Monday, November 10, 2008


Niqui Stanhope is the author of thirteen novels and numerous screenplays. She has written movie scripts and teleplays for Rockstone Pictures, and the “Doc” TV show. Her work has been featured in Cosmopolitan magazine and many others. She has been chosen as Author of the Month by Romance in Color magazine, and has been nominated for the EMMA and Gold Pen Awards.

You can write to her at: Malcolm Literary Agency, PO Box 176, Morristown, NJ 07963, or e-mail her at: A complete list of her books can be found on her Web site:

Sex and The Single Diva!!


Janet Carr is about to make the biggest mistake of her life. Stealing
another woman’s man is never easy—especially when that man is
Gavin Champagne. Couple in the fact that he’s married to Janet’s
sister and things could definitely get dangerous. But Janet can no
longer wait for Gavin’s taste, his touch, his kiss …


David Duncan can see that Janet Carr is headed for nothing but
trouble. Gavin’s wife, Summer, will not give her man up without a
fight, and when the dust clears, Janet will be the one standing on the
sidelines with her life in shambles. Dave decides to intervene before
it’s too late. There’s only one problem—Janet can’t stand the sight of
Dave Duncan.


What is a woman to do when the only man she has ever loved has
been stolen away by a man-eater? That’s the question, and Janet Carr
knows the answer. She will have Gavin Champagne one way or the
other because she is a modern woman and a single diva … who must have sex!

What would you like your readers to take away from your book?

Sex and the Single Diva is part of the Champagne series of books and I wrote this one for the readers! I got so many emails asking me to write a book about one of the recurring characters that all the readers loved to hate! Janet Carr. Janet Carr is the kind of woman that you keep your man far, far away from. And, I know that we all know women who are like this. So, I was kind of surprised when readers wanted an entire book on her. But, as I wrote the book, I began to realize why readers were so interested in this woman. I began to really understand her, I began to pity her, I began to want her to find happiness too. But, it wasn't an easy book to write. I had to make an unlovable character, lovable. In the book, Janet Carr decides to take away her sister's (Summer) husband (Gavin Champagne). What could be worse than that?

I hope readers enjoy this latest Champagne novel and I hope they come away with a little bit of an understanding as to why women like Janet Carr do the things that they do....

What did you learn while writing this book?

I found out that writing a book where you have to make an unlikeable character likeable, is the very devil.

What is the hardest part about the writing business?

I think one of the hardest things is getting the appropriate exposure for my books. There are lots of readers out there who would love to read the books that we writers spend countless hours sweating over, but unfortunately, many of our books are still flying essentially under the radar.

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

Writing is much harder, and much less glamorous than most non-writers think.

Our theme this month is Time Management. How do you do to manage your writing time?

I try to set aside time each day to write, and I make sure that, unless there's some emergency, nothing interferes with that.

What three things do you wish you'd known before you reached where you are now?

1. I really wish I'd managed to get a thorough understanding of the mechanics of the writing business.

2. The importance of networking, promotion and marketing

3. The importance of being prolific

Was there ever a time in your writing career you thought of quitting?

No. Never. If this is what someone wants to do, they should never, ever quit. There'll be ups and downs, but if you hang tough, you'll make it through.

Do you have any advice for the aspiring writer?

Write. Write. Write. Read alot. Try to read your favorite books again. Read a lot of good books. Get out your red pen and circle the scenes you liked, then sit down and figure out why you liked these things. Try to incorporate what you've learned in your own writing. Write, Write, Write some more, go to writers meetings. And, pray. Prayer works.

What are you thankful for this year?

I'm thankful for life and health. For my parents. For my family. For the ability to write books that readers tell me they enjoy.

Five questions about books:

One book you’ve read more than once.

The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd

One book you couldn’t put down until you finished.

Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz

One book that made you laugh.

I recently reread, Night To Remember, one of my own books and found myself laughing my head off .

One book that made you cry.

Hopelessly Devoted - another one of my books, made me choke up. The story is about a man who loses his faith in God.

One book you wish you'd written.

Beloved by Toni Morrison

How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)

I love to hear from readers! I can be reached at I always read and answer every single email. My website address is:

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