Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Purposely Said – Dr. Linda F. Beed

Writing the Book

How often have you contemplated writing the next bestselling masterpiece?

Quite often the anxious desire to create a book overshadows the actual time and patience necessary to develop an impressionable product. Time is often elusive, yet without it and the application of patience during the process, writing a marketable book will never take place.

Writing is an entity unto itself. It cannot be allowed to run rampant without the appropriate measure of literary policing.

How you use time available to write is up to you. Fifteen minutes here or twenty minutes there can be as effective as two to three to four hour stretches. Again, it’s all in how you use the time.

Equally as important is the ability to exercise patience and accept sound advice throughout the developmental stage of writing the book. Steps include:

*The first draft
*Appropriate research
*Many revisions
*Submission to a critique group
*More revisions
*Proofing the work by you
*Proofing the work by someone else who is willing to provide honest feedback
*First final draft
*Selecting a professional content editor
*Note that every editor is not a fit for every project
*Several rounds of revisions with content editor
*Selecting a copy editor (same rules apply as with the content editor search)
*Several rounds of revisions
*Proofreading (by you and a professional)
*Final draft ready to be shopped to agent/editor who will represent you to publishing houses
*Final draft ready for you to submit (check submission requirements)

This not a comprehensive checklist; however, what is listed gives you an idea of what is involved with writing a book. Each item on the list demands appropriate time and the exercising of extreme patience. Patience is the virtue you will need plenty of because there is much more to come in the journey to publication.

Your manuscript may journey through various publishing houses before you receive what you have been praying for—acceptance.

You are now on your way; emphasis on the word way. Someday, way down the road, your book will be published when your publishing house deems it appropriate for release.

It could be a year or more from signing to release. This is because the publisher has a process. That process varies from company to company, but usually includes another round of editing, development of a marketing strategy and waiting for your turn in the release rotation.

These words are not to discourage you. They are to encourage you toward your admirable goal. They are to enlighten you to the fact that whether traditionally or independently published, there are no short cuts to the goal line.

For those who believe that the suggested stages are too time-consuming, check out this visual assessment on the process of writing a book:

Until next time, remember—Purposely Said words can destroy or create a life. Linda!

Dr. Linda Beed is an educator, speaker, children’s minister and author of Business Unusual. She co-moderators BWChristianLit, maintains its sister online blog and is the Review Editor for KDGospel Media Magazine.

You can find her on the web at:

lindabeed.com / MySpace / On Assignment Reviews / BWChristianLit


  1. Ms. Linda,

    This advice is right on the mark. Last night I worked on revising my first chapter. My problem has been time. I want to write, but finding the time has been hard. Last night, I picked 9pm because the kids are in bed and I have time to think. Once I let my mind flow, I remembered why I enjoyed writing.

    Thanks :)

  2. Wonderful article Linda! Always love hearing or reading your wisdom.

  3. Very nice article. I so need to work on my patience.

  4. Keep going LaShaunda. Anything worthwhile will have its challenges.


  5. Thanks Ty. Enjoying the blogtours you're sponsoring as well.


  6. Chelle applying patience to our projects is definitely a virtue and so necessary.

    Don't give up. You and others will be so blessed by the end result.


  7. Linda, as usual your words are right on target! Thanks soo much for sharing your wisdom and sound advice, its truly a blessing!

  8. Thank you for stopping by Val. The goal of this column is to be an assistance to others.


  9. Sister Linda your words do create life. Every word that leaves your mouth returns to you as a great harvest. I am always blessed by the wisdom that proceeds from your spirit.

  10. I really loved this article. Many of us feel we have a story to tell and want to write a book--all said and done. There are some of us, who are only out for the fame and money, willing to write more grimy stories and scandal to win the best-selling list. And a chosen few, who are in it because it is a ministry, or simply love to write. Find out which one you are! Thanks Linda. Yours truly, Adrienna.

  11. I am blessed by your presence Pastor Boulton. Thank you for the comments.

    You know I'm looking forward to your book release.


  12. Adrienna your words speak volumes.

    Thank you for your insight.


  13. Linda and LaShaunda;
    Thank you so much for providing such valuable information. As a self-published author I am always seeking ways to prefect my craft (at least as close as possible). This posting will certainly help me in reaching that goal.
    Iris B.

  14. We are happy to share whatever we can with others.

    Thank you for stopping by Iris.


  15. Linda I love the article; the flow and content was right on time. Many people don't understand that the actual writing is only part of the writing process. And the good news is that if you have completed your book you can use the list you provided to ensure that the process is really complete.

    from: Deanne-KDgospelMedia Magazine

  16. Deanne thank you for stopping by.

    The list is a guideline for writers to gauge their process.

    When I came into the industry I had a very vague guideline and no one to help me navigate. In time I was mentored by some very wonderful people. My goal is to give back what has been so freely given to me.


  17. Dr. Linda,
    I concur with the other comments and I add this: your honest portrayal of the writing to release process is both daunting and invigorating! I'm scared to face the obstacles but its the opportunity to overcome them that makes the journey worthwhile. Your candor, supported by your success makes your article a wonderful dose of bitter-sweet, tough love. I believe I can do it because you have blazed a path and shown me the way! Thanks,

  18. Rich thank you for your support. There were those who have gone before me and I am grateful. I do this because I feel strongly about giving back.

    In your journey toward publication I will say this, take the first step, when you do, the other foot will follow.



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