Sunday, August 30, 2009


Thank you for attending this week online conference. I know I had a blast and I hope you did the same.

The conference will stay online for the rest of the year, so feel free to stop by and read the posts. Tell your friends what they missed.

This week’s conference was FREE, but I’m sure you know there is always a cost to hosting a conference. I know everyone can’t make a donation which is why we offer a free conference; however, for those who can please consider making a donation.

Part of your donation goes to our first scholarship recipient, and the other part goes to helping us continue to offer you great events like this.

You can make a paypal donation or send a check or money order pay to:

LaShaunda Hoffman
7127 Minnesota Ave
St. Louis, MO 63111

I will be selecting our first scholarship winner on Sept 4th, so you still have time to nominate yourself until August 31st.

For those pitching to the editor there are a few more slots available.

Deadline is August 31st.

Don’t forget to check the blog to see if you won a prize.

A BIG THANK YOU to all the writers who participated or donated a prize to this conference. Without you, there would be no conference. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

Please make sure to fill out the SURVEY. Your opinion helps me improve the conference.

Again thank you for making this conference a success.

See ya on the net in 2011,

SORMAG Online Conference Coordinator





Did you enjoy these workshops?

Make a donation and help us send a lucky attendee to a live conference


Congrats to our first
Poetry Queen

Who Am I ?
By Shelia M. Goss

Who am I?

I am a woman of class,
With a show of elegance a sense of pride
One that can not and will not be compromised.

I am a woman with many degrees
Not speaking of formal education, but life experiences
That help developed me into what you now see.

I am part of the evolution, some might say revolution
With my innovation, yet sometimes filled with frustration
But still stand tall as one of God's finest creations.

See I am a woman of hope
Full of life's possibilities, trying to live up to my abilities
Not accepting what life is trying to offer me.

I am a woman in spite of the complications
Still moving with strong determination
To reach the highest regardless of the situation.

I am a woman filled with sensitivity
Not letting just anyone get close to me
Because positivity is what surrounds me.

That's Who I am.

Goody Bag

You can't have a conference without a goody bag, since we're online and can't give everyone a goody bag. We are offering you our online version. Enjoy!

Never Would Have Made It

Some One To Love Me - The book trailer

FAMILY PICTURES - The book trailer

Jewelry Marks

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Welcome to the final day of the conference. This day is dedicated to promotion.

Promotion is an important part of a writer's life. Stop by and share what type of promotions work for you.

Panel: Meet the Publicist - Pam Perry, Dana Pittman

Discussion: Promotion – LaConnie Taylor-Jones, Tinisha Johnson, Abiola Abrams,

Cydney Rax, Deborah Copeland, Tiffany Amber Stockton, LaShaunda Hoffman

Workshop: Marketing on a budget Part 1 – LaShaunda C. Hoffman

Workshop: Marketing on a budget Part 2 - Debra Owsley

Workshop: Branding Yourself – Tanya Bates

Workshop: Blogging – Lyn Cote





READER's Telechat Sponsor




QUESTIONS ROOM (Do you have questions about the conference?)

Did you enjoy these workshops?

Make a donation and help us send a lucky attendee to a live conference


Today's panel member are here to talk about promotion.
What works for them and what didn't.

LaConnie Taylor-Jones, Tinisha Johnson, Abiola Abrams,
Cydney Rax, Deborah Copeland,
Tiffany Amber Stockton, LaShaunda Hoffman

Offer your promotional tips.


Publicists Pam Perry and Dana Pittman will answer questions about their business and what they do for their clients.

WORKSHOP: Marketing On A Budget Part 1

Welcome to our workshop. My panel member will discuss marketing off line and of course I’m going to talk about marketing online.

It is important as a writer new or seasoned; you must have a marketing plan. Remember this is a business and you need to learn how to work your business. My first advice is to remember you have to spend money to make money. Set aside a reasonable amount of your advance for marketing. $50.00 dollars won’t cut it.
Before you decide on your budget, do a little research, what is the going rate for online promotion? Check this each time you have a book coming out, because rates change. You don’t want to budget for last year’s rates and everyone’s rates have gone up.

Ok, I understand money is tight, so you want to start with the no cost marketing first. I have a few ideas to get you started. I know you already have a website because you’re an in the know author and you know you can’t be an author these days without a website or blog.

Things To Do On Your Site


Articles are a good way to show readers you can write. It also can be used as a tool to teach others from your experiences.


Another way to keep your fans updated on what's happening with your writing career is through a newsletter. In the newsletter you want to feature all the current events happening in your career.


Many authors featuring their press kits online, it’s a quick way for the media and fans to get information about the author and their books.


