Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Get You Good Virtual Book Tour

Tell us about Get You Good.

Get You Good is the story of Sydney Isaacs and her rather dysfunctional family. When we meet her she seems like a successful enough woman with a growing business. But the more time we spend with her the more we realize that there is a lot of family dysfunction and resentment in her life that nobody is dealing with. And then Sheree enters the picture. She is Sydney’s new sister-in-law who in a short period of time manages not only to upset the relationships in the family, but also to totally destroy Sydney’s business and her family legacy. When Sydney and her sister Lissandra decide to make things right, they cross over from what is wrong to what is very wrong, and that is where the excitement begins.

How did you come up with ideas for this book?

I was actually mulling over Genesis 34, the story of Dinah and trying to figure out if there was a way to make that relatively short chapter into a whole novel. There are so many issues around family and doing what is right versus what is honourable that I think are so important for today. So I kind of updated the story, flipped a few details, and out came Get You Good.

Did you have to do quite a bit of research for this book?

I did do a little research. The main character in my novel is a pastry chef who makes a living creating these delicious and complex cakes for weddings and special events. As a result I had to learn a little about the whole process of cake making and decorating. I didn’t necessarily put a lot of that detail into the novel but it helps to know it while I’m writing. It creates context for my character and lets me know that I can’t have her take a couple hours to make a wedding cake because that process usually takes much longer.

What do you hope readers will learn/discover from reading Get You Good?

I guess when I think about Get You Good, I think about that old adage that there is a little bit of bad in the best of us and a little bit of good in the worst of us. In Get You Good it is easy to see how generally reasonable people can lose control when the right amount of pressure is applied to them. I hope readers will realize the importance of having a life that has Christ as the moral centre. Because if we don’t believe that He is able to take care of even the worst situations, then chances are we will try to take care of them ourselves, and if we are like Sydney the results are likely to be disastrous.

Okay, a not-so-fun question. How important are reviews to you as a writer?

Very important. An author spends months with a book before it appears on the shelf. After all that time chances are you will either love it blindly, or hate it blindly. Either way it will probably take input from others for me to know whether it is good or not. In addition, while it’s great to write for one’s own pleasure, as a published author I’m also writing for an audience and reviews are one of the ways I gauge if I am serving that audience. Finally reviews really help me improve my craft. There are things people mentioned in reviews for my first novel that I definitely took into consideration when writing my second novel, and from the reviews I got I know that in those areas I was able to improve.

Do you have upcoming events for readers? Please tell us.

I am currently on virtual tour so you can find me at a lot of different spots online. Stop by my website or facebook page to get the full listing. Tomorrow, March 21, I will be chatting with Tabitha Vinson live on PWICU TV ( at 9pm EST. I will also be on blogtalk radio chatting with Cyrus Webb on March 27, Ashea Goldson on March 28 and Faith A Beliver Virtual Book Club March 25. Hope you can join me!

What's next for you?

Well I am currently working on my fourth novel, which is something of a follow up to Get You Good. You can look forward to seeing a lot of the same characters again, but from a slightly different perspective.

Where can readers find you online?

You can probably find me most easily on my facebook page, You can also check out my website However if you want to get to me directly I am very good with email. Hit me up at

More About the Book

Sydney Isaacs has two priorities: her family, and Decadent, the gourmet pastry business they founded almost three generations ago. But both are in jeopardy when her brother, Dean, announces his sudden marriage to the conniving Sheree Vern. Furthermore Dean's inheritance of the ownership of Decadent from their father, despite Dean's lack of interest, leaves Sydney with few options. Now Dean and Sheree are selling the store to finance his music dreams—or so Dean believes… Thanks to Sheree, Dean’s plans, the business, and his marriage, soon implode in ways he never expected—leaving Sydney determined to salvage whatever she can and fix the mess left behind. Her only solace is her romance with Hayden Windsor. But Hayden is Sheree's half brother and it doesn't take long for Sydney to wonder: what if Hayden knew about Sheree’s scheming all along? Soon Sydney creates a deception of her own to find out the truth. Her strategy is working, until the consequences threaten to destroy everything she values most—including her faith. Overcome with guilt, can she make things right with her brother, with Hayden, and with God?

About the Author

Rhonda Bowen is a writer and event planner living in Toronto. She enjoys spending time with her family, trying on shoes she can’t afford, and enjoying life’s unexpected twists and turns. You can reach her by dropping a note in the comment box below or emailing her directly at

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