuing her degree in Psychobiology, Troy has had the privilege of transforming the lives of thousands as a senior leader for the global organization. Today, when not tending to her ten-year-old son, Troy continues to transform the lives of others in her private practice. In addition, Troy has the ongoing opportunity to expand on her “Freedom” book series that is designed to liberate both individuals and communities; Ex-Free being the debut of the series, Troy has now turned her extensive writing skills towards helping others.

Today Troy lives in California with her son and her romantic partner, Hans.
She accredits her transformational work to the wonderful friendship she shares with her son’s father and his fiancĂ©.

What would you like readers to take away from your book?

I would look readers to take away the realization that Freedom is truly and inside job.

Why did you choose to write this book?

There are so many people who are suffering from heartbreak. It astounds me that although science has proven that love has the same impact on our brain as cocaine, there are still no formal withdrawal or recovery programs for those suffering from heartbreak. As a result of this insight, I realized that someone needed to right a book to support those who are inflicted with heartbreak so they could better understand; their pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.

What did you learn while writing this book?

I learned that I the source of our healing would not be the result of finding the right answers. The source of our healing will be the result of being in the inquiry and asking the right questions.

What is the best lesson you have learned from another writer?

I am a big fan of Zora Neale Hurston and in spite of the fact that she is a fiction writer, I admire the level of authenticity with which she portrays her characters and tells her stories.

What is the toughest test you've faced as a writer?

Self-publishing has been very challenging. I’ve been wearing many hats from writer to messenger (delivering books). It’s all good...I’m having a blast!

What is something readers would be surprised you do?

I’m a bike fanatic! I ride my bike everywhere...most people expect me to have a fancy car and although I do...I still prefer my simple beach cruiser orange bike.

What are two things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?
1. Books don’t automatically fly off my computer screen and onto the shelves at Barnes & Nobles.
2. Writing a book is 15 % of the job. Marketing the book is the other 85%.

How do you reach new readers?

I have a weekly segment on Steve Harvey’s Morning show. I am the relationship expert on the show and that enables me to promote the book when and if the timing is appropriate.

If you could have dinner with 3 authors to talk with about their writing (living or deceased) who would you invite?

Franz Kafka, Dr. David Hawkins, Deepak Chopra

Can you give us one do and one don't for those aspiring to be a writer?

One do: DO Write. Write. Write. Write. Write anything, all the time.

One don’t: DON’T Allow procrastination to justify why you should quit and not pursue a career as a writer. I consider procrastination to be a big part of my “preliminary” writing process.

Our theme for this month is Family Literacy, what do you do to promote literacy in your family?

My son and I read books together like “Marley & Me,” “Harry Potter” etc...

How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Peace

    I think it's wonderful Miss Beyer has written a book that addresses a subject many turn away from in shame.
    Would love to review it.

    My email: purplemag at

  3. Troy wanted Dr. David Hawkins as a dinner guest. If any of your readers are interested in the works of Dr. David Hawkins and live in the San Francisco Bay Area, they are welcome at the Hawkins Study Group, Saratoga, CA and, if they are very interested, they can sign up at this other page: Hawkins Study Group, Saratoga, CA


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