Thursday, May 26, 2011

Featured Author: Danyelle Scroggins

Danyelle Scroggins is the founder of Danyelle Scroggins Ministries and co-founder of New Vessels Ministries founded by herself and spouse Pastor Reynard Carter Scroggins in Shreveport, Louisiana. She is a pastor, teacher, motivational speaker, author, mother, daughter, and lover of God's people. She is the spiritual daughter of the one and only, Pastor Tommy Nard, Sr. who is the esteemed pastor of the Word of Deliverance Family Life Church.

Danyelle Scroggins is the author of Not Until You're Ready and The Power of Pain. Her newest release His Mistress or God's Daughter?, will not only shake the atmosphere, but cause God's daughters to become fully aware of who they are. She is preparing for the release of her first Christian fiction novel, Destiny's Decision.

She attended the Louisiana Baptist Theology University and is presently attending the University of Phoenix where she is pursuing a degree in Counseling. Danyelle resides in Shreveport, LA with her husband and five children-two daughters and one son by birth, and two sons by marriage. Connect with Danyelle online at

How did you start out your writing career?

I started my writing career at home at my kitchen table after having heard God's voice. I had gone through so much in unmerited relationships and after He delivered me, He ushered my heart to healing through writing.

What did you learn while writing this book?

With every book that I write, I am constantly going back to the Word of God. I take scriptures from every version of the Bible and I relay back and forward. I also researched the effects of adulterous relationships through various media sources.

What did you hope to accomplish with this book?

I first wanted women to truly understand and know their worth as God's Daughters. You can never value anything until you understand its' worth. I prayed that they would see themselves through the eyes of God, and neglect satisfying their flesh and man.

Which character did you have the most fun writing about?

I really enjoyed writing about Mandery in this book. When I tell you the Holy Spirit birth his story right in the midst of me writing His Mistress or God's Daughter?. I liked showing just how men fall into the traps of the enemy and end up pursuing extra marital affairs based on assumptions.

What has surprised you most about becoming a published author?

What has surprised me the most is how hard it is to get your name out there. People buy books based upon your name and when they have not heard of you, it is harder to get the sales you desire.

What aspect of writing do you love the best, and which do you hate the most?

I love being able to create straight from God's whispers, to my ears, and into your heart. The only thing that I dislike, because hate is too strong of a word, is having such a hard time getting the buzz you need in order to sell your books.

What are three things you wish you'd known before you reached where you are now?

I wished I would have known how to market and particular marketing strategies.

I wished I would have known that self-publishing was always the best way to go and you have the right promotions.

I also wish I would have known to stay away from places like Publish America and publishing houses like them that produce your book but have no intentions on truly getting it in the hands of people and paying you.

Can you give us one do and one don't for those aspiring to be a writer?

The one do is keep writing. No matter how many traditional publishing houses turn your down, don't stop writing. The one don't is don't sign any contracts unless you have an attorney to overlook them. You never want to give your rights away as an author.

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

That authors just don't create books to say, "I wrote a book". They spend their time, efforts, and money to create books that will either entertain or educate you, the reader.

If you could be a character from any book you've read, who would you be?

I would not call him a character but I would be Paul from the Bible. I would like to be that Christian who understands completely that God is in control and because of this, be content in whatever state that I am in.

When you're not writing, what do you like to do in your spare time?

In my spare time I am reading. I buy books like I buy household goods. There's nothing like reading and I do be that reading is essential. In order to be a good writer, I believe you need to be a good reader.

What do you do to interact with your readers?

I open the doors to my online home for them to see into my life. I also send out a monthly newsletter in which I pour out of my heart and soul.

Oprah always asks, What do you know for sure?

I know that Jesus died for me on Calvary's cross and rose again with all powers in His hands. He ushers us into the knowledge of His saving grace and it is the existence of this Grace that gives me the opportunity to live the story I write.

Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?

My next book is my first Christian fiction entitled "Destiny's Decision". Destiny is a young one who is struggling with the huge decision of becoming a wife. Although there are women all over the world desiring to be a wife, there are also some sisters who dread having to be committed to a mate like that. When this Christian, educated, business owner finds herself face to face with the man she would dream of calling her own, she realizes that her fear of commitment is the only thing that separates them. Destiny is then faced with the decision that was either her worst decision or her destiny's decision.

How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)

Readers can always email me at My web address is You can also find out about me by going to

His Mistress or God's Daughter?

Accept...appreciate...and acknowledge that you are one of God's greatest accomplishments!

Accepting who you are as one of God's Daughters will prevent you from faltering and becoming His Mistress. In His Mistress or God's Daughter?, Danyelle Scroggins explains how awesome it is to be one of God's very own daughters and how He is the only source we should look to in times of need. It is this trust in God that causes His Daughters to accept who God has for them concerning relationships.

Be prepared for a complete restoration of self-pride and a complete transformation from selfish-pride! This book will change your heart, mind, and position.

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