Friday, January 29, 2010


Donald Welch is an accomplished singer, actor, director and producer, and writer of eighteen stage plays, two television pilots and several screenplays. He has also written for his friend, actor Will Smith, and sold him the film rights to his first novel, The Bachelorette Party. As an actor he has co-starred in an episode of The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air and Cosby. Don served as a celebrity judge for the Miss America Pageant (2000, and 2004) He divides his home between Los Angeles and Philadelphia.

How did you start out your writing career?

I would say my professional writing career began in 1988 when I wrote my very first stage play. It was called "Take It To The Lord... Or Else!" ( a gospel comedy) It went on to star and actress from the old tv sitcom, "Sanford & Son" (LaWanda Page - "aunt esther")

What was your most difficult scene to write?

Hmm that did not come until later when I wrote my first dramatic stage play script. It was called "A Change Is Gonna Come", and I needed a very believable ending and not just something to tie up loose ends. So I flew to San Juan, laid out on the beach which put me in a relaxed mood and after a while I came up with it. (the beach relaxes me and helps clear my mind of everything)

Have you had a "Wow" moment since you have been an author? What made it a "Wow" moment for you?

I think completing my first novel, The Bachelorette Party. The whole process was amazing, but it was definitely getting to see it on the bookstore shelf and the day my mother called me from Philadelphia and said it was in our local library. An amazing moment, because it was the very first library I had frequented as a child.

What did you hope to accomplish with this book?

"That it will be better than the first one. (which by the way, I feel it is.) Don't get me wrong. I'm very proud of my first novel, but I am ecstatic about "In My Sister's House".

What’s playing on your CD while you’re writing?

Early day Aretha & Dionne Warwick and instrumental jazz like Chris Botti ("thanks to Vivian Vanderwerd, a friend who turned me on to him")

What is your goal or mission as a writer?

"To educate, and entertain. May sound corny, but its my goal. Especially in telling "our stories'.

Name four websites you visit daily.

Facebook, Amazon, my own ( - because we are always doing updates) and several entertainment sites.

What are your favorite TV shows? The ones that you just can’t miss!

American Idol (my guilty pleasure), The first 48, Dateline.

Name three everyday things you wouldn’t want to live without?

My blackberry, my laptop, and TV (although it does more watching me than I it)

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

The dedication and concentration it requires.

What was the best advice you’d ever gotten about the publishing industry?

The worst? "The best would be, like everything else, "Always remember at the end of the day, its still in the "numbers".. And the worst? "Always remember, at the end of the day, its still in the "numbers". lol

Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?

The "do" would be to just "write!" and the don't would be , Never let anyone tell you about your style. If it works for you, stick with it.

What is something readers would be surprised you do?

That I have had a very successful nightclub singing career, which I plan on getting back to one day and that I love celeb autobiographies and books on Old Black Hollywood. Especially the books by one of my favorite writers, Donald Bogle.

Our theme for this month is Family Literacy, what do you do to promote literacy in your family?

Make them buy my books! lol Just kidding. I try to encourage them to read more because everyone seems to be so busy to pick up a book. Everything is so quick these days. I have some family members that probably have not read a book since they were in school, and to me that's sad.

Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?

"The working title of my 3rd novel is "Running In Heels". Its about an on air entertainment personality that gets caught up in a sensationalized story, and becomes "the story" herself. (of course there is so much more to it than that... but i'll leave it for the book...)

How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)

My website is: or they can request me as friend on FB. I am still on Myspace, but do people still go to that?

In My Sister's House

Meet Skylar Morrison-owner of Philly's hottest nightclub, Legends - and her beleaguered twin sister Storm, fresh out of prison and intent on cashing in her stake in the club. These twins couldn't be more different (and their extended Legends family more outrageous) and in this page-turner, they'll keep you on the edge of your seat until the last sentence. "In My Sister's House" is the story of two sisters-near strangers-who must relearn the meaning of love, trust and solidarity.

Leave a question for Donald for a chance to win a copy of In My Sister's House.


  1. Donald,

    Thanks for being our featured author today. Sounds like you have an interesting life.

    Much success to you and your writing.

  2. Thanks LaShaunda for asking me to be a part of your wonderful journey on Sormag... i look forward to any questions your readers may have...Much Love, DonB...

  3. Don B. Welch is the man!!!!!!

  4. Don B. Welch, I am so proud of you. You are doing it!!!!!

  5. Don, you are an amazing talent. I'm blessed that you allow me to ride along as a passenger in your journey. I'm sure this is a juicy one and I can't wait to read it. Stay blessed!


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