Thursday, December 17, 2009



Welcome to our OPEN HOUSE (9am - 5pm).

Thank you so much for stopping by today. It is a cold day outside, but I’ve turned up the heat.

Our chocolate bar includes a pitcher of cocoa, tea and coffee with lots of marshmallows and whip cream. If you need a cherry there’s a few of them too.

I’ve decided to serve my favorite Christmas cakes on the dessert bar, Red Velvet with Cream cheese frosting, Split lemon cake and my specialty Turtle cake with extra Carmel.

I know it’s early in the morning so I have a breakfast bar with a few bagels, glazed donuts and Christmas cookies if cakes are too much for you.

I’m looking forward to mingling with you all and I have a few questions each hour to break up the quietness, so pick one or all three and share your Christmas spirit.

Mingle with the other guests who drop by. Tell us how your holiday plans are going.

Listen to some music with us.

Type in Christmas Song – Select Brian McKnight

Now you’re listening to the music at our open house - Enjoy

Authors feel free to tell us about your current books. We all know books make great gifts, so tell us what we're missing.

Come on in and have some fun.

SORMAG’s Editor/Hostess

P.S. I have doorprizes every hour. You have to leave a comment to win.

4:00 pm questions:

Do you open presents on Christmas eve or Christmas day?

Favorite thing to eat on Christmas?

Worst Christmas gift ever?


First Guest Winner - Handmade Purse by Victoria Wise (SORMAG member)

Gwyneth Bolton

10:00 Winner - The MPire: Death Cometh by TL James


11:00 Winner - SORMAG Goodybag

JC Martin

12:00 Winner - The MPire: Death Cometh by TL James



  1. Good morning and thank you so much for coming to our open house.

    I’ll get the questions started by answering one. What’s your favorite book you received as a Christmas present?

    I have two I want to talk about. Waiting to Exhale was the book that kept me in bed on Christmas morning. My mother gave this to me and I refuse to get out of bed until I read it.

    My second book was a set of books that I received from my mother (she was always buying me books) The Little House on the Prairie set. My original set was destroyed in a basement flood, so my mother knew how much those books meant to me.

  2. Hey LaShaunda,

    Happy holidays! I think I grab me some treats and a nice chocolate and mint latte.

    Great questions...

    Honestly since I'm a book junkie and folks know to get me either books or gift certificates to the book store for Christmas and this has been the case since forever... I would be hard pressed to pick a favorite. LOL. So I can't answer the first question.

    I can answer the second one... My favorite Christmas smell is that wonderful pine and cinnamon smell that's everywhere... That smell and the smell of brown sugar cooking that can either be from the holiday ham or the yams... LOL.

    And my favorite thing to eat would have to be the Christmas cookies. they are literally everywhere and you can get some at each place you stop and not feel bad until the end of the day and you realize that a few cookies here and a few cookies there is actually a lot of cookies!


  3. Hey LaShaunda--

    Hmmm..I get books every Christmas, so it's hard to pick one that was my favorite. I can tell you I'm hoping my husband is putting Zadie Smith's new collection of essays under the tree year. She's amazing.

    My favorite Christmas is smell is cinammon--the way everything smells like Christmas cookies for a month makes me deliriously happy.

    And my favorite thing to eat at Christmas would have to be Christmas cookies, especially now that I have kids to help make them.

  4. Good morning to all and Happy Holidays. As usual Shaunda, you are the hostess with the mostess :)
    I've received so many books through the years, I'll just say whatever book was released during the holidays was my favorite.
    I love to give books myself as gifts. I've given tons of books introducing readers to romance novels. Dispelling the myth and getting them hooked. LOL!

    My favorite Christmas smell is when the house is filled with the various scents from my granny baking her 4-layer chocolate cake. It is also my favorite thing to eat outside of cheesecake.

  5. Ladies thanks for stopping by. I had sneak away to the real job for a moment.

    Gwyn, I love me some Christmas cookies. Looking forward to baking a few this weekend.

    Conseula, I've never heard of Zadie Smith, I'll have to check her out.

    Sean, cake baking always reminds me of my mother when she use to bake. She hasn't baked anything in years, leaves it to her daughters.

  6. Gwyn,

    Send me your address. You know I love giving prizes to my first visitor.

  7. LaShaunda--Zadie Smith's a British novelist whose first book, White Teeth, is amazing. I really like her.

  8. Hi LaShaunda,

    Hope you have a merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    I like to decorate the inside of the house for Christmas and a Christmas wreath on the front door.

    My Black Barbie and my first tape recorder were my two favorite gifts as a child.

    I can't recall not getting a toy that I wanted. I'm sure there were some but I just can't remember.

  9. Good Afternoon! Thank you for inviting me to the party.

    I usually decorate the inside of my house only except for the wreath on my front door. However, this year we did not decorate at all because we are doing a first for us-traveling. We're going home to spend Christmas with our family.

    I don't remember getting any toy as a child that has stood out in my mind all these years.

