Welcome to our first open house!
Come in have a cup of cocoa.
Don't forget to top it with lots of marshmellows and whip cream.

Grab a few cookies.
I hope you like sugar cookies.

Before you start mingling.
Click HERE and make your music request.
You can't have an open house without music.
I have some doorprizes for those who attend.
So if you stop by, make sure you leave a comment, so I can put your name in the hat.
Can't win if you don't leave a comment.
If you're an author, please tell us about your latest book.
We're still in need of Christmas gifts.
Come on and have a little SORMAG fun.
Hello everyone!
Five more days to Christmas. YEAH!
Can’t you tell I love Christmas. Its my favorite holiday.
Its been a crazy week. My grandmother died Tuesday. So its been kind of sad too. I’m happy for her because I know she’s in a better place. Sad for my family because we’ve had her for 93 years.
Enough of the sad stuff.
Welcome, let’s have some fun today. I’m putting on my favorite song, Silver Bells. When you come in, pick a new song.
I have four more presents to get. Two for my brother-in-laws, I don’t have a clue what to get, so if you have any ideas past them on.
I sent out my Christmas cards last week. I love Christmas cards. Its one of those things that’s become obsolete. I think mainly because we overload ourselves during this time and we don’t have time to send out the cards. I usually make calendars for my Christmas cards. This year I had to buy cards because my computer died. :(
I asked Santa for a new computer.
How’s your Christmas preparation coming?
Happy Holidays my sormag family...
I still have a few more gifts to pick up....but I'm taking the easy way out now....One stop at Bath and Body works, and one at Walmart for some gift certificates and it'll be a wrap for me....
Love & Peace,
Welcome Vanessa,
I think I'm about to go the gift certificate route too. Its so easy and people love them.
Post from Gwyneth Bolton
Happy Holidays, everyone! This is so nice! The hot chocolate, the fire, the roasted marshmellows, the hot cider! It's all really lovely! Anyway, My name is Gwyneth Bolton and I will have two books coming out in 2006. I'm a new author and realizing one of my life long dreams has been so wonderful. I feel so blessed. My first book, I'm Gonna Make You Love Me, will be published by Genesis Press in March. And my second book, If Only You Knew, will be published in July as a part of the new Harlequin Kimani category romance line. It's been great being a part of the Shades of Romance community of writers and readers and I look forward to getting to know you all better in the New Year! --Gwyneth Bolton
10:30 AM
Vanessa A. Johnson said...
Happy Holidays everyone.
Thanks for the hot chocolate and cookies LaShaunda....another great year coming to a close..Whew, where has the time gone? Seems the older we get, the quicker it passes..Anyway, 2005 was a good year for me. I self-published my first book, When Death Comes a Knockin', a self-help, inspirational book about loss and grief and although it was hard work promoting, it was also fun. I had the opportunity to sign at the 2005 Essence Festival here in New Orleans. That was a great accomplishment for me. Hurricane Kartina turned our lives upside down for a time, but you know us folx, can't keep us down....
Anyhow, prayerfully, 2006 will be an even better year. I will be unveiling my newest novel, Sacrifices In The Name of Love. Here's a quick synopsis of it:
"As teenagers, how often do we heed the advice our parents give us? Better still, how often do we do jus the opposite of what they tell us? Well it is not different for teenagers Trey Martin, an African American, and Tessa Phillips, a Caucasian.
When Trey’s family move next door to the Phillips, Tessa’s father, Don, a self-professed racist, openly objects and spews racial threats and insults at the Martins. Tessa knows of her father’s racist beliefs, but they’re not enough to deter her from desiring Trey.
As her desires intensifies with time, Trey catches Tessa eyeing him and so begins their afternoon trysts. Eventually they get more than they bargained for and soon find themselves having to make the ultimate sacrifice. Will love be enough to sustain them through it all? Will their parents be able to forgive and forget them for their transgression? Will there be any ‘ever after’ for Trey and Tessa?
Sacrifices In The Name of Love is a coming of age story that will evoke all kinds of emotions as you become familiar with the main characters Trey and Tessa. They will take you on a roller coaster ride filled sexual escapades laced with love, lies, deceit, loss, sacrifices. Through the school of hard-knocks (life), they will emerge matured in both their personal and spiritual levels. Yet, will either be able to claim victory in the end?"
