Tuesday, November 11, 2008

PURPOSELY SAID - Dr. Linda F. Beed

Time Is Moving On

“That’s easier said than done,” are famous last words of many a person with tunnel vision rather than a panoramic view of how to properly manage their time.

In order to take care of what has been entrusted to you, it is imperative to manage your time wisely. Time is a precious commodity. Once it is gone it can never be redeemed. In spite of all the clichés, time is the one thing that is so often set free, only to be stalked like an endangered species in hopes of capturing it for the opportunity to use it wisely.

Current circumstances, past failures and the fear of success can knowingly or unknowingly prevent us from properly assessing and implementing the opportunity before us. That negative experience can potentially cause us to fear the unknown. Rather than learn from the previous, error time is wasted remembering the past. Out of our fear comes the stepchild called procrastination.

Procrastination is a thief. A thief that if left at large:
· Becomes the powerful foe of success
· A comfort to the self-doubter
· A convenient excuse that blames others for its presence

Bad habits do not happen overnight. Likewise, good habits do not either. Good habits do, however, begin with a desire for change. So how do you eat an elephant? You eat it one step at a time. Below is not an exhaustive list; it is one that can help you on the road to breaking bad habits and managing your time more effectively.

1. Determine to break out of the detrimental habits of your past
2. Assess the size of the project
3. Visualize the end result you want/have been contracted for
4. Understand your time constraints
5. Prioritize needs in terms of importance (and if necessary financial needs)
6. Have a contingency plan
7. Have a competent assistant:
a. That you respect and trust
b. Who understands your vision
c. Who will have the hard conversation with you
d. Who understands the business and can think independently
e. Who can carry out the vision in your absence
f. Keep the lines of communication open and honest
8. Create an action plan with definite dates of accomplishment
9. Create a daily ‘To-do’ list
a. Make the list realistic
b. Do whatever it takes to complete it
c. Whatever remains at the end of the day, add to the top of tomorrow’s list
10. Never leave anything to assumption. In terms of your sources: check,
check and check again.

In closing, I will reiterate that creating new habits takes practice. Work at it consistently and do not allow stumbles to defeat you.

Until next time, remember—Purposely Said words can destroy or create a life. Linda!

Dr. Linda Beed is an educator, speaker, children’s minister, author of Business Unusual and co-moderator of BWChristianLit an online writing and mentor group.

You can find her on the web at:

lindabeed.com / MySpace / On Assignment Reviews / BWChristianLit


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