Amy Wallace is the author of Ransomed Dreams and Healing Promises, a wife, homeschool mom of three, speaker, Bible study leader, and avid chocoholic. She loves crafting high-action suspense that delves deep into heart issues. But who she really is can be summed up in a few short words: Amy is a daughter of the King learning to live and love with laughter.
Healing Promises, book 2 in the Defenders of Hope series:
Healing Promises is a high-voltage romantic suspense novel which explores how a life-threatening medical diagnosis and the search for an elusive serial kidnapper affects even the most solid, loving Christian marriage and poses a key life question: Can God be trusted when things don’t go the way we prayed?
Healing Promises

Facing a new threat. When FBI Agent Clint Rollins takes a bullet during a standoff, it might just save his life. But not even the ugly things he’s seen during his years working in the Crimes Against Children Unit could prepare him for the overwhelming powerlessness of hospital tests revealing an unexpected diagnosis. If only Sara weren’t retreating into doctor mode…he needs his wife now more than ever. Frozen in fear. Sara Rollins is an oncologist with a mission–beating cancer when she can, easing her patients’ suffering at the very least. Now the life of her tall Texan husband is at stake. She never let the odds steal her hope before, but in this case, the question of God’s healing promises is personal. Can she hold on to the truth she claimed to believe? Faith under fire. As Clint continues to track down a serial kidnapper despite his illness, former investigations haunt his nightmares, pushing him beyond solving the case into risking his life and career. Clint struggles to believe God is still the God of miracles. Especially when he needs not one, but two. Everything in his life is reduced to one all-important question: Can God be trusted?
What would you like your readers to take away from your book?
My prayer is that as readers become involved in Clint and Sara’s journey, they'll experience a deeper sense of the goodness and trustworthiness of God, even when life doesn’t go the way we prayed. I also hope readers will see that at the end of ourselves only one truth remains—God is good. What we do with that fact changes everything.
What did you learn while writing this book?
Writing this story brought to the forefront some painful memories. But as I typed and cried out to God, He taught me again how true Job 1:21 is. The Lord gives and takes away. But in it all, blessed be His name. It took me a long time to experience the truth of that verse when I lost a dear friend after praying for his healing for over three years. It took a longer time to bless His name when I lost a baby. But looking back I see even more clearly that I never walked a step of this journey alone. And very often, I didn’t even do the walking because God carried me.
What inspired the Defenders of Hope series?
Long before I had any idea I’d become a novelist, I sat glued to my TV, watching with the rest of America as the events of 9-11 unfolded. I stayed transfixed and crying for over a week, numb and yet so full of pain at the same time. But while watching the firefighters, police, military and FBI being real-life heroes, a deep desire to pay tribute to them started to grow. I had no idea what God would do with that desire. All I knew was He had planted a seed. Not long after, God watered that desire with a literal dream, an amazing husband who believed in me and an awesome federal agent contact. That long-ago seed of an idea grew into the three-book Defenders of Hope series.
What is the hardest part about the writing business?
The hardest part about this business is fighting the lies the enemy whispers at every turn. Lies about worth, ability and just about every detail of the writing life. But praise God, there’s an answer for every lie. And that answer can be summed up with remembering who we are in Christ and that He has called us, not according to our works, but according to His purpose and grace which He granted us in Christ before the beginning of time. (paraphrase of 1 Timothy 1:8-9)
What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?
I wish non-writers understood that the voices in our heads don’t qualify us for a mental health assessment. Although…. ;-)
Seriously, I do wish non-writers understood how much blood, sweat and tears we put into our work. We’re not in this for the money, but to honor the One who called us and to share the story that’s birthed from the deepest parts of our souls.
What marketing have you found that particularly works well for you?
I love doing blog tours and interviews—online, TV and radio. They’re an opportunity for me to spend a few minutes with readers connecting, sharing and hopefully encouraging them to dream big and seek the Lord in all they do.
I also really enjoy speaking to book clubs. What a great way to further the conversation between author and reader that begins when someone picks up a book.
I never imagined I’d enjoy marketing. But it’s become something I enjoy because I’ve learned it’s not about selling books. It’s about connecting with readers and sharing what God has done as I walk through the doors God opens and trust Him with the outcome.
What are three things you wish you'd known before you reached where you are now?
I wish I’d known that a closed mouth gathers no problems.
That a good night sleep is far more valuable than one last scene written at 1 AM.
And that God can do more in five minutes than I can in five hours of stressing.
This month our theme is Men In Fiction. Can you give us five male authors you read?
One of my favorite authors is Mark Mynheir. I also enjoy Creston Mapes, Brandt Dodson, C.S. Lewis, and Max Lucado.
Do you have any advice for the aspiring writer?
Tell your story. And in so doing, worship. The writing life is a tough journey filled with sacrifice. That’s why I love 2 Samuel 24:24—I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God that which cost me nothing. When you consider your writing and all the good, bad and ugly of it, lay it at the feet of Jesus. Then rest, knowing your sacrifice is well received by the One who smiles and loves you more than you can imagine.
How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)
I love to hear from readers, and I’d be honored if you’d drop me a note when you visit the Heart Chocolate site www.amywallace.com. Another awesome way to keep in touch is to join the Dark Chocolate Suspense newsletter. I look forward to hearing from you!
Thanks for having me on the SORMAG blog, LaShaunda!
I'm honored to be among so many great writers.
I'm looking forward to reading Amy's second book. I just finished the first one and it was excellent!
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