Hope you all have a safe and happy holiday season and remember, Jesus IS THE REASON for the season!
Love & Peace,
10:37 AM
Welcome Gwyneth,
Congrats on your new books. I'm looking forward to reading them.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
I'm as ready as I'll get, from a material standpoint. This has been a tough year for us, which is especially hard on my 10 year old who remembers years gone by that were vastly different. I'm getting a couple of board games and DVDs, some hot chocolate and snacks, so that after our Christmas morning Prayer & Breakfast, we can have a Family Fun Fest. Our 3 year old is just getting into the holiday and it's the first Christmas for the baby. I think they'll enjoy it.
One thing about not having the resources we used to is that I've reacquainted myself with the public library. I'm reading more now than I was when I frequented book stores, since I can put up to 50 items on reserve. I just finished Felicia Mason's Love Inspired trilogy and I'm currently reading Terri Blackstock's Cafe Refuge series. I've introduced my boys to the library and they love it.
So nice to "see" my fellow readers and writers after being away so long. Best wishes. Ho-ho-ho! Peace & Blessings for All.
Hello Patricia,
So glad to hear from you. I'm hoping next year to get back into the library. My weekends have been so busy, I haven't had a chance to visit. My kids keep reminding me.
We love the library. You can get books, movies, music and magazines.
When my funds are low, I truly appreciate the library to keep me uptodate.
Have a great Christmas.
I forgot to pick a favorite song. My favorite Christmas song is "This Christmas." I like it when anyone sings it, but I have to admit I love Donny Hathaway's version. I love this time of the year because I just put on my soul Christmas CDs and have a blast.
LaShaunda and All, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas.
This year, I'll be at church and then afterwards the family will be meeting up at my grandparents house.
One of my old time favorite Christmas carols is "Silent Night"...especially when The Temptations sing it :)
If you haven't read My Invisible Husband, don't fret, another edition will be out in 2006 and you'll see why Nicolette Montana faked a Las Vegas wedding. How far would you go to please your family and friends? Join in relationship discussions on my blog http://myinvisiblehusband.blogspot.com or visit my site at your convenience www.sheliagoss.com.
In 2006, the Romance Slam Jam will be on my home turf so I hope to meet a lot of you.
To Lashaunda and the entire SORMAG family: Merry Christmas and may God bless each of you to be a blessing to someone else this holiday season.
What a year this has been! If I don't get anything from anybody during this Christmas, I have no reason to complain. God has truly been good to me and I look for even greater things to come.
This is a season for giving, forgiveness, sharing, and planning new beginnings. As we all step into the New Year, let's do it with hope, happiness, and love for our fellow man.
Please look for my 2006 titles: "More Than Grace" (April) and "One Prayer Away" (July/August).
Thanks for the Christmas card, Lashaunda. Happy Holidays, everyone!
Merry Christmas one and all!! :)
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother, LaShaunda. Blessings to you and your family. :)
I just got some good news in the email today--my first review for my holiday erotic-romance YES, VIRGINIA... HERE COMES SANTA CLAUS. I'll post it to my web site here shortly. Http://celinechatillon.bravehost.com
On the schedule next year is a chick-lit romance called SEVEN WAYS TO SEDUCE A MARTIAN in February from Triskelion Publishing. And I should have several more novellas coming out from eXtasy Books. http://cynthianna.bravehost.com
And to really confuse folks, I have a children's Christmas book out now in e-formats called THE BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT. The illustrations are by Kevin Collier and they're colorful and whimsical. (Just perfect, in other words.) http://cindyappel.bravehost.com
Okay, that's enough about me. God's blessings on you and yours throughout this holiday season.
Cindy aka Cynthianna aka Celine
Merry Christmas everyone!
2005 has been an up and down year, and I'm looking foward to 2006 to see what God has for me next.
In 2006, I will release my second novel, All Things Work Together.
Fred Bennett has made the transition from player to prayer and now finds himself simultaneously in love with his friend and sister in Christ Yolanda Mason and tempted by an old flame. Yolanda finds herself torn between her feelings for Fred and for Raoul Carizales, a suave private investigator she met when he came to speak to her fifth grade class.
