Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Theresa is an ordained elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. She serves at DuPage AME Church where she leads community expansion initiatives and serves on the board of REACH, a non-profit empowerment organization.

Theresa has a heart for helping others and giving back. She is a member of the West Towns Illinois Chapter of The Links Incorporated, where she spearheaded a project to reduce the digital divide and assisted in sending vitamins to South Africa for AIDS victims. She donates her time to Bridge Communities as a workshop facilitator for mentors. Theresa was a mentor with Big Brothers/Big Sisters for seven years. She is the Chairperson of Global Projects Help, a non-profit organization which provides counseling, resources and support to women and children in impoverished areas around the world

What would you like readers to take away from your book?

I would like readers to realize how uniquely extraordinary they are and discover that God created them for an assignment that no one can do except them. I want them to stop settling for the life they have created for themselves and begin pursuing the life God created for them.

Why did you choose to write this book?

I believe people- to some degree have lost their way. Some have forgotten the source of their strength. It seems that after 9/11, we stopped believing in ourselves. I wrote this book to remind people of the greatness that is encoded in their DNA.
What did you learn while writing this book?

I learned that inadequacy is not a bad quality. God created us to lean on Him. Thus, we are all inadequate and in this context we are all on equal footing. I also learned that I have more to say. (more books to write)

What was your favorite scene/chapter from the book?

I have three favorite chapters:

1. From Battle Lines to Battle: This is the chapter where I write about challenges and battles in life and how these battles through God’s promises, prune and prepare us for victory. This is also where I write about my two diagnoses of cancer and how God healed and restored me through these battles.

2. Face Your Giants: This is an empowering chapter. I find myself reading it often. It is inspiring and I believe it makes a clear case why it is important not to run from giants but look them in the eye, face them and deal with them.

3. Reflections of a Giant: I love this chapter because it acquaints us with the life of a giant who made a lot of bad decisions and took no action to change his/her course in life. When death came upon him/her and it was quick there was little time for reflection but just enough time to call on the name that he/she once cursed.

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

You must have dedicated time to writing. It takes discipline. Some days I was in a zone and could write all day. Some days I couldn’t write a paragraph because there were so many interruptions. If you are serious about writing, surround yourself with people who believe in your story and your talent. Allow them to be your champions and cheerleaders.

What is the best lesson you have learned from another writer?

I can save money by going on-line and getting my own Bar Code, ISBN and Copyright numbers.

What is the toughest test you've faced as a writer?

My editor told me I was using too many big words. As I began to change some of the words, I felt like I was losing my voice as a writer. I became somewhat frustrated. I experienced writer’s block for three weeks. I would look at the content, read a few chapters and – nothing. I had nothing else to add. After consistent prayer and meditation, it started flowing again and I finished the book.

What is something readers would be surprised you do?

I am a golfer wannabe. I have all the accessories of a golfer but I can’t golf. I continue to take lessons and I’m working on it.

I have an adventurous spirit. I love to try new things. I went parasailing over the Pacific Ocean and I can’t swim.

I volunteer and donate service to organizations every week.

What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?

I wished I’d known to listen to my inner voice because she has always been right.

I wished I had faced some of my giants sooner instead of letting them roam and multiply over time.

I wish I had known sooner how to invite God’s peace and assurance in my life.

How do you reach new readers?

Logistically: I reach readers primarily through the internet. Spiritually: I reach them by holding up a mirror and helping them see the greatness of God in themselves.

If you could have dinner with 3 authors to talk with about their writing (living or deceased) who would you invite and why?

Maya Angelou – I have always loved her. I have everything she has written. I met her and it took everything I had to remain somewhat composed and poised.

Langston Hughes – He really knew how to put texture on words and bring situations and characters to life.

Max Lucado – He is a great writer. He invites you to walk with Christ with him. He always has a unique approach to the Jesus’ journey. I believe he has a great heart.

Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?

Do engage others to read, proof and challenge your work. It will make it stronger and better.

Don’t give up on your dream. Give life to the message and people that need to be heard.

How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)

They can go to or email me at

Our theme for this month is Resources On The Net, what three resources do you use on the net?

I use I contact. It is a great e-marketing tool.

Google anything. Especially Google news. It is easy to access and navigate. I read it several times a day.

Smart pages for phone numbers and addresses. It’s fast. It saves time and money.

Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?

The next book will highlight people all over the country who have inspired or mentored greatness in others.

Inadequate, Unprepared But Ready

Is for people with unmet goals, unrealized dreams but remain hopeful. This book is for the “one day” people – the people who say, “One day I am going to__________”(You fill in the blank.) You are already chosen for something magnificent. Your day has come. Your time is now. The beginning of your “one day” starts today.

Inadequate, Unprepared But Ready is about discovering your potential, finding your purpose and greeting the unborn parts of yourself that no one has seen, but God knows. It is about how we lead a great life of purpose and intention in spite of obstacles and opponents. It provides skills and insight on how to satisfy the ongoing search and seemingly endless quest for something more. Throughout the book, it shows us how God takes the illogical and does the unimaginable in our life.

It is intended to make you think, thank, believe, journal, act and change. As you read each chapter, you should become reacquainted with your dreams and passions. By the time you complete the book, you should have a sense of impatience about evaluating your priorities, pursuing your purpose and realizing your potential.



  1. If you are ready to make a change in your life or ready to go to the next level of growth, power and success, this is the book for you!
    I look forward to talking with you about how you can lead your life, family, company, church or job with renewed passion and purpose.
    With many thanks and blessings,
    Theresa A. Dear

  2. I am ready to lead my family, people, company and church to the next level with renewed passion and purpose.

    Congratulations, Rev. Dear!

    Evangelist Artherrine Grimes-Hoskins

  3. Thank you Evangelist Artherrine,
    Please know that you are already chosen to do greater work.
    I appreciate your comment and pray you will be blessed by the book.
    With many thanks and blessings,
    Theresa A. Dear

  4. TD,

    As the father of your God-daughter, I am absolutely thrilled with you not only successfully meeting, but also exceeding with this major accomplishment within your moment. I remember the early days when you first called upon to give of you, participate in in the evolution of you, and prosper in the satisfaction you see in others. This book is simply another deposit in your investment build upon what God has ALREADY CHOSEN for you. Congratulations on your commitment to seeing this through. Yes, words actually do matter and your thoughtful sequence words that are manifested within this book will undoubtedly touch others who will read it. Great job! Where's my signed copy. Also, thanks in advance for the acknowledgements in the book.

    God Bless!!

    Woods Family

  5. I am so proud of this author and the content of her interview about the topic. I feel so hopeful that as many read the book they will be motivated and inspired to stepping up their role as leaders to another level.
    This book is so needed. Thanks Theresa for being an instrument of change in our families, communities, churches and personally.

    Pam Hudson

  6. Thanks for your endorsement and accolades. I am blessed with each encounter and conversation. I am know that God has already chosen our words,time and journey.
    I cherish the deposits that you make in my life. I pray that God will allow you to realize your already chosen potential for such a time as this.

    You are stronger than you think you are and certainly more resilient and more powerful! You are already chosen. You are ready to withstand and overcome these challenging times!

    With many thanks and blessings,
    Theresa A. Dear


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