    I know I wanted a bike when I was growing up, but never got one. Because of that I can ride a bike a little and afraid to squeeze the breaks so I just put my feet down to stop.

  10. 11:00 am questions:

    You got me ready to start baking. Between your goddie bars and foodtv I gained 5 pounds just from looking.

    Do you decorate your house for Christmas (inside or outside)?
    I live in an apartment so I only get to decorate inside.

    What’s your favorite Christmas gift as a child?
    I loved my cabbage patch doll.

    What toy did you always want but never get?
    I always wanted an Easy Bake Oven. When my daughter was old enough she got a Mrs. Field's oven from me just to live out my dream.

  11. No one ever buys me books. I get give cards to book stores as gifts.

  12. Hi all! I can't believe I'm so late to the party. But hey, now that it's officially afternoon, I can eat sweets. Turtle cake, here I come!

    As literary as our household was growing up--my siblings and I have Mom to thank for our avid reading habits--I don't recall getting books for Christmas. Maybe because we got books all year round and lived in the library.

    I love decorating the whole house, inside and out, although it doesn't happen every year. Love to drive around and see others' Christmas decorations.

    My favorite Christmas gift might have been my Easy-Bake oven. I mastered cooking by lightbulb!

  13. Shelia,

    Girl I forgot about my tape recorder I got at 14. That was the beginning of my radio career. LOL

    Thanks for stopping by.

  14. JC,

    Please send me your mailing address. You're my winner.

  15. If you could kiss a person under the mistletoe, who would it be?
    It would be Henry.

    Do you have a Christmas tradition you do with your family?
    We really haven't had a tradition since my dad died. Sometimes my mom cooks...sometimes we go to my aunts...this year, it's still up in the air.

    What’s your favorite Christmas cookie? I love sugar cookies.

  16. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
    What a wonderful open house.
    I love gingerbread men and sugar cookies this time of year. If I had a mistletoe, I would kiss
    Sterling Sharpe.

    Stop by my blog and check out the new book cover. Let me know what you think. Ambrosia, my main character, is still using food to seduce men and converting them into the perfect guy - exactly what every woman needs for the holidays.

    Rekaya Gibson, Author
    The Food Temptress
    The Food Enchantress, Coming 2010

  17. I am loving this party. I am off work today so this was a great way to spend my lazy day. Reading and partying!!!

    If you could kiss a person under the mistletoe, who would it be?

    Usher(Don't tell my husband)LOL

    Do you have a Christmas tradition you do with your family?
    We buy PJ's for the kids that they get to open the night before and wear to bed. It makes for great pictures the next day.

    What’s your favorite Christmas cookie?
    Classic chocolate chip with walnuts for me!

  18. I picked Thursday because my office was having our Christmas party tomorrow so I didn't think today would be too busy. NOT

    Today everything that could go wrong at work did, and then the kids had a Christmas program today, so of course I had to go.

    It was a cute program, put me back in the Christmas spirit.

    My favorite Christmas thing to eat are the toffee cookies I make every year.

    Thanks to everyone who stopped by and sharing.

  19. Hi LaShaunda and everyone. Sorry I'm late. Home with a baby recovering from minor surgery today. He has been very clingy.

    I don't know why I can't get anyone to buy me books for Christmas or any other occasion. What is the deal with the people in my world? They keep looking at all the books I have and thinking, "She couldn't possibly need another book." But as you all know, we book junkies always want another book.

    My favorite Christmas gift was the Barbie Townhouse when I was ten. Wonderful gift from my godmother. Now I hear it's back and it's like $250 and has a toilet that flushes and flat screen t.v.s. Technology. Go Barbie.

    My favorite smell during the holidays is that of baking cookies. I bake cookies most years. Lots of them.

    LaShaunda - The Little House On The Prairie series was my absolute favorite. Wonderful books.

    Merry Christmas ladies!

  20. Hey All--I'm checking back in. And look, I won a prize! yay!

    Let's see, 4pm questions:

    Do you open presents on Christmas eve or Christmas day?
    We've started a tradition of opening the inevitable pajama gift with kids on Christmas Eve and watching Muppet Christmas Carol or Elf and preparing for Santa and then going to Mass. The rest of the gifts get opened on Christmas day.

    Favorite thing to eat on Christmas?
    I love my grandmother's cornbread dressing, but I haven't had it in years, not since I left for grad school in 1996.

    Worst Christmas gift ever?
    I can't think of any bad Christmas gifts I've received. Maybe it's because I'm pushy about what I want.

  21. Sorry I had to step away, but glad to see I won. I wanted to answer the 4p questions...

    4:00 pm questions:

    Do you open presents on Christmas eve or Christmas day?Christmas Day, except for the PJ which make Christmas day pictures look nice:)

    Favorite thing to eat on Christmas?
    Ham and Candy Yams

    Worst Christmas gift ever?
    Ugly sweater

  22. Sorry I missed your Open House -- I love to do those things and - hopefully - win a doorprize. Hope you have a Merry Christmas. I look forward to your review of my title, The Birth to Five Book.


Thanks for your comment.