Friday, February 19, 2010

FEATURED AUTHOR: Michelle Sutton

Michelle Sutton is known as the Edgy Inspirational Author. She is a member of ACFW, a social worker by trade, and a prolific reader/book reviewer/blogger the rest of the time. She has eleven contracted novels, four of which are currently available. She he lives in Arizona with her husband of nineteen years and her two teenaged sons. Michelle is also the author of It's Not about Me (2008) and It's Not About Him (Sheaf House 2009).

How did you start out your writing career?

I loved to read so I decided one day to try to write a romance novel myself. It wasn't that good, but I didn't know how to write yet. However, the cool thing is the very first book I wrote (I've written about 15 since) is the book I am sharing today. It's been overhauled from it's original form to make it a good book. I think it's been rewritten about 40 times. :)

What was your most difficult scene to write?

In this book? I can't really think of any. I enjoyed the whole thing.

Have you had a "Wow" moment since you have been an author? What made it a "Wow" moment for you?

That would be how much money you have to pay out for postage and other things to mail out books to reviewers and promote your books.

What did you hope to accomplish with this book?

I want to provide an entertaining, funny, sexy story that will resonate with readers and make them think.

What’s playing on your CD while you’re writing?

Absolutely nothing. However, I can usually hear my son practicing his saxophone in the background. Nice.

If you could choose to be a superhero for a day, who would you pick and why?

Probably Wonder Woman because she's got a nice figure and I don't, LOL! Though my hubby would disagree. Thank God for men who love their wives just the way they are. I like Linda Carter, too.

If you could be on a Reality TV show, which one would it be and why?

Maybe the Biggest Loser because I'd be forced to exercise more and eat less.

What is the neatest place you have ever visited so far and why?

I really enjoyed San Diego. I also enjoyed visiting Boston. I just like site seeing.

If you had $100.00 and had to spend it today, what would you buy? Why?

I'd probably give it to one of my kids. But if I had to spend it on me I'd get some coffee and good books.

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

That I didn't buy my PT Cruiser with my royalty checks. That CRACKS me up when people think I'm rich. Soooo not true.

What was the best advice you’d ever gotten about the publishing industry? The worst?

Market, make friends, and have a unique product (edgy Christian fiction) so people will know who you are. They can't love your books if they never read them because they've never heard of you.

Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?

Don't try to sell your books too fast. Do keep writing and trying until something sells.

What is something readers would be surprised you do?

I used to sing in a worship band. I still sing in the shower and when I'm driving. No gigs lately though.

Our theme for this month is Writing The Book. What advice do you have for staying motivated to complete the book?

Write about something you are passionate about and it will flow right out of you.

Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?

The next book I have releasing from Desert Breeze is called In Plain Sight. It's about a Macedonian woman who was essentially held hostage from ages 15 to 21 by her abusive gypsy boyfriend. When he leaves on the streets of Skopje for dead, she survives and makes her way back home to her parents. Her brother has several businesses in Arizona so she goes to stay with him to get away from her old life. But after being in the USA only two weeks she already meets another man who has evil motives like her gypsy ex-boyfriend. She also has a nice boss who would never hurt her, but she avoids him because he is so nice and her past is something that she is sure he wouldn't understand. So she has to choose to either follow what she has always known (and hated) or risk trusting someone new (and good) and learning to love again. It's a story about changing your perception of yourself in response to unconditional love. Old patterns of behavior can be broken.

How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website), or

First Impressions

Sammie Carpenter understands how a uniform influences behavior. Wearing her Army fatigues puts her in the mindset of a soldier and donning her Class-A Uniform always helps her shift into Captain Mode. So what harm could come from her dressing like a saloon girl and strutting through the streets of Tombstone? She didn't know how to flirt to save her life, and she wasn't getting any younger.

When she met the lonesome stud cowboy, Jimmy, she knew he was the one. So why was their communication always so awkward? Couldn't he see that she was interested in him? No matter how hard she tried to win him over, she couldn't seem to get him to see past his first impression of her. But Sammie didn't give up easily. Somehow she would make him see that they were meant to be together, but how can she do that when all of her plans keep falling apart?


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  1. Ah, Michelle, the postage was definitely a "WOW! for me too, because it's not just postage, it's envelopes and labels. Egads!

  2. FUN INTERVIEW! Definately off the beaten track and I found myself reading it all the way through, (something I don't normally do. :) Please enter me, I haven't had the chance to try Michelle's work, but I am DYING to!!


  3. Hey, Michelle! Great interview. You amaze me how you can write so many books, hold a job, and have two teenagers in the mix. Love the cover of First Impressions! Please enter me, I know I'd enjoy this book.


  4. Michelle I find you everywhere, I would love to win this book, I found this blog on facebook where you had it listed.

    May God bless


  5. Great interview! Loved the super hero question.LOL

    Michelle, I loved your first book, It's Not About Me, and First Impressions looks sooo good. Please enter me in;)
    Love Ya,

  6. Hey Michelle, I can't wait to read First Impressions!


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