Monday, September 15, 2008

BLOG TOUR: Pat G’Orge-Walker

SORMAG and EDC Creations have joined together to help promote authors and their books. SORMAG is one of the stops on the blog tours starting this month. Our first guest is Pat G’Orge-Walker.

Pat G’Orge-Walker (pronounced Gee-or-jay)writes Inspirational/Christian Fiction/Gospel comedy. She is in a league of her own. This accomplished Christian author and comedienne has an amazing mind and talent for turning her observations of church and black church life, in particular, into gems of sidesplitting humor. It is her own special gift from God that enables G'Orge-Walker to depict the often ridiculous antics of church folk. She does it without subverting the Good News or watering down the potency of its message.

Pat G'Orge-Walker has led a colorful life professionally, to say the least. She is a former music industry veteran who has worked for several major labels including Epic, Def Jam and Columbia. She cut her chops as a singer by performing with the legendary 60s girl group, Arlene Smith and the Chantels "Maybe") as well as with the gospel groups The Spiritualettes and The Heavenly Two. And she has written as well as acted in stage presentations.


Mother Sasha Pray Onn and Mother Bea Blister live on the edge—of Christianity, that is and they’re about to knock Sister Betty off her sanctified perch. As the senior citizen matrons of the Ain’t Nobody Saved but Us-All Others Goin’ to Hell church, their devotion to the Lord and positions of President and Vice President of the Mothers Board must compete with their secret passions for gambling and openly holding grudges—especially against each other. But their long-held animosity is about to be complicated when the new pastor, the Reverend Leotis Tom, wants to reorganize the Mothers Board in time for the upcoming Las Vegas Conference and asks a reluctant Sister Betty to run for President.

After a scuffle at a secret Bingo game at the No Hope Now-Mercy Nevah church, the bumbling Reverend Bling Moe Bling pacifies Mothers Blister and Pray Onn by giving them two tickets to Las Vegas where the annual Mothers Board Conference will be held. He had plans to take his wife there for their anniversary—but he’ll do anything to keep the angry old women from tearing him asunder.

In Vegas, Mother Blister befriends a destitute young woman named Zipporah who does something no one has ever been able to do: touch Mother Blister’s heart. But in trying to help her, Mother Blister finds out Zipporah’s past might be at complete odds with Mother Blister’s present. Meanwhile, as Mother Pray Onn wreaks havoc on her own, Sister Betty arrives in time to join in the fray and has her salvation tested. As the chaos and comedy get out of hand, so do the questions about who is who, who did what to whom, and where and when. Just as surprising are the answers, which show that despite everyone’s best—or worst—intentions, from cradle to grave, it’s God who is ultimately in charge.

Why do you write the stories that you write?

A need that is very hard to explain. It’s like a need for water when you really want a soda. Until you drink the water you are unfulfilled.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

From as far back as elementary school there’s been a hunger for words and putting them to paper.

Who or what was your inspiration for writing?

My father was a lyricist and a poet when he wasn’t preaching. I believe writing is in my DNA. I have other brothers and sisters in the record industry who are song writers, etc. One of my inspirations has always been and continues to be Maya Angelou. She once gave me great advice. She told me to “always be honest in my writing.” I’ve tried to adhere to that in keeping my own voice and authenticity.

When writers block attacks, what do you do to get back on track?

My stories are primarily character-driven. When having difficulty in discerning their thoughts, dilemmas, etc., I try to find a quiet place. With pen and paper I simply listen to them and take notes. When that process is complete I try to translate what they’ve given. When that doesn’t work I tell everyone in my house to get their own food, laundry and whatever. “The Writing Diva needs her space.” And because I’m the only female in my house I sometimes have to act a fool. The latter usually works best.

What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

My schedule is extremely hectic. I’m also a performer and I travel around the country. I have a very delicate balancing act. Currently, I’m also taking care of a premature grandbaby… whew! But my husband is so in love with the little one that I have to sometimes ask him can I do something for her J

Your book is about to be sent into the reader world, what is one word that describes how you feel?

I’m one of those authors who places her books into the hands of my pastor. Once he and the pulpit pray God’s blessings upon it I let it go. I’m then onto the next book. I know prayer works. This past year I was plagued with the Whooping cough, thyroid problems and couldn’t promote or hardly perform. And but for God, my current novel, Somewhat Saved, entered onto the Essence Best Seller’s List at # 6. It is also nominated for a 2008 AALBS Best comedy award. Last year my novel Cruisin’ On Desperation won.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

I like to just relax. I seldom get to do that. I’m a political junky. With this electrifying and historical election in the making I’m glued to the television and Google.

What is something shocking or weird about you that your readers don’t know about?

I got my passport through the FBI. (true)

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

I’ve written about six books. I can’t say which my favorite book is anymore than I can say which of my children my favorite is.

Do you tend to base your characters on real people or are they totally from your imagination?

Oh definitely based upon those I know. Ain’t that scary?????

Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

Other than the obvious which is prayer I would encourage them to study their craft. And if for no other reason than to protect your finances and your career; be careful when selecting an agent. Because I’m in the midst of litigation I won’t say anything further. Take it from me…. Check folks out!!! And then check them out again.

How can a reader contact you or purchase your books?

I can be reached via email at or I’m published by a major publishing house (Kensington/Dafina). My books are sold wherever books are. My websites are:

Is there anything you would like to add?

Yes, I would like to add a heartfelt “thank you” for the support of the readers, retail, radio, internet, television and all who’ve had a strong hand in taking me from level to level. I thank God for a husband, despite all his awards and service to this country in fighting terrorism, does all he can to ensure his wife has an opportunity to shine.


· Shelia Goss Blog: - SEP 4 only

· EKG eMagazine: -

· SORMAG (Shades of Romance): - SEP 15 ONLY

· Savvy Sista’s Blog: - SEP 1-6

· Tamara Grant’s Blog: - SEP 2-6

· Min. Celeste Kelly’s Blog: - SEP 7-9

· Sable Reviews: - SEP 8-13

· Cheryl Donovan’s Blog: - SEP 10-12

· BAN eMagazine Blog: - SEP 10-12

· Authors Supporting Authors (ASA): - SEP 15-20

· Virtual Blog Tours: - SEP

Tour Partners: Internet Radio Interviews and Internet Magazine Features

· AAMBC Radio Show: September 5, 7:00pm CST

· Worth More Than Rubies Show:
September 6, 3:00 pm CST

· BAN Radio Interview: September 19, 8-10pm EST

· Black Spotlight eMagazine: September 15-26

· Black in America Blog: September 15-26

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