Thursday, August 27, 2009

WORKSHOP:Social Networking for the Author or new Business Owner

Social Networking for the Author or new Business Owner
by Ella Curry

Social networking has created new paths to communicate and share information with people around the world. With the economy being what it is, authors and business owners need to use social media network to reach new customer. You can now reach millions with just a few hours of hard work! All business owners and authors need a strong Internet presence to spread their message to their target audience and potentially new consumers.

This audio seminar will help authors and entrepreneurs understand how to use social networks to gain new customers and how to retain old ones. Social media marketing is the process of using online communities to generate popularity, product exposure, speaking opportunities and ultimately increase sales. I will give the listener insight into how to achieve strong branding and marketing communication skills through the participation in various social media platforms. This is a 2 part audio seminar that will share tips, information, resources and a few suggested networks to utilize.

Up for Discussion

What is an author’s control center and what should be included? The author’s website is their control center. This should be your primary location to direct all readers. All of your vital information should be in one place and readers should only be directed to your most important links. Here are a few items that should be included: written excerpts, audio readings, reader’s guides, event photos, shout-outs to supporters, reviews and recent interviews, downloadable files, talking points, video media center and at least one page that has material in a copy/paste form. Readers should use all their senses except actual touch when visiting the site.

What is a hook? A "hook" is the one thing that captures the reader's attention. A hook might consist of a compelling statement, a soulful quote, a thought provoking question, a call to action, a bit of drama or controversy shared, or the resolution to a problem. The hook is the entire reason you produced the book, product or service! Your hook explains why your product or book is relevant.

What is a byline? Byline articles are an excellent way to establish ownership of articles and position you as a thought leader. The primary reason for including a byline with all written material is to gain exposure for a product or service with out blatantly pitching it to readers. Bylines should be a link back to you and your control center and not an advertisement.

Here are a few of the topics covered in the 2 seminars

Part 1—Click here to listen and learn
Creating your control center
Creating your pitch, hook and bylines
Importance of building relationships
How to add value to social networks
How to stimulate conversation with article writing
How to use audio and video to increase followers
The 4 main rules for success in social media marketing

Part 2—Click here to listen and learn
How to use Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and LinkedIn for business
Internet tools to promote your message
How to use the Internet to find target audiences
How to develop your social media strategy

Resource links for Business Owners

50 Ways to Use Social Media

How to Use Social Media to Reach New Customers

List of Top Social Media Network Sites

If the listeners have any direct questions for me, I will stop by the blog and answer questions from 9am-12 noon EST and from 8pm-11EST. If I don't have the answer, I will find the resource or expert to answer the question.

Ella Curry, president of EDC Creations Media Group


  1. Hello!
    My name is Ella Curry and I am here today to answer your questions and share more tips and advice to authors and business owners.

  2. How to prepare for an interview:

    When a host asks you to submit your information to conduct your interview, here are a few tips to set you on your way.

    1. Intimate Questions
    Go deep inside your book and come up with 5 questions that will stimulate conversation. If the interviewer has not read your book, they will not know these things. Create your questions from the book's conflicits, relationship issues, major scenes, topics relating to today's headlines, etc. You questions should NEVER include generic interview questions like, "Why did I write the book?" Interviewers are prepared to ask the industry standard questions; you need to give them something that will pop!

    2. Preparing your material.
    Please resize all digital images to a medium size unless given specific dimensions. Donot send Internet reviewers images that are 2000px wide. Unless this is a full ad and you are asked keep your images relatively small. It will save the poster time. Label all images relative to content. It is quite annoying to receive 40 interview emails and all the images are labeled "ME".

    Please prepare a "one sheeter" with all your petinent interview information. It will be greatly appreciated. This one sheeter should be in MS Word and as a pdf version. It will save you from sending 5 attachments and possibly getting your email sent to SPAM. Always include your talking points.

    3.Know your book inside out!
    Prepare to read from your book, prepare to summarize the major message in your book in less than 1 minute. Prepare to discuss issues in the headlines that relate to your book. Establish the 3 primary messages you want readers to have from your book.

    Do not ramble. Do not send people to several sites for information. Have all essential information in 2places-- your website and your author's blog. Do not gossip or buy into politics. Avoid any topics in the industry that will come back to haunt you.

    If you have direct questions, please ask them below and I will stop by to answer them.

    Ella Curry

  3. This is great information, Ella. I'm one of those who is still trying to master this social networking thing. I'm working on developing that 'one-pager'!

  4. Ella,

    Thank you so much for being a part of the conference. Excellent advice.

    I want to add to the interview.

    Don't send as a PDF, most sites cut and paste info and don't retype. Save us some time, send as a word doc or inside an email.

    Don't put your picture inside a word doc. Include as a jpg

    Don't give yes/no answers, I agree with Ella, make your answers pop.

  5. Ella, thanks for all of this information. This is great.

  6. Thank you all!

    Visitors make sure you listen to the audio portion of the seminar. I give quite a few pointers in each session.

    Part 1—Click here to listen and learn

    Creating your control center
    Creating your pitch, hook and bylines
    Importance of building relationships
    How to add value to social networks
    How to stimulate conversation with article writing
    How to use audio and video to increase followers
    The 4 main rules for success in social media marketing

    Part 2—Click here to listen and learn

    How to use Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and LinkedIn for business
    Internet tools to promote your message
    How to use the Internet to find target audiences
    How to develop your social media strategy

  7. Ella,

    As usual I am amazed. Wonderful information I hadn't even thought about. I'm printing it out to put with my conference collection of information. I know these points are priceless to all authors who want to stand out

  8. Hi Ella,

    Thank you so much for sharing all this information today. Social networking started out fun but quickly became a hardship for me as I got overwhelmed with the various sites and all. This has shown me I have been concentrating on the wrong areas. I've bookmarked this workshop. Again my thanks!


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