Tuesday, April 06, 2010

AAMBC Spring Tours w/ Pauline Evans

Pauline R. Evans

Author/Publisher/CEO, Pink Peach Publishing

“Energy is the essence of life. Every day you decide how you're going to use it by knowing what you want and what it takes to reach that goal, and by maintaining focus.” – Oprah Winfrey

Maintaining focus is what led author Pauline R. Evans to create and complete her debut novel, Winter’s Kisses. “I have always wanted to write, be it short poems, short stories, whatever came to my imagination. I knew one day I would have a book and now it has happened.”

“In June 2009, I was standing at my bedroom window, looking out at the flowers and thinking, ‘Lord, will I ever get a job again?’ And then the answer was given to me. My job was there waiting on me; it had been all the time. I only had to claim it. My job was writing, thus the concept which became Winter’s Kisses.”

A native of Kingston, Jamaica, Pauline holds an Associate’s Degree in Paralegal Technology from Fayetteville Technical Community College and a Bachelor’s Degree in Paralegal Studies from Campbell University. Additionally, she earned a certificate in Nursing Assistant from Daytona Beach College in 1995.

Self-described as a learner, an achiever, confident and disciplined relater who is passionate for excellence. Pauline now resides in the Atlanta, GA, metro with her husband, Robert, and two daughters, where she is busy working on her second novel, She Never Left, the sequel to Winter’s Kisses.

Winter’s Kisses, is available now on the author’s website and on Amazon.com. Interact with Pauline, read her daily blogs, and get the latest on author appearances and happenings at www.paulineevansonline.org.

Winter’s Kisses

Winter Allison Reeves matured into an elegant gorgeous swan effortlessly sweep men off their feet. Aaron Dean Newton was the epitome of good looks, the walking dream for women and an object of envy for men.

Keith Pendleton, Winter’s high school sweetheart crossed paths with her and, he’s certain he has reconnected with the woman of his dreams. Megan Iris- a red-headed divorced RN fueled with a fierce determination has her sights on becoming the next Mrs. Aaron Newton.

Can their marriage survive their tumultuous affairs or will the temptation to leave become too strong to overcome? Will Winter’s best friends Amy stick by her and help her realize her true love? One thing is certain, Winter, Aaron, Keith and Megan are all playing with fire, and, without question, someone is bound to end up getting burned.

Excerpt from Winter Kisses

Aaron and I wanted kids but were unsuccessful. We spent thousands of dollars on doctors and fertility drugs, intense hours of lovemaking sessions each week but no change. We tried for years until we gave up. Our efforts only resulted in more frustration. I became somewhat regretful and angry. Over the years, despite this problem, we worked through it as we realized it was creating further breakdown in our marriage. Well, we tried to, at least.

At one point, I encouraged Aaron to adopt but he was totally against any kid moving into our home unless we were the biological parents. Once I cried, fussed and pleaded to the point where he became less firm and decided we could try adopting a baby boy. I was ecstatic! We visited an agency, fulfilled all the requirements and even set up a nursery in our home. A few months later, we received a call that we were going to be proud parents of a baby boy. The birth mom was sixteen, seven months pregnant and her parents advised her to give up the baby so he could have a better life than she could give him. The eighteen year old boy that impregnated her had moved away out of fear that her father, who sent threats, would harm him for deflowering his precious daughter.

I remember counting down the days to the birth. We chose to have an open adoption where we maintained an ongoing relationship with the mom-to-be, which made the wait free from anxiety and worry. The closer we got to the birth date, the more I noticed a tension in Aaron. I would ask him repeatedly what was wrong and he gave me the very same answer with a tinge of impatience. According to him, nothing is wrong! I sat, and would look at him, wondering why he was lying about his feelings. In the end, Aaron couldn’t allow himself to go through with the adoption. He stated he didn’t think he would be able to love this little innocent baby boy like his own. Needless to say, I was devastated. I withdrew and became self absorbed, miserable and sad for a long time. I resented Aaron to the point where I wasn’t drawn to love him anymore. He tried over time, many a times, to rekindle the flame we once shared but I grew cold towards him from the hurt I fostered deep within from not being able to conceive or adopt.

As the arguments ensue and become more frequent, we were no longer in accord with each other to the point we had to seek marriage counseling. Soon after, we decided to quit marriage counseling when we realized it had no cathartic effect. We just weren’t getting anywhere. The process tore us apart and we spoke less to each other. Sometimes I’d notice Aaron sitting and staring into space, and from the far away expression on his face I knew he was thinking of warmer and sunnier days.

I recall once I asked Aaron if he would reconsider adoption again and he flew off the handle.

“I know that would make you happy Winter,” he replied icily, “but my answer remains the same. I don’t want to adopt someone else’s kid! I’d rather have our own.” The conversation became harsh as we argued back and forth for most of the evening. I tried reasoning with him. However, it was pointless as he stood there staring bitterly at me while he yelled.

“Maybe if we stop arguing, and start spending more time together we might just get pregnant with our own child.” He continued angrily.

“I guess you are right,” I mumbled as I looked at him agonizingly. And with that, he kissed me on my forehead and went in the family room to watch the game. “Good night Aaron.” I spoke with an unreadable expression on my face, “I am going to bed.” He turned around but did not answer. For better or worst! I thought.

What made you get into writing?

When I was a little girl, I would go under the blanket with a flashlight and read when everyone would be asleep. I used to travel to places and see people through the eyes of the characters in those books. I started writing poems and short stories but never thought of actually writing a book.

What made you want to write a novel called, Winter’s Kisses?

One morning in June of 2009, I stood in my bedroom after my morning’s devotion and reflected intensely. I was contemplating on what purpose life has for me, after being laid off from my job. I remember I asked the Lord what’s next.

Emotions were running wildly, and yet, with all control, I decided to sit by my laptop. After I reminisced for a few hours, I started typing. After a while, my typing became words that reflected on two important virtues that mattered to me greatly: love and relationships.

At first, it was just 106 pages of something. Having realized the coherence of my thoughts, I called it progress and named it a story after I realized it wasn’t really trash. After weeks of writing, reviewing, re-writing and editing, with the help of great and true friends, it resulted in the composition of my first novel, Winter’s Kisses.

Do you have any other novels coming out soon?

I am currently working on the sequel to Winter’s Kisses. It called She Never Left.

I have only a chapter to go and would like to publish it maybe in September 2010.

When you’re not writing, what are you up to?

I am back in school for Clinical Research and this course entails writing numerous papers and lots of research. Also I am busy being a mommy to my two lovely daughter and holding down the fort while hubby is working over in Iraq. Also, I am busy trying to get Winter’s Kisses in the hands of avid readers.

What has been the most rewarding part of being a published author?

When someone comes up to me and says stuff like: I read your book and it was such a great book I couldn’t put it down until I was finished. Or how much they could identify with a character or how reading the book gave them hope.

What advice would you give to up and coming authors?

Learn everything you can about the industry and read all you can read about how to publish your book yourself. Also try and meet people who will teach you stuff they know and the mistakes they made and try not to make the same ones. Be careful who they ask for advice because from experience, there are a few times I was given the wrong advice.

Web link: http://www.paulineevansonline.org/

email: evansp534@aol.com
Book can be purchased at: http://www.paulineevansonline.com/

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