Blogs are used as diaries, or an everyday tool to communicate with your fans. You can even invite others to make comments on your blog.


Another great way to communicate with your readers, they can post message and to their surprise you can answer them. This is an excellent tool to get feedback on your books.


Chat rooms are another way to communicate with your readers. You can host monthly chats and see your readership build.


You can use your site or the chat room to host workshops. On the site, they are articles you post weekly or monthly (remember you're trying to bring the readers back).


Always have a page that features your books and a way for readers to purchase them, either from you (autographed of course) or through an online store. Visitors always want to buy the book after reading an excerpt. You want them to buy your book, so don't forget to offer them a chance to.


Contests are a great way to bring people to your site. Everybody loves to win something. Feature a contest each month.


What you give as a prize will depend on your budget.

• An autograph book
• A theme goody filled basket
• A trip
• Gift certificates
• Book excerpts
• Bookmarks
• Bookcovers


Have a link on your site for those visitors who want to keep up with what's happening with their favorite author. Send out messages about your book, reviews, chapter excerpts etc.

This is an important feature in your marketing plan. You are trying to build your email list. You can do a lot of marketing with this list, so the bigger it is the better.

• Eblasts – send out announcements to your list. Introduce your new book, post a excerpt, tell them where you’re having your next book signing, or guest blog


Every writer has online friends and some of these friends have their own sites. Here a few things you can do on their sites.

• Interviews
• Guest Blogger
• Monthly Columnist
• Write an Article
• Host a workshop
• Book Discussion
• Chats
• Blog tours
• Make comments on other blogs. Always include a signature line.


There are tons of review sites too many to list, so I’d suggest doing a google search and researching them. You want to find the sites that feature your genre. Don’t waste your time and theirs by sending your book if it’s not the type of genre they review.

Researching takes time, but it will save you a lot of money in the long run. Postage is not cheap so you want to make sure you’re sending your books to the right sites. Check their guidelines and see if they accept ARC, galleys, books or ebooks. Choose the most cost effective for you.


Most online magazine offer free promotions such as interviews (including SORMAG), start with that as a way to approach them. Check their guidelines and see the best way to contact them. Some might want to do an interview the month your book comes out, some might not have a set time. If you’re trying to get an interview the month your book releases, you need to know this information. (Again this is when the research comes in hand.)


This is the new way to promote online. I suggest you find at least two social networks you enjoy and use them as a way to market your book.
You can send out links to your blogs, articles, excerpts etc.


This is where your marketing budget comes into play. If you’ve done your research as I suggested, you know where you want to spend your money. Now I’m going to offer a few advice to help your promotion last.

Don’t buy all your ads in one month. Yes your book releases in June, but you want to market it until it is off the shelf. Now this advice doesn’t work if you’re a category writer. You only have one month to plug your book; however I still say don’t use that one month as your only time to market.

Spread your promotion over a three month plan. I’ve learned repeat promotion works for keeping your book in front of the reader.


Introduce your book to the readers, it’s about to be release, you want them to see what it looks like, what it is about and when it comes out.


Release month – Again show what it looks like, what it is about, let them know it is available NOW.


After the release – If the book is still available, again show what it looks like, what it is about and where they can find it.

If your book isn’t a category you can promote for the rest of the year. People are always looking for something to read. Maybe they didn’t see your promotion when it released. Remember you want to keep your book in front of the readers.

There are many sites that offer online promotion (SORMAG included) they have something that fits every budget. Look at your budget and see where you can promote your book.

Before I end, I have to offer two things that have helped me tremendously with helping promote writers.

A signature line – I have met many authors because of their signature line. Always include a signature line that includes your website.

Contact Info – I’m always surprised about how many authors don’t include contact info on their web site. I’ve missed opportunities to interview them because there was no way to contact them. Always include some way for people to contact you. Email or guestbook.

Also remember you want to build relationships, working with promotional sites with each of your books helps build a relationship. They want to help you promote your books and they will work with you and your budget.

Here are a few things to get you started on your online marketing. Remember we can’t buy your book if we don’t know about it.

LaShaunda C. Hoffman is the host of SORMAG’s online conference and the editor of SORMAG. Her motto, the first promotion is on me(interview) the second one is on you. Need help in your online promotion, let SORMAG help you.

