Thursday, May 06, 2010

Love Found Me Blog Tour with Vanessa Richardson

"When a man’s ways please the LORD, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him." (Proverbs 16:7)

Vanessa Richardson is an author, poet, and playwright. Vanessa has written several stage productions and have been blessed to perform them at various venues. Her stage productions includes: Someone To Love Me, Why Do Bad Things Happens To Good People?, Lord, I Don’t Understand, and The Fullness Of Time.

Vanessa wrote her freshman nonfiction inspirational novel titled, The Certain Ones. A spiritual impacting novel that inspires her readers to know that not everyone are called into greatness. Fact: Many can not handle the process that goes along with becoming great. Only the certain ones, who endures; can obtain destined greatness. She is currently working on the second installment of her, Inspirational Suspense Love Series titled, Love Lifted Me. Visit Vanessa online at

Vanessa, tell us about Love Found Me.

Love Found Me, is an inspirational suspense guaranteed to have readers guessing “who is who” as well as rooting for our hero and heroine to overcoming evil forces threatening their newly established relationship. Love Found Me, is wonderful story of unexpected love found (love of self, family, friends, and God) at the right time.

How did you come up with ideas for this book?

I did not prepare an outline for Love Found Me. The characters basically wrote themselves. I merely listened to the story they wanted to share with the world and scribed it as best as they wanted it told. I enjoyed the adventure they took me on. Some parts were more endearing than others, and at moments had me choking back tears.

Who are your main character(s)?

My main characters are women’s health advocate Sheila Lawson and Mike Montgomery. Sheila was not surrounded by loving family and friends. So it is hard to love or show love. Mike grew up in a loving family; he even married his high school love. Until an unexpected tragedy occur. Sheila and Michael both have past hurts; will there be a future for them or relationship?

Did you have a favorite character(s)? Who and why?

I would have to say all the characters are intriguing to me. I never knew what to expect from them. But the one most enduring is the child- character (I say not reveal who she is) has to be the most heart- touching for me.

Did you have to do quite a bit of research for this novel?

I did some research on domestic abuse. I was surprise upon reading what makes a woman return to their abuser. On the other hand--I was delighted to discover that there is help and support out there; for those who are seeking shelter from an abuser. The right step is to make “the step” get help, please. You are worth it.

What do you hope readers will learn/discover from reading Love Found Me?

I want readers to take away from Love Found Me, is to love is to love yourself. Love is beautiful and comes in all shapes, sizes, and different ways. That the love of God; is a powerful reality and is the solution to anyone problems.

Okay, a not-so-fun question. How important are reviews to you as a writer?

I know reviews have its place in the literary world. I think reviews can be quite helpful and enlightening. I do not mind constructive reviews; but to attack the author is a bit extreme. I have not experienced this, but know other author’s who have. I admire their tenacity to continue on, donning their thick skin. Remember reviews are opinions and we all have one. Smile.

About the Book

Mike Montgomery once lived the American dream. Gainfully employed, beautiful home, and a wonderful loving wife. Growing up in a loving family whose faith was unbreakable was his source of strength. Mike’s faith would one day be shaken after losing the love of his life in an unexpected tragedy. Mike thought he would never love again until he meets Sheila Lawson. Everything about Sheila made him want to love again. Could he risk his heart again?

Sheila Lawson, a woman’s health advocate was strong and independent, yet something was missing in her life. Immersing herself in her work, she vowed off any relationships. Sheila would find her self-made decree shaken when she meets tall, dark, and handsome Mike Montgomery. There is an evil lurking in the shadows. Mike and Sheila will have to unite to overcome evil forces trying to keep them apart. Will their love be enough to see them through the testing of their faith?

Book Trailer

View the blog tour schedule and read an excerpt at

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  1. Vanessa,

    Thank you for stopping by SORMAG.

    Much success to you.

  2. LaShaunda,

    My pleasure! Thanks for hosting me!


  3. Congrats V, blessings and greatness for you.



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