Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Amazing Grace Blog Tour with Donna M. Watford

Donna Michele Watford, RN was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She has degrees in Sociology and Health Studies; and currently attends Drexel University Graduate School. She’s married and resides in the Metro Atlanta area.

Donna realized a void in her life after the loss of her mother; it was then she asked God’s permission to share her experiences to offer others encouragement. Embarking on a new journey involving a closer walk with Jesus the Christ, she now shares her journey with Him through writing poems, songs and books. Donna’s goal is to first and foremost give God glory, provide hope in the face of despair, and be encouraging.

Tell us about Amazing Grace: A Tribute to You, The Story of Us.

Amazing Grace: A Tribute to You, The Story of Us is my testimony to a dying world of a faithful God. It is a heartfelt memoir of extraordinary relationships between the author and her mother and their relationship to Jesus. It's a spiritual journey; the conclusion is peace, be still. A journey anointed with the potential to revolutionize the thoughts of mankind. This inspirational book focuses on social challenges including senseless killings and substance abuse. It has a subtle political twist that considers the sacrifices of Martin Luther King; unforgettable change. Their time together echoes the sentiments of President Barack Obama by depicting the effects from helping; circumstances change. A story offering the only love capable to change lives: John 3:16.

How did you come up with ideas for this book?

After the loss of my mother in December 2006, I asked God if I could tell our story; it was then revealed to me that I was in the Will of God. He told the story of my life in a perspective I’d never noticed or imagined. This is a story that written before the beginning of time; a blessing for me, and hopefully for others. God.
Did you have to do quite a bit of research for your book?

This is my memoir. I did spend time researching how to put together an appropriate manuscript.

What do you hope readers will learn/discover from reading Amazing Grace: A Tribute to You, The Story of Us.

John 3: 16. The path is made straight thru God. The journey is always for Jesus. If you get nothing else from my story; it is my desire for those walking in darkness to see the marvelous light: “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Okay, a not-so-fun question. How important are reviews to you as a writer?

Everyone wants a good review and that would include me, but I’m in it for the results. Souls flocking to the Kingdom. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world.” As I took a hit from the enemy; because of Jesus, I stand on a firm foundation. I’ve returned to the fight armed with the Word of God; steadfast and unmovable. The reviews I write for will be provided by the multitudes; men, women, boy and girl saying, “I read your story: it inspired, encouraged, empowered, and I said yes to Jesus.” For then, the review I long for will be heard as: job well done servant.

About the Book

Amazing Grace: A Tribute to You, The Story of Us is the author’s memoir. It’s a spiritual journey of a mother and daughter; the conclusion is peace, be still. A journey anointed with the potential to revolutionize the thoughts of mankind. This inspirational book focuses on social challenges including senseless killings and substance abuse. It has a subtle political twist that considers the sacrifices of Martin Luther King; unforgettable change. Their time together echoes the sentiments of President Barack Obama by depicting the effects from helping; circumstances change. A story offering the only love capable to change lives: John 3:16.
Amazing Grace: A Tribute to You, The Story of Us is available online at The book will be available on other online bookstores and in bookstores located in the US and UK June 2010.

A Message from Donna

CREDIT: “Amazing Grace” is sung by Hazel Miller.

View the blog tour schedule and read an excerpt at

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  1. Donna,

    Thanks so much for stopping by on your tour.

    Much success to you.

  2. Thanks, LaShaunda. I am very grateful for this opportunity. Thank you!

  3. Thank you, LaShaunda, for hosting Donna M. Watford on SORMAG today.


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