Monday, February 15, 2010


Saga fiction writer, Avah LaReaux, is the author of the Lost & Found saga series for which What’s Done in the Dark, Song of the Siren, and Bastards are the first thr ee releases. Focusing on conveying messages of empowerment, optimism, and inspiration, Avah continues to write novels and poetry, as well as short stories.

How did you start out your writing career?

I actually started my writing career as a poet. I wrote inspirational poems for years and had many of them published in anthologies in the U.S. and abroad. In 2002, however, I got a story idea and began writing what has now become the Lost & Found saga series.

What was your most difficult scene to write?

The most difficult scene to write for Bastards was actually the
introductory scene. I knew I needed to pull together everything that was
going to happen and still keep in mind key points from the first two books. I needed to give enough background to pull all the characters together while keeping my readers' interests in the process. It was tough. Hopefully, I got the job done adequately.

Have you had a "Wow" moment since you have been an author? What made it a "Wow" moment for you?

I was sitting in my living room, participating on a call where several authors were being interviewed for a Blog Talk Radio show. I was listening to everyone talk when it hit me, "I'm on the phone with OTHER authors!" I had been writing for so long and had even been published. But at that moment, with all those other artists, it suddenly occurred to me. I realized then that I had truly begun to live my dream.

What did you hope to accomplish with this book?

Bastards was where the series all began. In 2002, when I first got the idea, I knew I wanted to present a number of characters that had both redeeming and unredeemable qualities. I wanted to show a side of families, both the individual and the unit, that isn't usually talked about and is most often hidden. I also wanted to challenge conventional thoughts about why people are the way they are. I hoped to do that by bringing in key aspects from families to include folklore, history, and traditions. Mostly, I wanted to tell a story that was true yet enlightening and heart-warming while still being non-traditional.

What’s playing on your CD while you’re writing?

I don't usually listen to music when I write. I need to "hear" my characters. So, I prefer a quiet room.

If you could choose to be a superhero for a day, who would you pick and

Batman. He is the only superhero that does not possess superpowers, but uses his skills and resources to change the world.

If you could be on a Reality TV show, which one would it be and why?

The Amazing Race. I love scavenger hunts and I love to travel. There is no better way to "kill two birds with one stone."

What is the neatest place you have ever visited so far and why?

I loved New York City. I loved the cultural diversity, the people, the venues, and the cuisine.

If you had $100.00 and had to spend it today, what would you buy? Why?

I love seafood so I would be forced to indulge my vice at McCormick and Schmick's, my favorite seafood restaurant.

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would

It is not as easy as it looks. There is a distinct difference between writing and being an author. Writers put words on paper; authors combine ideas with passion and make literary masterpieces. Which one you are depends on the amount of discipline you have.

What was the best advice you’d ever gotten about the publishing
industry? The worst?

The best advice was disguised in some the worst news I received when I was submitting manuscripts early in my career. I received a rejection letter from a major New York publishing house and they said, "Although they really loved my writing, they didn't know how to market my work..." That gave me a new perspective that writing was not just to be a part-time effort by me and made me take complete ownership of my work from a creative and a business point of view.

The worst advice was that editors are authors’ worst enemies. That doesn’t have to be the case.

Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?

Do know your craft. Words are the author’s tools and you must know how to use your tools. Remember, passion without knowledge is just as dead as faith without works. Don't give up on your dreams. Perseverance and hard work are what will lay the foundation for your literary legacy.

What is something readers would be surprised you do?

I speak Japanese, French and Spanish. Some more than others so please don't test me... :)

Our theme for this month is Writing The Book. What advice do you have for staying motivated to complete the book?

Motivation is internal. An author has to remain focused and draw from within. Inspiration is external, motivation is internal.

Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?

Of course, Smoke and Mirrors is the next title and it turns the corner in the series. In this installation, we bring the chickens home to roost, so to speak. By the end of the novel all of the secrets will be exposed and we will begin to deal with the fallout from generations of lies. I get excited just talking about it.

How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)

You can reach me by visiting AveyWorld at where you can click the Contact Avah link and find all of my online links as well as my addresses. Thanks, LaShaunda for the interview and thanks readers hanging out with me and supporting my work. Hugs & kisses.


One life truly affects another. How much more accurate would that statement be if the lives were linked by blood? Meet the young Marcus Clayton and the residents of the Bradhurst community as they live, learn, and love according to their own rules. Will morals win out over physical desires or will lust overpower better judgment and foundational teaching? Join the journey, meet the players, and discover how what’s done in the dark leads to a siren’s song.

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  1. I have heard good things about the prior books, (I plan on reading them soon). I am really looking foward to reading "Bastards" . By the way the gentleman on the book cover looks very familiar. Lol.

  2. I have read some of the reviews on amazon. I will be picking up the first book in the series.

  3. Wow,I was able to read one of her books entitled What’s Done in the Dark..And at that time I was totally curious about the author,and i am pleased now because through this blog..I was able to read an interesting information about the author...Hope you'll post also here your interview with my favorite author"Sidney Sheldon"...

    restaurant wells me

  4. Hello All,

    For those of you who said you have not read the book but plan to get it. The weekend is here "What's Done in the Dark" would be a great read for this weekend. I'm not a spokesperson for Ms. LaReaux nor LaShaunda I am an avid reader who read both releases of What's Done In The Dark and Song of the Siren, yes they both were excellent reads.

    I cannot wait for Bastards after reading the first 2 installments the excitement continues the closer we get to March...hee-hee

    We have a lot in common, I was born and raised in Harlem and we moved to Brooklyn NY, I to enjoy the amazing race but could never go on the show becaue of my fear of heights...hee-hee lastly seafood is absolutely my favorite...and thanks for the mention of McCormick and Schmick's I've never been but will treat myself for my birthday in May.

    Thanks for this article LaShaunda it afforded us readers with a wonderful opportunity; to get to know Avah better. Avah see you in March!

    Readers Paradise


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