WORKSHOP: Marketing On A Budget Part 2

Novel Approaches to market your book

by Debra Owsley

Things are very tight for us all right now and marketing your book is an additional necessary expense. No longer are the days when publishers give out huge signing bonuses and marketing expenses. The self published authors have an even tougher time because all of the costs are out of your pocket. We are all trying to make a dollar out of .15 cents, and I have a few suggestions on how to do just that. One of the challenges I enjoy is making a tight budget work with optimum results. Sometimes because you, the author are in the middle of everything, the simplest idea may pass you. You can't see when it’s right in front of you! I am an avid reader and a huge fan of literature. Even though, I'm in this business from a different angle, I'll see things that you may miss. And also as a fan, I know what fans like. Many times authors forget to think like a fan.

One of the things authors can do literary for .15 cents are CD’s.

CD’s are very inexpensive marketing tools that can be used in several clever ways.
You can purchase CD’s, and cases or envelopes, at any office supply store. 100 pieces will be about $15.00, and sometimes you can get them buy one get one free. Most computers have the burn to disc capability. Any mp3, jpeg, wav, wmv, formats can be burned to the disc.
Using a program like Audio Acrobat, this is about $20.00 per month, but there are others for free.

Programs like this allow you and others to record and create a file. If you have a microphone on your computer, which allows you to record you can also create a file this way too.

On the disc you can add;

A recording of you reading and excerpt from your book
A soundtrack of music pertaining to the story. Set the time, era and tone with music
Any interviews and podcasts you’ve done online that is a mp3 file
Reviews for book clubs and fans
Your trailer or slide show with a music background
The file can also be emailed to your data base
Have a contest all clues are on the CD and enter on your site

Things that you can do with the finished disc;

Add to gift baskets
Mail to fans
Pass out at events
Send to others asking for promo material
Send to book stores
Send to publicists Mail to radio and television shows as an introduction to you and your book
Use as a product along with your elevator speech
Play on your laptop at festivals and book events
Add a coupon Use your photo or book cover as an insert and add synopsis

Don’t forget to add
PASSION in your voice
Add your site addresses and contact info
Keep it interesting
Don’t make it to long

You can also
Upload these files to your sites, blogs, and social networks

Those extra book covers

I’ve always wondered why authors give out their book covers. It makes more sense too make them into something like Post cards and booklets.

Take those EXTRA BOOK COVERS you have and turn them into booklets or chap books with excerpts. You can print out double sided sheets with a chapter, contact information, and a sales order sheet. This can be used as teasers for readers, encouraging them to pre-order and purchase.

Make postcards out of them! Autograph them and write by hand, a note of thanks. Highlight the release date. This is a pleasant surprise for a fan to get in the mail

Staples and office depot reward cards

Signing up for these cards can get you free printing, discounts on ink and other things they offer.
You will also get coupons in the mail for free printing $10.00 copies free and $10 off of $50 or $10 off $25 or even $15 off of $15, which will help you pay for the chapters you print for your booklet.

If nothing else you’ll always need mailing envelopes, shipping labels, ink, and paper.
It can save you several hundred dollars a year.

Ad space

When figuring out your budget whether it is $100.00 a month or more, choose sources that bring repeat business and that get more exposure. Several sites like SORMAG, RAWSISTAZ, EDC-Creations, APOOO, and other blogs, have a following, mail out newsletters, and are go to sites. Buying ad space with a link is great, and budget friendly.

60 things you can do for free to promote your book

1. Make a phone call to a fan or book club meeting
2. Get a blog talk radio show
3. Ask your local libraries to let you do a book signing or discussion
4. Email your data base what your doing
5. Create a memorable internet signature and tag line
6. Run a contest
7. Join social networks like face book, library thing, Shelfari, good reads, and twitter
8. If you have windows movie maker on your computer make a trailer, add to your sites
9. Create slide shows of different events you’ve done add to your sites
10. Create a soundtrack for your book as a theme song and a giveaway
11. Start a blog
12. Write articles
13. Pass useful information with your tag attached
14. Create a 50 word elevator pitch
15. Use Skype to connect with book clubs
16. Post chapters and excerpts online
17. Create your own “fan wear” on café press or zazzle
18. Create and send out an online press kit
19. Trade swag with others
20. Barter services
21. Create your profile page on Amazon
22. Create a paypal account
23. Create sound bites and commercials for your book
24. RSS feed all of your sites
25. Do a brainstorming session to plan and organize your strategy
26. Write a catchy blurb, ask for one form authors you know and admire
27. Become an expert on your topic and be a panelist
28. Rearrange books in the book store
29. Do an online book fair and invite others
30. If your books are in Target, Wal-mart, Sam’s club BJ’s hang out there, and sign
31. Create a coupon, have a sale
32. Go to salons and barber shops
33. Create postcards and chap books with extra book covers
34. Pitch angles to different markets
35. Create an interactive site on
36. Create a scene for your displays, Presentation Is Everything
37. Have a “Happy Book Day” party on line
38. Look for venders and service providers you’ll want to use when you have the money
39. Take pictures of your displays and upload them
40. Try trial services
41. Use your laptop at events to show your trailer
42. Build relationships with people you want to know
43. Leave promotional materials at book stores and everywhere you go
44. Create a game around your book
45. Use your web cam, to do a visual postcard
46. Do a newsletter
47. Create an e-book version
48. Sponsor a cause
49. Hang out at community events, with radio remotes
50. Download and post all of your interviews
51. Create a demand (limited time only)offer incentives
52. Create a go bag so you can set up at a moments notice
53. Use what you already have
54. Create a list of Blogtalk radio shows and blogs your like of fit and join in
55. Record readings and post on your sites
56. Do an online journal of your book life
57. Do a Google alert for book marketing on a budget and free book marketing ideas
58. Create a calendar of up coming holidays and Awareness months and figure how to tie in your books, start early
59. Add another hustle; things you can sell along with your book
60. Use Vista Print or club flyers for free promotional materials, you only pay postage

