Friday, November 18, 2011

FEATURED AUTHOR: Cindy Huefner Cromer

Cindy Huefner Cromer, formally a New Jersey resident, now resides in Stuart, Florida, with her husband, son, and daughter. Cindy works as a laboratory scientist and executive. As the president of a laboratory network, she has written numerous laboratory procedures and research documents. Driven by a passion for suspense and mystery novels, she dreamed of becoming a writer. Her dream turned into reality with the release of her debut suspense novel, Desperate Measures. She is currently working on her second novel, Desperate Deceptions. Plots are in place for her third and fourth books.

How did you start out your writing career?

I’m sure this isn’t the answer you’re looking for but my first publication was as co-author of a Bitter Intensity Study when I worked as a research chemist in the citrus industry. Pertaining to the novel I have written, I will have to take you back to my teenage years. When I was in eighth grade, I wrote a descriptive essay. On my way to basketball practice one day, I saw my father come out of the Principal’s office. I immediately became nervous and thought I had gotten into trouble, for what I had no idea. My father informed me that that my essay was written so well that I had been placed in the honors English and Literature classes. You may ask if this bit of my history has anything to do with where I am today. The answer is yes and no. At that time I had plans of grandeur and envisioned myself as a bestselling author, but also wanted to be a professional woman’s basketball player. Hey, I was only a teenager, had big dreams. Back to the point I focused on my favorite subject in school, science and earned my degrees in chemistry and biology in college. Through the many technical papers, contracts, and invaluable experience in my career, I’ve come full circle, realized my dream, and have begun my writing career.

What did you learn while writing this book?

To be patient and not give up.

What did you hope to accomplish with this book?

To have the readers guessing, anxiously flipping the pages to find out who the villain is and the motive. From the reviews posted on Amazon and my publishers website,, it appears that I accomplished my goal. These words are a dream come true.

Which character did you have the most fun writing about?

Barry Solerno without a doubt and he's my favorite character. When I'm asked this question, most expect me to respond with Caitlin the main character. I'll explain why I am partial to Barry. I reached an impasse when righting Desperate Measures at around 12,000 words, all of you writers know how important that work count ticker is. I had the plot and ending set but realized I needed something or someone to add and bring it all together and thus Barry was born. I'm particularly proud of how I introduced him them peeled away the layers and revealed to the readers what makes him tick. One of my favorite scenes is when that first layer is pulled away. I read it over and over sometimes when the dreaded writers block sets in. Those who have read Desperate Measures, any guess to which scene I am referring to?

I also had a lot fun writing about Tomas Medina, FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge.  He has some light comedy scenes and at times found myself laughing hysterically when writing about him.

What has surprised you most about becoming a published author?

The fabulous reviews I have received so far! As a new author with a debut novel, I honestly expected some comments such as, "Good plot but the writing was immature, could tell it was the author's first book." I never expected all five stars so soon!
What aspect of writing do you love the best, and which do you hate the most?

Promoting my book,creating characters, and developing their their backgrounds are my favorite. Editing I'd have to say is my least favorite. When I edit my manuscript before submission, it is very hard to see the errors after writing it then reading each scene over and over again. Then when the editor gets a hold of it and red slash after red slash appears, I brace myself. However, once done, I realize how invaluable the edits and comments are from the editor and fresh pair of eyes are.
What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?

I'm not sure how to answer this question. I did a lot of research, knew the process, from querying agents and publishers, and was prepared for the process.
Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?

Don't give up and do embrace every rejection as an opportunity to polish your work. Also, always carry a notepad when those magical scenes suddenly come to mind and a computer is not available.

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

I wish they'd understand how competitive the industry is and it takes a very long time once the manuscript is completed to obtaining a contract, and the book actually released. Also, there is no overnight fame, glory, and fortune. I had someone ask me just this morning, "When are you going to be on Ellen or Regis and Kelly? Too bad Oprah is off the air." It doesn't happen like that, there are many talented writers and it takes time.

If you could be a character from any book you've read, who would you be?

I would have to say Emma Harte from Barbara Taylor Bradford's saga, "A Woman of Substance." Emma came from nothing, but being a strong woman she built an empire and legacy that was handed down from generation to generation. In someways she's the female version of Lukas Bucklin in Desperate Measures.

When you're not writing, what do you like to do in your spare time?

I have a seven year old daughter and a twelve year old son who keep me quite busy. In between their schedules and my writing, I love to read, go boating and fishing.

What do you do to interact with your readers?

I utilize all of the social media on line, I belong to several readers and writers groups, but most importantly I make a concerted effort to respond personally to anyone who contacts me, via, direct e-mail, my website, responses to any of my posts, etc.

Our theme for this month is MEN IN LITERATURE. What male author are your reading?

At this time I am reading Michael Palmer's "The Last Surgeon." I just started it but it has captured my interest.

Oprah always asks, What do you know for sure?

Dreams can come true but you need to work hard to make it happen.

Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?

Desperate Deceptions focuses on Caitlin's newly formed but strained relationship with her biological grandfather, Lukas Bucklin. Does Lukas have more secrets that he'd go to any length to keep buried? Can Caitlin maintain her integrity or does she become influenced by her ruthless and powerful grandfather?

How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)

 e-mail and my website is Cindy's Writing Studio


The secret is out AGAIN…! This time lives are in jeopardy.
What should have been the perfect vacation soon became a nightmare. Caitlin Martel made a stop before meeting her family at Miami International Airport. A cryptic message waited for her. She dismissed the threat and assumed it was directed toward the brilliant scientist that she recently hired. Caitlin has no idea that a forgotten secret was about to explode and put her life in jeopardy.

When Caitlin and her family arrive on the Caribbean Island of St. Kitts, they find their dream home vandalized. In the kitchen, another message has been left. In blood, leaving no doubt that Caitlin personally is the target.

In a flashback Caitlin recalls the secret that her father, Jack Spencer, revealed to her sixteen years ago. He didn’t tell her everything. Will Jack be able to confront the truth and reconstruct the past in time to save his daughter?

Caitlin’s husband Scott, FBI Assistant Director, also believes the threats are related to Caitlin’s professional life. Once Caitlin points out the significance of what was left in their home, Scott unofficially brings his top FBI agent, Tomas Medina, to St. Kitts.

When Tomas arrives, his status is quickly upgraded and the investigation becomes official. The third threat creates a direct link to multi-billionaire Lukas Bucklin.

The suspense escalates through twists, turns, and family secrets yet to be revealed. A
powerful climax unveils an unlikely alliance between two deadly and dangerous enemies.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this interview. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you any questions that I didn't answer above, or if you have read Desperate Measures and want to share your opinion.

    Cindy Cromer


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