Friday, December 16, 2011

SORMAGs Open House - What's On The Shelves Now

What's On The Shelves Now


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  1. Women What the Hell are You Thinking Now?
    Cheryl Lacey Donovan


    ...yet, many of us suffer with low self-esteem, broken hearts, wounded souls and dead spirits. We don’t live in the glory of our divine placement. We personify an outward appearance of happiness, while living in pure hell on the inside. To the naked eye we seem joyful, courageous and in control while on the inside we’re scared little girls wishing somebody anybody would rescue us. We need to take our lives back. God wants to restore us. He wants to reconstruct what’s been broken down. What looks like trash in your life can be restored and bring about reformation. You’ve gone through the devastation of divorce, disease, loss of friends, family and finances. You’re looking at what’s left after using external solutions to fix internal chaos and you think it’s all over. Instead of getting to the root of the problem you just prune the outside branches. Leading to our detriment too often we engage in continuous patterns of over eating, indulging in chemical fixes – alcohol, drugs, smoking, over working, using our career as our identity, rescuing people, being a savior, expecting too little, putting up walls, emotional distancing, people pleasing. Ultimately we suffer from controlling behavior, distrust, perfectionism, intimacy problems. Or even worse we form ungodly attachments to people or mindsets of un-forgiveness, bitterness, malice,

    Women what in hell are you thinking now? As long as you allow these things to control your life you’ll be stuck in a never-ending pit that will engulf you and never release you. It’s time to get rid of the clutter. Don’t be consumed by fear. It’s not of God. Man doesn’t have a heaven or hell to send you to so walking in a place of people pleasing can only hinder you from receiving what God has for you. As long as you keep allowing the same difficulties to consume you your life will be crowded, confused, disordered and full of junk. Don’t be conformed to this world but transform yourself by the renewing of your mind.

    The issues of life; bad news concerning your health, a relationship that went south, all these are setbacks. Discouragement, loss of enthusiasm, temptation to settle where you are keeps drawing your focus away from the things of God and places it squarely on the things that weigh you down.

    Your spirit man may be trying to get you to commit suicide but in these pages I speak life to your spirit and remind you that God has deposited too much in you for you to die. But Psalm 118:17-says I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.

    Pity parties, depression, soaking yourself in the cares of this world blaming everyone else for your problems none of this will get you any closer to the life God has planned for you. The kingdom is waiting for you to position yourself for the greatness God has in store for you. Time is out for sitting and pondering on what you’re going through. Cast your cares upon God, knowing that he cares for you. I Peter 5:7 (KJV). Everything happens, everything exists, and everything was created to give God glory. Even your struggles are an opportunity for God to get the glory.

    God is revealing the glory through your suffering. God is establishing you in the midst of what you’re going through. In the end, it will be worth it!

    You are pregnant with purpose, pregnant with greatness. Allow the baby to be born. Don’t permit the enemy to abort the baby. God has deposited something great on the inside of you and it’s time for your delivery!

    God has a big life for you, one that has peace, joy, and wholeness. His plan includes love and value, purpose and fulfillment, provision and supply. Whatever has caused you to be broken, the areas in your life that aren’t working or are ineffective, the areas where you feel powerless, doing nothing and going nowhere, God wants to put them back together again! But you can’t get to the upper level when you’re stuck on the ground floor.

  2. Thanks for this opportunity, LaShaunda!

    TITLE: The Temptation of a Good Man

    AUTHOR: Delaney Diamond

    GENRE: Contemporary romance

    Can true love be found after one night of passion? Celeste Burton goes out with her girlfriends to celebrate turning thirty and winds up spending an unforgettable night with the man of her dreams. One week later, as a favor, she attends a wedding with a friend as his date and is shocked when she sees Roarke again.

    Roarke Hawthorne despises cheating. Cheating tore apart his family years ago. When the physics professor sees the woman he spent the night with show up at his sister’s wedding on the arm of his brother, he knows he should keep his distance. But because of the night they set fire to the sheets in his hotel room, he can’t resist the urge to be close to her–nor can he resist the temptation to have her back in his bed.

    Lust flickered in his eyes, and for tense moments they stared at each other, lost in the memories of heated whispers and tangled sheets. Then, as suddenly as he’d grabbed her, he dropped her arm like a hot coal.

