Tuesday, February 16, 2010

COLUMN: Fresh Manna: Breaking of Bread From Heaven

On the pages of the 66 books of the Bible are recorded some of the greatest love stories of all times. If you are looking for sex and romance, Songs of Solomon is the book for you. The Bible, itself, is a gigantic collection of love stories breathed from the very heart of God to His people. It chronicles His agape love to His people despite their unfaithfulness and idolatry acts towards Him. The Israelites were His chosen people; yet they repeatedly whored after other gods. If you are looking for a good read on redemption and love, grab your Bible and read the book of Hosea during your private devotions. For the tech-savvy readers, plug up with your favorite gadget and listen to the perils of adventures and displays of unconditional love.

This column recounts one of those love stories as recorded in the Book of Exodus 16. In this Chapter, God had delivered the Children of Israel from the bondages of Egypt by the hands of Moses. Now they are in their 40-year wilderness experience. And guess what they were doing? They were murmuring and complaining, wishing they had stayed in Egypt and died.

And the Lord spoke to Moses, “I have heard the murmuring of the children of Israel: speak unto them, saying, at even ye shall eat flesh, and in the morning ye shall be filled with bread; and ye shall know that I am the Lord, your God.” When evening came, God allowed quails to fly into the camp, and in the morning the dew fell on the ground. After the dew fell and evaporated, it left a small round frosted thing on the campground.

The children of Israel saw it. Looking at each other, they asked Moses, “What is it?”

Moses said, “This is the bread which the Lord has given you to eat.”

God loved them so much that He provided fresh bread for them daily from His heavenly bakery. Yet, they distrusted Him for daily provisions and hoarded it until morning even though they were told to destroy the remains. By morning, the leftover bread bred worms and had a stench. They learned their lesson on trusting Jehovah-Jireh, their Provider, the hard way. The Bible records that the children of Israel did eat manna for forty years until they came to their Canaan land (a land of plenty, a land flowing with milk and honey).

I’ve found myself in this story during some difficult times of waiting on God’s provisions in my own life. He has sustained me daily with His fresh baked heavenly bread (the Word). Yet, I’m still murmuring and complaining. Waiting is too hard, but 40-years (don’t even think about it). I want what I want now! So like the children of Israel, I’ve stayed in my wilderness experience far longer than required. Some theologians say the 40-year wilderness experience could have been completed in a matter of days as opposed to 40 years. What about you? Can you think of some wilderness experiences of your own where you had to learn how to wait and trust God for daily provisions?

Journaling Assignment: Jot down one of your wilderness experiences: Share the lessons learned, and the final outcome.

Happy Journaling!

Claudia Newby-Tynes, entrepreneur of Write 4U, is an author, speaker, teacher, and mentor. She has written two books and is a contributor to one. Claudia has approximately 200+ published credits online and in print publications. She served as both a columnist for The Spirit-Led Writer and a planning committee/faculty member for the Sandy Cove Christian Writers’ Conference. She is married and has one grown son. For more information, visit http://claudiatynes.com/.

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1 comment:

  1. When I initially read this I had to re-read it because I got soo excited I skipped lines...lol. I'm a bible reading sister. I love how I can read Tamars story and find some of my friends or the Ethiopian Eunuch who so reminds me of myself when I'm reading one of the more difficult books.

    I've finished journaling and I have to tell you I feel great. Thanks for that assignment it has helped with my focus.
    I am a non-driver so I commute to and from work, my commuting time is 1 hour 40 minutes 1 way. I gripe about it sometimes, however after this assignment I will no more because prior to being laid off in 2008 I walked to work for 6 yrs. I believe that was a blessing so griping now makes it seems like God has not blessed me in the past. When He blessed me INDEED!
    Father thank you for blessing me with the opportunity to be able to walk to work, and right now my commute is 100 minutes 1 way, but I use to be that woman who had NO job to commute to - Praise your name!

    Wonderful article!


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