Do you want to get married, God's way? Lord, I'm Ready to Be a Wife will show you how to avoid common dating pitfalls and recognize a potential husband when you meet him. Funny, real, and relevant, this book will encourage you while you're waiting, and help you prepare to be the woman he's always wanted to marry. The stories of Ruth and Esther will show you what it takes to get a man to "put a ring on it" and still maintain your love for the Lord. Today could be the day you meet the man you've been praying to meet.
Christine Pembleton is a proud wife, mother, talk show host, and author. With a sincere desire to encourage and empower women who want fulfillment and happiness in their marriages, she helps people understand the foundational truths of the Word of God through her ministry of writing, speaking and teaching.

She hosts the Christian Wives Club Show, a weekly internet radio show for Christian wives and women desire to be married. The show airs every Sunday at 9 p.m. EST on BlogTalkRadio. With guidance from the Lord, Christine has completed her first book, "Lord, I'm Ready to Be a Wife: Helping You Go from Single to Married God's Way."
Christine's hobbies are gemstone collecting and creating new projects and initiatives. But she most enjoys spending time with her family. Married in 2005, she and her husband Robert reside in Philadelphia, PA, with their two daughters.
What would you like readers to take away from your book?
That God is still connecting men and women in marriage, and if we follow the Biblical examples in the Word of God, women can position themselves for the love of their life.
Why did you choose to write this book?
I wrote this book so that Christian single women would know what marriage entails, and how they can prepare to be wives. Many times, people teach women about marriage after they've already said "I do", yet the best time to know about marriage is before you get married. That way, you can choose a man who can love you for a lifetime, and when you marry, you will know it's truly something you want to do, for the right reasons.
What did you learn while writing this book?
That authors really put a ton of work into producing a book.
What was your favorite scene/chapter from the book?
My favorite Chapter of the book is Chapter 1: Why do you want to get married? It's my favorite because it "puts it all out there" in regards to marriage so that women can truly decide if they want to get married.
What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?
I'm not sure. I am a writer because it's a way for me to express myself, but I also speak so I'm not sure I am a true writer exclusively.
What is the best lesson you have learned from another writer?
I learned from Omar Tyree that you have to finish your manuscript at some point. I always feel like there is more that can be said, but you can't write a book forever. Eventually, you have to decide that what you've written is enough, and if there is more to be said, you can write another book.
What is the toughest test you've faced as a writer?
Finishing my manuscript
What is something readers would be surprised you do?
I sing to my oldest daughter before she goes to bed at night.
What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?
1. That everyone gets nervous when writing their first book.
2. That what seems obvious to me now may be impactful to someone else.
3. I should not minimize what I say, as long as it's a blessing to someone else.
How do you reach new readers?
Word of mouth, mostly. And through our wife-in-waiting events.
If you could have dinner with 3 authors to talk with about their writing (living or deceased) who would you invite and why?
Maya Angelo -- because she's so authentic to herself
Michelle McKinney Hammond -- because she's meant so much to Christian single women, and is an inspiration to me.
Jack Canfield -- he's put together books (Chicken Soup for the Soul) that are simple, yet have blessed millions.
Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?
Do believe in yourself and your gift. Believe in your own self-worth, irregardless of what people say or do.
Don't do this all by yourself. Lean on others that are strong in the areas in which you are weak. Work with others who respect you, and those you can respect.
How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)
Josephine Communications, LLC
P.O. Box 49016
Philadelphia, Pa 19141
Our theme for this month is REACHING YOUR GOALS. What steps should a writer take to reach their goals?
Write everyday, and work with an editor/critique group to perfect your writing voice. There is nothing like being understood by your readers.
Get your writing into the hands of someone who can take your message to your target audience. If you can do the job, self-publish your work or begin a blog. If you don't have the resources, send your writing to editors/publishers who do have the resources.
Thank the Lord each day for your gift, and walk through every door He opens for you.
Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?
My next book will discussion the qualities of a Godly wife, unless there is more to be said for Christian single women.
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