    “Derrick doesn’t deserve to be lied to and made a fool of.” He stepped around her toward the door.

    Celeste grabbed his forearm to stall his exit. “Wait, please.”

    “Celeste, I can’t do this.”

    She slipped between him and the door. She couldn’t be the reason for a confrontation between the two brothers, and she couldn’t bear the humiliation of Derrick finding out she’d slept with his brother the first night they met. “Please don’t say anything to Derrick. I’ll stay out of your way. I promise. You won’t even know I’m here.”

    He looked down at her hand, and she followed his gaze to where her fingers wrapped around his arm. She withdrew them with haste. When her eyes found his again, desire shimmied down her spine at the hunger she saw in his.

    “That’s not what I meant,” he said, his voice thick and low. “I can’t be near you. You’re too much of a temptation. Maybe you can stay away from me, but I don’t know if I can keep my hands off of you.” He slammed his palms against the door above her shoulders.

    Celeste jumped, her eyes widening in shock. Shaken, she pressed back against the hard door to distance herself from him. They were too close, and the instinctive movement did little to protect her from the heat of sexual frustration emanating from his pores.

    His chest rose and fell with each deep breath, and a storm brewed in his dark brown eyes. “What are you doing to me?”

    The tortured question needed no answer. Even if she’d been obliged to respond, he seized her mouth before she could, and his tongue thrust between her lips. The muscular, dark cords of his arms encircled her waist and held her against his body, crushing her soft curves into each hard contour of his.

    BUY IT NOW: Kindle and Nook for $2.99

  3. A Man of My Own
    by Barbara Joe Williams

    Genre: Romance/women's fiction

    Available on,,, or request from any bookstore.

    Blurb: Lisa LaRaye Bradford is addicted to dating married men until her latest lover's wife decides to teach her a valuable lesson: Leave married men alone and find a man of your own. But will Lisa survive a scorned woman's premeditated plan long enough to find a man of her own?


    “Dr. Hopson, I think I finally understand why I always fall in love with married men,” Lisa began, using a low solemn voice. She was stretched out on the sofa in the doctor’s high-rise office with her hands gently folded over her small chest. The back of her head was relaxed against a foam pillow with her long red wavy hair falling about her light freckled face. Lisa’s beaming brown eyes were staring up at a fixed place in the ceiling as if she was in a hypnotic trance, visualizing scenes from her childhood that had probably haunted her subconsciousness for most of her forty-two years of life.
    “After my father left my mother when I was four-years-old, he married another woman within three months of their divorce. My mother, Sadie, became a bitter and cold person while his second wife, Della, shined like an eternal ray of happiness.” Lisa paused, swallowing hard. “I can remember being so angry at my father for leaving us. He turned my whole world upside down. Then when he stopped coming to visit us after he had other children, I felt like I wasn’t good enough for anyone to love. So I’ve always imagined, doctor, that if I could get a married man to leave his wife and family for me, then it would prove that I was worthy of happiness, too. I thought maybe — just maybe, I would stop falling asleep every night with anger raging inside of me.”
    With a bewildered expression, Lisa turned to face the psychiatrist whom she’d come to trust over the past four months, “Do you think that’s sick? Am I that crazy, Dr. Hopson?” Lisa asked, refusing to let a single tear fall from her batting eyes.
    Taking note of her client’s childlike voice, the salt and pepper-haired psychiatrist leaned in closer to Lisa’s left ear. Softening her normally serious expression, she curved her rose-painted lips upward, and stated in an honest straightforward tone, “I’ve never thought you were crazy, Lisa. You just need to learn how to value yourself without basing your happiness and self-worth on a man, whether he’s married or not.”
    “But, how can I do that? I’m forty something years old. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, can you?”
    “Well now, I’m glad you asked that question. It just depends on how bad the old dog wants to learn,” she replied, adding a light laugh after her statement. Leaning back in her cushioned armchair, Dr. Hopson pulled on the lapel of her off-white suit jacket. Relishing the progress her newest client had made in such a short period of time, she pressed her thin lips together. At that very second, one of her favorite sayings drifted through her mind. God is good all the time and all the time, God is good. There might be some hope for Miss Lisa LaRaye Bradford after all.
    Dr. Hopson continued. “I’ve told you from the first day you entered my office, Lisa; you have to make recovery your number one priority. Anger will eat even the strongest person alive.”
    Suddenly, Lisa sat straight up on the sofa and blinked her teary eyes several times before speaking. “I understand that now, doctor, and all I want to have is a man of my own.”