Raoul, a self-proclaimed child recovery specialist, has reached the top of his profession and seeks someone with whom to share his success. He is determined to have Yolanda, especially if it means humiliating Fred in the process.
After a whirlwind romance, Max and Donna Carson now must adjust to the realities of marriage. Between newlywed blues and their increasing role in the ministry of their church, their respective friendships with Fred and Yolanda are strained, possibly beyond repair.
When one of Yolanda's students is kidnapped, Raoul is hired to find him. Assigned by his newspaper to cover the story, Fred must work closely with Raoul and put their differences aside to bring the boy safely home.
Fred, Yolanda, Max, Donna, Raoul and Randy are faced with trials that seem beyond their ability to cope. God's presence in their lives or the lack thereof will make or break their situations.
All Things Work Together is the sequel to my first novel, To Whom Much Is Given. If you haven't yet read To Whom, pick it up! :-) You'll meet Max, Donna, Fred and Yolanda there, and learn what has brought this group of friends together to the point where All Things picks up. I still have some copies of the current edition of To Whom left, but I will release the anniversary edition (it's five years old this October!) sometime in 2006.
LaShaunda, keep up the good work. God bless, everyone!
Patricia, I go to the library when I don't want to be bothered with the telephone or someone dropping by. I think I've spent more time in the library this past year than I have in years.
Vanessa, I can't wait to read your entire story.
Cindy, after I leave this blog, I'll head over to your site to check out that review.
Congratulations Gwyneth on your new book release. Maurice, now I have to get both books :)
Kendra, I've read all of your books except for the ones that will be coming out in 2006. Keep them coming.
Thank you for the invite. This is the first Christmas party I have been to this year.
I am enjoying the atmosphere.
I am actually an author. My first book is in e-book format right now, but it will be available in paperback at the beginning of next year.
It is the first in a series of personal growth studies for women. "The Woman He Wants You to be: 7 Days Towards Completeness in Christ." A series of seminars will follow each new book as thet ae released. It is not a long book, but according to the reviews I have been getting, it carries a lot of power.
The book sells for $5.50 and is free is you sign up for the seminar in January.
For more information please email me at lhamying@s2s4christ.org or you can purchase the book at http://www.lulu.com/content/203458
I am very excited about the end of this year, as it means the beginning of an awesome New Year.
Merry Christmas everybody! It's nice to hear what people are up to.
Last night, my husband and I made chocolate truffles to give away for gifts. First time we tried making these things. They weren't hard, just a little time-consuming. We have ideas for making it easier next time, if there is one. They turned out GREAT, although I am a bit chocolated-out today.
Here's to a great holiday season and an exciting New Year!
By the way, the coco was great. I used a lot of whip cream.
Hey LaShaunda,
I'm deeply sorry for your loss. Focus on the memories you have of your grandmother and let those memories sustain you through this painful time.
Love & Peace,
Thanks Shelia....if I can just find the time to wrap it up....you know...
Happy Holidays...
Love & Peace,
Condolences, LaShaunda.
What a nice get-together you have here! Thanks for the invite. 2005 was a fantastically BLESSED year with the world-wide introduction of my very first literary child (PRETTY EVIL)
The year 2006 - literally speaking --is going to be equally as upbeat as I will be attending several big conferences, conventions, doing radio, local tv, etc. including having a new release, an anthology and screen play.
Let me take this opportunity to congratulate each and every one of you talented women and men who are bold and brave enough to do your literary thing and express yourselves creatively. It takes a lot of courage to do what we do. I can see that I'm going to be equally as busy keeping up with, reading and supporting all of your novels and literary endeavors, etc.
Let's continue living and loving!
Lexi Davis
Merry Christmas to SORMAG and its reading and writing families. I wish you all the very best. Have a joyous time with your family and I hope for you a prosperous New Year! I'm looking forward to sharing my new book, Waving from the Heart, Priority Books Publications, scheduled for release in March, but is available for early purchase in Januaray. It's a collections of inspirational shortstories. Please look for more details real soon.
God bless you, all!
Ann Clay
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