WORKSHOP: Blogging Workshop 101 & 201

Blogging Workshop 101 & 201
by Lyn Cote

I want this workshop to provide info to those who are beginners to blogging and also I hope for those who've already been blogging.

Part I-Why Blog? And Blog What?

To begin with, a writer must decide what is the purpose of her blog. The most common reply would be to gain more readers. However, that is tricky since it isn't like a business which could say their blog's purpose is to sell X amount of products. The purpose of a writer's blog is more amorphous than that.

I blog for these reasons:

1-To interact with my readers and attract new readers
2-To build a supportive community of women
3-To reveal "me" not just my books (Transparency)
4-To attract more people to my website.

I was very reluctant to begin a blog because I couldn't think of anything that would be different from hundreds of other writer blogs. But last year at the RWA National Conference in San Francisco, Malle Vallik who's in charge of Harlequin's digital planning, asked me in a "Harlequin authors only" workshop, what my brand was. I said, "Strong Women, Brave Stories." Then she asked, "What on your website reflects your brand?" And a bolt of understanding of struck my brain!

Nothing on my website reflected my brand. And in the next instant, I had the answer to what to blog about. I would relate stories of strong women, from me, from other authors, from readers. Now drop by (Yes, I even registered my brand as one of my domain names.) Now look for any elements which reflect my brand. See a few? Then click Blog and read what I've written by my photo.

Now I know another author has just shared her knowledge on branding so I don't want to redo her work. But to me, branding is more than what you are writing about and how, it's about who is attracted to the stories you write. I'm going to use my longtime writing friend Roxanne Rustand, as an example. We were friends working together toward publication so we still support and help each other. Rox could not think of what her brand was.

However, since I know her and her writing intimately, we talked and talked until we came up with her brand. We still haven't been able to come up with a "jazzy" tagline. But now visit her at and then click on her blog .Her brand appeals to women who love the simpler life, in say, a setting like Wyoming and her readers and she both love animals. So Rox's blog isn't like every other writers blog. She invites other authors to talk about their beloved pets and any aninals in their stories. And pet lovers are loving her blog! A great way to tap into a new pool of readers.

Part 2-How to Blog?

I've recently read or skimmed 3 books on blogging and I'm reading a book called Social Marketing in An Hour a Day by Dave Evans. I also subscribe to and you should too! Here are several links that you should check out since they give you a lot info about the nuts and bolts of blogging.

Now another topic, "Tags" are what Search Engines are looking for. So when writing a blog, you should always "tag" it and try to use popular tags that are appropriate to your content. (SEO =Search Engine Optimization)

Part III-Bait & the Golden Rule of Blogging

By Bait, I mean giveaways. One way to make sure you have "followers" is to give stuff away. This is a legitimate strategy to increase traffic. But like anything else, giveaways can be overdone. I mean do you really want "followers" that only surf for free stuff? Are they really the people you want following you? So here's what I do.

Every May is MEGA MAY (since it is the month of Mother's Day and my theme is Strong Women), I ask each guest author to donate a book and goodies to one big MEGA MAY basket. The only other time I giveaway books is the month I have a new release, I give away one copy a week in a drawing from people who leaves a comment. When I have a giveaway, I notice that I do gain more followers and increase traffic. However, after the giveaway, I find that some newbies decide to stay. As I said, my goal is to form a community of supportive women. In the end, that's the CONTENT I offer my blog followers and guests.

