Thursday, October 08, 2009

Someone To Love Me Blog Tour

Meet Nicole Rouse:

Thank you so much for joining us today. Tell us about you outside of being a writer. Who closely surrounds you? Who is your support system?

Outside of being a writer, I enjoy spending time with family and close friends. They have and continue to support and encourage me as I strive to achieve my dreams.

How did you get into writing?

Although I’ve been writing since I was in elementary school, I don’t think I realized that I was a writer until college. Friends and family would ask me to help them write papers, letters, and other written documents. Then one day I read Disappearing Acts by Terri McMillan. I think I read that book in one day. The characters felt like people I knew and they dealt with issues that were real to me. I felt like I could write a story about “real” people, too. So, I went home and started writing my first novel.

Who or what inspires you to write?

Life. There are so many facets of life that can be explored and written about from different points of view. I am intrigued by relationships; what makes some successful and others fail. For this reason, I create realistic stories that explore why people react the way they do in various situations. For many of us, life is complicated. But, it is my hope that readers will not only be blessed and entertained by my stories, but that they’ll challenge themselves and open a platform for conversations to take place that will heal and/or bless others.

Tell us about your book. How did it come about? What is the concept behind it?

Someone to Love Me is a story about two people who made several bad decisions and have to deal with the consequences of their actions. Jerome Thomas and Taylor Belle were involved in a long-term affair, hurting their spouses and close friends. As readers will see through the lives of the characters, there are consequences to everything we do, good and not so good. The main characters discover that the repercussions of their decision to have an affair, not only affects them and their spouses, but it also affects everything around them– their children, family, friends, jobs, and health.

As a result of Jerome and Taylor’s affair, a child was produced. Sixteen years later, Jerome has to deal with the headstrong and defiant daughter he decided to alienate. There are several questions he has to answer and he discovers that establishing a father-daughter relationship does not come easy.

Taylor, on the other hand, finds it hard to bond with her firstborn because of guilt. She looses control of her daughter and quickly learns that she must release her burden and admit her mistakes in order to maintain a happy and healthy home.

When was this book released?

June 2009

How many books have you published? Is this your first book? If so, what was the experience like?

Someone to Love Me is my second novel and the sequel to Happily Ever Now (released in 2007). Having the opportunity to touch so many people is extremely rewarding. When I decided to write Christian fiction, it was because I wanted to create stories that would promote healthy conversations, and in some way inspire others. Many readers have shared how my first novel touched their lives, either because they shared a similar experience, or because it encouraged them to communicate better or reflect on how their lives changed as a result. The fellowship that occurred at the numerous book clubs I’ve visited have truly been a blessing. Together, the members of the book clubs and I have laughed, cried, and shared experiences that left us inspired and encouraged. It feels great to be a part of such a wonderful ministry.

What's next for you?

I am in the finishing stages of my third novel, Be Careful What You Pray For (tentatively scheduled to release in November 2010). I am also working on a play for my first novel, Happily Ever Now.

Last but certainly not least, what advice would you give an up and coming author?

Never give up! No many how many query letters you send without a favorable reply, or how many doors seem to close, continue to write and stay connected with the literary community. Being a part of a writing community very beneficial. You become exposed to so many events and opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed. You also meet different people who may be able to help you along the way. On one of my websites, I list ten great tips for new and aspiring writers in a little more detail. You can visit: for more information.

When I decided I wanted to write books, I did a lot of research. I looked for all the publishing companies that published books in my genre. I volunteered at various nonprofit organizations and local newspapers to strengthen my writing skills and gain experience. I participated in writing workshops and organizations. I also took a few college-level writing courses. All of these things have helped me during my journey. The experience and the people I interacted with along the way have all deposited something into my writing and helped to open doors that had previously been closed.

Thanks for doing the interview. We wish you much success with your book!

Someone to Love Me (June 2009, Urban Christian) shows the complexities of dealing with the after effects of an affair. The book follows the lives of Jerome Thomas and Taylor Belle, two characters introduced in Happily Ever Now (Urban Christian, 2007). Jerome Thomas has made many mistakes, but the one mistake he has the most trouble coping with is cheating on his wife. Taylor Belle has asked for God's forgiveness for her part in the affair, her marriage to a wonderful man and having four beautiful children doesn’t keep Taylor from contacting Jerome to bring closure to their past transgressions.

Someone to Love Me
Available in the Black Expressions Book Club

ISBN: 1601629923


  1. Nicole,

    Thanks for stopping by. Your subject is something a lot of families are dealing with this when it comes to having kids out of wedlock or with an affair.

    My pain is for the children. They are the ones who suffer.

    Have you heard from readers who have had to deal with this and how did they think you handle the subject in your book?

  2. I have added your book to my list in my Blackberry. I also took the time to stop by your blog. It is one that I will be bookmarking. As a member of Zeta Phi Beta, I have to say your Zeta Spotlight caught my eye and I love what Soror said about Sisterhood. I wish you continued success.

  3. I must say that I have read the book and it is a good read. Just be prepared to get mad, cry, and shocked. It is so true to life.

    Great job Nicole! I can not wait until the next book is published.

  4. Hi LaShaunda,

    Thanks so much for hosting me during this blog tour. And thanks to everyone that has supported my novels.

    Yes, I have heard from many people who deal with the issues presented in this story. There have been some very interesting conversations surrounding it as well. As you said, many times, it is the children who suffer. My prayer for this novel is that people will challenge themselves and realize how their actions can affect everything around them, and how the emotional pain can last for years.

    I am working on the third book for these characters, so readers will be able to feel and identify with this matter from Renee's point of view.

    Thanks again everyone for you continued support!


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