    Kindle or Nook is just $2.99

  4. Women What the Hell are You Thinking Now?
    Cheryl Lacey Donovan


    ...yet, many of us suffer with low self-esteem, broken hearts, wounded souls and dead spirits. We don’t live in the glory of our divine placement. We personify an outward appearance of happiness, while living in pure hell on the inside. To the naked eye we seem joyful, courageous and in control while on the inside we’re scared little girls wishing somebody anybody would rescue us. We need to take our lives back. God wants to restore us. He wants to reconstruct what’s been broken down. What looks like trash in your life can be restored and bring about reformation. You’ve gone through the devastation of divorce, disease, loss of friends, family and finances. You’re looking at what’s left after using external solutions to fix internal chaos and you think it’s all over. Instead of getting to the root of the problem you just prune the outside branches. Leading to our detriment too often we engage in continuous patterns of over eating, indulging in chemical fixes – alcohol, drugs, smoking, over working, using our career as our identity, rescuing people, being a savior, expecting too little, putting up walls, emotional distancing, people pleasing. Ultimately we suffer from controlling behavior, distrust, perfectionism, intimacy problems. Or even worse we form ungodly attachments to people or mindsets of un-forgiveness, bitterness, malice,

    Women what in hell are you thinking now? As long as you allow these things to control your life you’ll be stuck in a never-ending pit that will engulf you and never release you. It’s time to get rid of the clutter. Don’t be consumed by fear. It’s not of God. Man doesn’t have a heaven or hell to send you to so walking in a place of people pleasing can only hinder you from receiving what God has for you. As long as you keep allowing the same difficulties to consume you your life will be crowded, confused, disordered and full of junk. Don’t be conformed to this world but transform yourself by the renewing of your mind.

    The issues of life; bad news concerning your health, a relationship that went south, all these are setbacks. Discouragement, loss of enthusiasm, temptation to settle where you are keeps drawing your focus away from the things of God and places it squarely on the things that weigh you down.

    Your spirit man may be trying to get you to commit suicide but in these pages I speak life to your spirit and remind you that God has deposited too much in you for you to die. But Psalm 118:17-says I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.

    Pity parties, depression, soaking yourself in the cares of this world blaming everyone else for your problems none of this will get you any closer to the life God has planned for you. The kingdom is waiting for you to position yourself for the greatness God has in store for you. Time is out for sitting and pondering on what you’re going through. Cast your cares upon God, knowing that he cares for you. I Peter 5:7 (KJV). Everything happens, everything exists, and everything was created to give God glory. Even your struggles are an opportunity for God to get the glory.

    God is revealing the glory through your suffering. God is establishing you in the midst of what you’re going through. In the end, it will be worth it!

    You are pregnant with purpose, pregnant with greatness. Allow the baby to be born. Don’t permit the enemy to abort the baby. God has deposited something great on the inside of you and it’s time for your delivery!

    God has a big life for you, one that has peace, joy, and wholeness. His plan includes love and value, purpose and fulfillment, provision and supply. Whatever has caused you to be broken, the areas in your life that aren’t working or are ineffective, the areas where you feel powerless, doing nothing and going nowhere, God wants to put them back together again! But you can’t get to the upper level when you’re stuck on the ground floor.

  5. A Kiss of a Different Color
    by Bettye Griffin

    Interracial Romance

    New in town, Miranda Rhett signs up for the ballroom dance lessons she always wanted to take and is paired with Jon Lindbergh, a recent transplant. Sparks fly between them both on and off the dance floor, but their mutual employer imposes a strict no-dating rule. Matters aren't helped by Jon's belief that relationships only last for a few months, due to four generations of marriages in his family.

    But it gets awfully cold in North what are a red-blooded man and woman supposed to do?

    If that woman is Miranda, she'll do what comes naturally...and try like hell to make a believer out of him...
    You can read an excerpt at the publisher website:

    Available in eBook form only at,, the Sony Reader store, and

    Psst! You can also read a sneak peek of my next eBook, Isn't She Lovely?, at this link:

    Thanks, LaShaunda!


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