Wednesday, April 07, 2010

My God and Me Blog Tour with LaShawnda Jones

LaShawnda Jones is the publisher and author of Jazzy Media LLC. Her latest publication, My God and Me: Listening, Learning and Growing on My Journey is full of inspiration and testimony of personal growth.

Jazzy Media’s early publications brought local recognition to LaShawnda Jones’ work and requests for speaking engagements poured in. In 2004, she began facilitating body image and self-esteem workshops. Over the years, she has facilitated workshop discussions on the effects of family, friend, media and societal influences on our body image, self-esteem. She combines all that and more in My God and Me as she addresses, explores and strengthens her and her readers’ identity in Christ.

Tell us about My God and Me: Listening, Learning and Growing on My Journey.

My God and Me is a book about relationships. My relationship with God and my relationship with people. There’s a lot of frustration throughout the book because my faith and idealism constantly pushes me to model my people relationships after my relationship with God. It may seem like an impossibility, but we’re instructed to do so, so I continue loving and hoping.

How did you come up with ideas for this book?

I had been blogging on myspace for nearly three years. One day I was looking at my file of blogs on my computer and realized I had more than enough for a book. When I sifted through them I thought I had at least three solid books – self-esteem, spirituality and relationships. The more I sifted through, the more I focused on spirituality and realized everything else contributes to or stems from it.

Who are your main character(s)?

The main characters are God and me. (chuckle) We’re throughout the book! My friendships with Dianna and Jemini are featured throughout and have caused quite a bit of comment. Those relationships refined my walk.

Did you have a favorite character(s)? Who and why?

God is my favorite character. He always took care of me in the situations I write about, even when I thought He wasn’t paying attention to me. He had my back. He keeps me covered. And He grows me in His ways more every day.

Did you have to do quite a bit of research for this book?

Reading the Word. I didn’t read for the book, per se. But all my reading contributed to the book, most definitely. I studied the Bible and read many commentaries and write-ups about various topics.

What do you hope readers will learn/discover from reading My God and Me: Listening, Learning and Growing on My Journey?

I hope they will understand that we are all in the same boat. We’re meant to be a help to one another. The people placed in our lives are important and the relationships should be valued. Nothing is without reason or purpose; God uses everything in our life to get us to where He wants us to be.

Okay, a not-so-fun question. How important are reviews to you as a writer?

Reviews are fine, but I don’t write or speak for reviews. I would rather know how my readers are receiving and using the lessons I write about.

About the Book

Relationships change with the tide of life. When your relationships ebb more than flow, do you find yourself asking, “Were my dying relationships ever real relationships? Are the people who maintain contact, but with whom there is no connection, worth holding on to? Should I expect a person’s presence in my life to equal dependency in my time of need? Does the quality of interaction determine the level of importance?”

These questions and many more flow through the interactions shared in My God and Me: Listening, Learning and Growing on My Journey.

LaShawnda Jones Read an Excerpt

View the blog tour schedule and read an excerpt at

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  1. LaShaunda! Love the name! :)

    Thanks for featuring My God and Me on SORMAG! It's very much appreciated. Have a great weekend.



  2. Thank you, LaShaunda, for introducing your readers to LaShawnda Jones and "My God and Me."


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