Monday, September 15, 2008


In the past few days I've heard and read from many Obama supporters.

"Oh, they're gonna steal this election (the Republicans)."

"They won't let a Black man in the White House unless he's cleaning the floors."

"He should've picked Hillary, etc."

And from several McCain supporters,

"Well, what Palin does with her family is her family. The press won't be fair so I don't care if she never answers a question about her record or stance..."


Well my Sistahs and Brotha's, what has this election come to?

Let us be mindful that this is politics. It's a nasty and yes, very nasty game. If we should be concerned about anything, in my opinion, it should be the way God's Word and message has been customized and compromised.

At one point in my life I would've identified myself as a possible "Evangelical" but then they became too judgemental. I didn't fit.

On another level I thought I would've identified myself as a Conservative. Well I found out that since I truly believe in God's word where it states that "whatever you do for the least of mine...." Conservatists, in my mind, quickly discounted that rhetoric with the "I got mine and I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep mine..." I didn't fit in there either.

Now I find that I'm troubled, as I stated before, by some of the comments and conclusions that some have come to when it comes to People of God. We've been all lumped together.

With our Senator Obama and the Jeremiah Wright situation.. Many think, "Black folks secretly preach Black Liberation and they don't really like white folks."

With our Senator McCain: Some think At Saddleback church, "I'm forgiven." So now many think that Christians can go about pushing wars, hair trigger tempers, memory loss.. whatever. (Okay, I might fit in a little with the memory thingy.)

Now with the emergence of Gov. Sarah Palin comes a new dimension. And, I'm not talking about her family situation. The focus is now on her church affiliation. It is reported that her church and its Pastor tells the world that it was God that ordained the Iraq War and its consequences. Not President Bush but God. And almost immediately after her acceptance speech where she enthusiastically called out Obama on everything from his patriotism to his little-ole Community Service Activist role.

It seems that when it comes to politics many of the ten commandments are not only broken but obliterated. Not to bear false witness against your neighbor to :...placing no other God before me" has become a running joke on many blogs when it comes to this election.

But wait a minute... Didn't Bush say that God whispered to him what to do about governing?

With all of this happening it's no wonder that those on the fringe of Salvation and many deeply in it with a personal relationship with God don't know what to make of this election-government mess.

I certainly pray that people will understand that politics and religion make dangerous bedfellows.

I could say that our solution is in the Word of God... but the way this political atmosphere is going, I'm sure many would have to ask.."Which version?"

Essence Best Selling AuthorPat G'Orge-Walker"Somewhat Saved" # 6 Essence August 2008 Best Sellers List/ Nominated AALBS 2008 Best ComedyAvailable wherever books are sold."Cruisin' On Desperation" "2007 AALBS Best Comedy of the Year""2007 Disilgold Best Gospel Comedy of the Year"
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