Monday, May 17, 2010


Teresa Seals was born in Saint Louis, Missouri to high school sweethearts. Her parents knew the reality of struggle and together they were determined to see their only child strive for excellence. Through their hard work and determination, they guided Teresa on the path, which could only lead to success. Influences by peer pressure, Teresa became fascinated by the street life and switched paths. Caught up in the life, Teresa soon found out that nothing could substitute a sense of direction, especially when given the opportunity to reconsider your choices. Instead of being intimated by fears that she blamed on circumstance, Teresa found new desires through writing and, ultimately self-published her first novel, Taylor Made.

Strength, self-confidence and determination helped this mother of five pick up the pieces. Teresa put all of her inadequacies on the shelf and began to take a journey on a new path. Using her disappointments and setbacks as stepping stones, Teresa mentally prepared herself for future victories. Realizing that failure is simply staying down when you stumble or trip, Teresa’s style of writing materialized. With perseverance and self-reliance, Teresa obtained her Bachelor's degree in Business Administration in 2003 and later received her Master's in 2007.

How did you start out your writing career?

My little cousin was murdered during her sophomore year of high school. At fifteen she lost her life and at fifteen my life had just begun. When I looked back on my life I felt as though God had spared me and I felt that with this alone I had a story to tell.

What did you learn while writing this book?

While writing this book I learned about the process which comes after completing the story. These things which I learned all involve publishing process. I can compare this to giving birth, from the conception of the story to the birth of the novel.

Have you had a "Wow" moment since you have been an author? What made it a "Wow" moment for you?

Right now all my moments are “Wow” moments. I say that because I am still learning. But my first “Wow” moment is when I received the copy of my first novel, Taylor Made, I was so happy that I couldn’t believe that those typed papers was actually a book.

What did you hope to accomplish with this book?

With this book I hope to accomplish as with any other book is to become a national best selling author as well as those that read it understands that your body is a temple not a door knob.

What type of marketing has worked well for you? Word of mouth is the best thing going for me now.

If you had the opportunity to talk with three writers, who would you choose and why?

Langston Hughes is first on my list. I would like to personal hear of his challenges, struggles, and how he felt towards the racial stereotypes. Then there would be Zora Neale Hurston. She experienced a couple of challenges in her personal life from relationships to a scandal. I would like to hear about how she coped with everything along with the racial struggles. I chose these two because of the gender difference and with a few obstacles authors face today I know it was more difficult during their time. I would like to know what motivated them to press forward. Of course, there is Maya Angelou just because of who she is.

What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?

How the critics feel about the urban fiction genre, the publishing process, and the energy that goes into promotion.

If you are mother, what is your favorite Mother’s Day moment?

My oldest child will be 20 this June so I have had some of the best hand crafted gifts one could imagine, but my favorite Mother’s Day moment was when I purchased my grandmother a stainless steel stove and refrigerator. When the man told her she had a deliver she told him he was at the wrong house because she had not made that type of purchase. I was so glad that the delivery man was persistent because she was not let him in.

If you could visit any place in the world where would you travel to?

I would like to visit Iceland and when I get there I can tell you why I wanted to visit.

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

This entire process takes time and dedication.

What was the best advice you’d ever gotten about the publishing industry? The worst?

It’s just like high school stay away from the gossipers!! I can’t say I have gotten some worst advice but useful information… know that everyone doesn’t want you to succeed.

Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?

Do let biased people review your work.

Don’t let friends and family tell you, “This is the best story I’ve every read!”

What is something readers would be surprised you do?

I wasn’t going to share this but I have gotten to a place where I love me. With that said I know that there is only one judgment that matters and HE already knows. So here it goes…when I get into deep thought and worried about an issue I suck my thumb...WOW

Our theme for this month is BOOK READERS. Name your top five favorite books of all time.

The Coldest Winter Ever by Sister Souljah

Taylor Made By Teresa Seals

Do You by Russell Simmons

These were the first two books that I read that introduced me to the genre in which I write.

Gangsta by K’wan

A Hustler’s Wife by Nikki Turner

Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?

Tales From the Lou

Wanna know how we do it right therre? Well follow me to the city where decisions, deception, and dedication can deliberately lead to someone’s demise. A place where a long shot triggered by loyalty, liberation and love can make you create life, lose life or be facing life.

I welcome you to the LOU.

We can agree to disagree that no city or hood is any different from the other. It would only fall on the deaf ears of those playing the game of Get In Where You Fit In. Vultures only motivated by the type of hunger where if you can’t respect the grind, you can’t respect the mind.

Take a journey with those Tattooed Souls that are So St. Louis. Although they Neva Saw It Coming, they make sure to get it in By Any Means Necessary.

How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)
Teresa Seals
P.O. Box 6227
St. Louis, MO 63115

Washed Up

From big wheels to high heels Asia and Shante are the best of friends. Secrets, provocative trends and life changing events become the inspiration of Washed Up, their joint venture and the hottest clothing line in the Midwest. Looking at their hard knock life in the rearview mirror, together they are not going to stop until they reach the top.

Asia is on a mission to be the leading lady in every baller’s life that crosses her path. When a list she’s been keeping of her sexual conquests fall into the wrong hands will Asia pay dearly?

Classy and full of style, maintaining her rank as a five star chic, is one thing Shante takes pride in. Will she stop at nothing to maintain that spot even if it means using treachery with truth?

Deception is just as harmful as a deadly drug. An overdose of love, lies and secrets has a great expense and the ultimate price to pay can be death. Can either woman escape the devastating consequences of their actions? Someone is about to learn that telling secrets will leave you with the feeling of being Washed UP!

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