Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Take Off the Mask Blog Tour with Sonya Visor

Take Off the Mask Blog Tour

Who I’ve Become is NOT who I AM, is Sonya Visor’s first non-fiction book. Her passion is to minister to the people who hide behind masks. Sonya’s calling is to break and destroy the yokes of bondage, releasing the power of God into the lives of others by the preached Word and prayers of deliverance. When you can find the strength, to step into who you truly are; you can find the strength to BE THE (Tru U). TruU Ministries is the women’s ministry that God has charged her with to help other’s become free.

Sonya shares her heart with her husband, Pastor Tony Visor, who she calls her better half, for nineteen years. She and her husband have ministered effectively in the city of Racine together at NCC since 1999. Sonya is blessed to love two sons, Jason and Tony, Jr. Visit her online at

Sonya, tell us about yourself.

I am a people-person who loves to see people embrace the essence of who they are!
Sonya Visor is a woman who is passionate about seeing hurting women and men be healed by helping them to take off the mask. She is a co-pastor, inspirational speaker, author, playwright, and founder of TruU Ministries.

Tell us about Who I’ve Become is NOT Who I Am.

This book starts off by telling the reader how I lived a life of secrets and hid the person that I truly was due to sexual abuse. This book is not a testimonial alone; it deals with getting to the core of who are you when nobody’s looking? I talk about masking because that’s what I did and how I almost took my own life because I was afraid to show my wounds. I covered up Sonya but I was bleeding internally until I could no longer hide the sins of my past behind a mask.

Some of my readers will nod their head, laugh and maybe get mad after taking in some of the pages. There are so many women who have come forth, finding courage, after reading the first part of my story. My favorite chapter talks about the Bethany’s we walk pass each day.

When did you begin to realize you liked to write? Was this book your first experience with writing a manuscript?

I have always loved to write or tell a story but I didn’t get serious until the last five years. The Check for $3.96 was my first published work included in Blended Families, an anthology compiled and edited by Valerie Coleman, Pen of the Writer Publishing Co.

Sometimes we receive healing through our writing. Was this your experience?

Oh my goodness, yes! The first couple of chapters of the book had me going deep to those places tucked down in my soul. I shed tears as I reached within to capture the scenes about what I had lived through. It was Marilynn Griffith, a national best-selling author, who encouraged me by telling me I was barely scratching the surface with my draft in 2006. As you can see it took a moment to get to this point – just three years LOL! But, in two weeks time, when I was ready to take off the mask, I wrote a chapter a day at the end of 2008. It was truly a healing to me.

What do you hope readers will learn/discover from reading Who I’ve Become is NOT Who I Am?

I don’t believe that God gave me a message to put myself out there like I have without it being a tool to help someone else find courage to break silence.

I hope that readers would look at where they are in life and evaluate the questions, who have I become? What am I masking? Whether the reader is someone who has low self- esteem, been through divorce, endured sexual or physical abuse; it is time to uncover issues and deal with them. Looking at “it” not sweeping it under the rug is the way to become the true you.

Where can readers order your book online?

Who I’ve Become is NOT Who I Am is available on

About the Book

Who are you when nobody’s looking? It’s time to take off what hides who you truly are…the mask! Are you tired of going around family, friends and church folk with a frozen smile and a broken heart? Unmask your true identity and learn your real name as pastor’s wife and playwright Sonya Visor cuts to the heart with dynamic testimony of sexual molestation at a young age.

BEING SILENT GAVE POWER to the hands that touched her life. Can hands meant to protect you also have the power to crush your identity? YES! But when we stop allowing a mask of shame to hold us captive with CLOSED mouths, WE CAN let Jesus be real in our lives.

Discover who you have become and embrace who you really are in a book that goes past the pews and what other’s think about you — to bring glory to God by being transparent and transformed. It’s time to take off your mask and let the true you show up!

How to Stop Masking

View the blog tour schedule and read an excerpt at


  1. LaShaunda, thank you for participating in the TAKE OFF THE MASK Blog Tour! You have a great site here, full of some heavy hitters. I am blessed to be apart of SORMAG today, just simply amongst alot of GREAT authors. Thanks, again!

  2. Sonya,

    Thank you so much for stopping by today. Congrats on your new book.

    I watched the movie Precious last night. Have you seen it and what is your opinion on the movie?

  3. OMGoodness LaShaunda! I thought the first part of my book was raw until I saw Precious...! The director really had the audience see the evidence of what a person can go through from dealing with sexual abuse. This was an extreme case and I must be honest...I probably couldn't watch it again. My events were minor in comparison, nothing like Precious's life. But you still are scarred.

  4. I honestly didn't want to see this movie, because I thought it would be too raw.

    I watched it with my 12yrold and I'm glad I did. It was a good way to open dialogue about sexual abuse. Something most families don't talk about, but have experienced.

    Thank you for sharing your story and may it help someone.

  5. I'm behind on movies, so I still need to see "Precious."

    LaShaunda, thanks for the warm welcome and for hosting Sonya Visor today for the Take Off the Mask Blog Tour.


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