Saturday, November 02, 2013

DAY 2 - Meet The Poet

On The Panel Today - Ask them questions

1. GPA

2. Brook Blander

3. Marc Lacy

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  1. Good Morning. My name is G.P.A.(Greatest Poet Alive. I am the author of four books of Poetry(The Confessional Heart of a Man, The Book of 24 Orgasms, The Mind of a Poetic Unsub, and the Poetry Book of the Year, Revenge of the Orgasm) I look forward to conversing with you today. Also, my website is

  2. I've never written a poem. Where would I start?

  3. Good Morning LaShaunda. There are one of two ways to begin writing a poem. The first is to identify a particular form of poem(haiku,cinquain,tanka,free verse, etc) and fill in whatever thoughts or feelings into that respective format. The second is just to write whatever is on your mind and heart, which is much easier.A poem is simply an expression of those things anyways.

  4. Hello, stopping by to support the Poet. Can you tell me when you are writing your poetry, where does your inspiration come from?

  5. I have all four of your amazing books, All great reads I must add. Which book was a challenge, if any for you to write, meaning deciding what to share with your audience.

  6. Hello LaShaunda,

    Bear in mind, poetry comes in more forms and formats than meets the eye. You've probably already written poetry and because it did not take the form of what you've seen in books, you did not call it a poem. So to answer your question, think of it as writing song lyrics.

  7. I will share a portion of "I'll be a goner..."

    Like a box of chocolates my heart has an assortment of sweet vibes of you,
    Like vintage wine I'm bubbling over with bliss at the thought of you coming through...

  8. Greetings LaDonna,

    When I'm writing poetry, the way my mind works, I can be inspired by the most trivial or the most significant occurrence, fact, thing, or person.

  9. Greetings Brook and GPA, this is Marc Lacy. I hope you all are enjoying the blog. Have a great remainder of the weekend...

  10. Thank you LaDonna.My inspiration is all around me. Any and everything is inspiration for a poem. Thank you again. Writing The Mind of a Poetic Unsub was a challenge because i had some personal hardships going on at that time

  11. Good Afternoon Marc and Brook. apleasure

  12. What advice would you offer to someone who wants to publish their own book of poetry. What should they expect?

  13. Thanks GPA, for sharing. In reading your books, I can feel the depth in the poetry. You provided the readers with an creative scenery.

  14. Publishing your own book of Poetry is quite easy,depending on what your objective is. If you are publishing a book of Poetry because you have a collection of poems to do so, that's excellent and can be done without much headache. But if you have aspirations for huge sales and big exposure, then that is a different animal altogether.
    In either case, you need to research types of publishing and what works for you, your objective, and your pocketbook. Please understand that a traditional publisher is not typically looking to publish a book of Poetry, so self publishing is usually your option. Then, you have to understand that the demand for your book of Poetry has to be created by you. Being a performer or having a viable target audience is quite helpful. The writing of a book of Poetry should be an endeavor of love not seeking profit.

  15. Good Evening, everyone. I just realized my earlier posts did not show up :( But I am here now... my apologies.

    "What advice would you offer to someone who wants to publish their own book of poetry. What should they expect?"

    To publish your own book of poetry, hard work, serious marketing, and a forward moving attitude is very necessary. Poetry books are not the easiest to sell so you have to have a plan before you step out. Visit poetry venues, request to be a feature, and stay visible. While the process of publication (i.e. obtaining ISBN, book cover designs, edits, copy edits, etc) for poetry is no different from publishing any other work, the strategy for moving the work is where the difference, (and challenges) lie. Be creative, dare to be different! Find your niche and mesh it with your passion. Most of all, remain authentic to who you are and what your work stands for throughout the entire process.

    Best Wishes!
    Brook B

  16. I've never written a poem. Where would I start?

    My recommendation…start wherever it feels natural. While people put an emphasis on first lines of books, with poetry, it tends be savored as a whole. What's important is letting the natural flow of what you feel and wish to relay to your readers/listeners when you write come out.

    If you are still searching for a starting point, begin with one of the five senses. If you desire to write about a taste, experience it (writing about a lemon…grab a lemon and eat a piece.) In that moment of experience…WRITE! Capture what it does to your senses and place that into your work.

    When it later feels like being more abstract is an organic way to go, go with it. But take your time with your writing. Enjoy the process of developing each piece.

    Write on!
    Brook B.


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