Finally, on the developing society of the Web, there is one mistake you must not make and that is being anything less than honest. That doesn't mean you are going to post your phone number and bra size , but it does mean—WRITE FROM THE HEART, FROM THE "real" YOU. (Remember transparency up in my reasons for blogging.) The one thing that web-users will not tolerate is insincerity or manipulation. One example, Wal-Mart launched a marketing campaign covertly. That means instead of saying up front, Wal-Mart is doing this for advertisement, they tried to act like it had sprung up on its own. A couple who owned an RV began traveling across America and stopping to spend overnights in Wal-Mart parking lots and started blogging about it. It was really catching on and then someone came online and revealed that Wal-Mart was behind it and paying for the trip and blogging. That ended it. Now, if they'd just said upfront, "We're doing this," it probably would have been successful. The dishonesty part is what did it in. So the Golden Rule of the blogosphere and social media, is be sincere.

Here's another link which will give you more about sincerity in your blog.

Now I've given a brief overview and some resources for blogging. This workshop is on a blog, so I want some blogging interaction. Here are some questions:

1-What is the theme or reason for your blog?
2-What in this workshop caught your interest? And can you add anything?
3-What is your blog URL and how long have you been blogging?
4-Do you have any tips on what I mentioned or anything pertinent that I didn't mention?
5- What are your favorite blogs? Please share their URL's.
6- Do you include links to other blogs on yours? Can you think why this might be a good idea?

PS: An informative video--
(50 minutes long)

WORKSHOP: Branding Yourself

By Tanya Bates

Branding yourself is one of the single most important business decisions you can make other than incorporating your business. It is important to establish your brand because everything you do will impact each step that you take as an author, speaker, etc.

Branding is defined as a name or trademark connected with a product or its producer. First, you must determine what kind of image you are trying to create.

What is your image?




This is important before you write the first word of your book. This would determine if you would write the book under your own name or use a pseudonym (assumed name). Next, you would have to determine what direction you are going in. This decision would impact where you are going and would assist you in the next step of decisions you would make to include follow-up books, book tours and supplemental products.

Are you going to write urban, Christian, fiction, non-fiction, self-help, what genre? ________________________________________________________________

The next step would be to envision where you would like to ultimately be as an author. Where would you like to be as an author ultimately




By establishing a vision, you will have established a vision which will allow you to create a plan, thus take the requisite action to live the life you envisioned.



Lyn Cote's journey to becoming a published author was a long one - she started her first book when her daughter was 13 months old and her first novel was published when her daughter was about to enter high school. But Lyn was writing for a market that hadn't taken shape yet - the inspirational fiction market.

In 1996, Lyn Cote's first inspirational historical manuscript was a finalist in the Romance Writers of America's Golden Heart Contest. This became her first historical novel, Whispers Of Love, in her BLESSED ASSURANCE series.

Most recently, Chloe, the first novel in Lyn's "Women of Ivy Manor" historical series was a 2006 RWA Rita Award finalist for Best Inspirational, as well as a finalist for the Holt Medallion and the National REaders Choice Contest.

Lyn also writes contemporary romance and romantic suspense. She lives in the lovely northwoods of Wisconsin with her husband and three cats. Aside from writing, she also likes to knit, crochet, read, and do lunch with friends.

Her Inheritance Forever

In 1836 Texas, Alandra Sandoval is the lady of Rancho Sandoval, determined to prove to a doubting world that a woman alone can run a ranch as well as any man. But when Comanches attack her ranch and kidnap her, Alandra must admit she needs protection. A top hand at a nearby ranch, Scully Falconer, is chosen for the task and though Alandra tries to pretend she doesn't need his help, he quietly stays by her side.
Though they believe their paths to be worlds apart, the rugged American cowboy with a troubled past and the proud lady of Mexican descent are united when Alandra's greedy relatives burst into their lives. And when General Santa Anna's army crosses the Rio Grande—marching toward a rendezvous with destiny at the Alamo—Alandra and Scully are swept up together in the tide of history...and their world will never be the same.

LaShaunda C. Hoffman is the publisher of Shades Of Romance Magazine. An award winning online magazine for readers and writers of multi-cultural literature. She is a contributor for the anthology, How I Met My Sweetheart.

Born and raised in St. Louis Missouri, LaShaunda started her adventure in life by joining the United States Navy. She served her country for six years and returned to her home town to work for the U.S. government. At her 10 year class reunion she reconnected with the man who would become her husband. They are blessed with three children.

She is currently on the path to publication, working on a Christian romance and hunting for a literary agent. Her mission in life is to help promote writers by introducing them to readers.

You can visit her online at:
See Ya On The Net, her personal blog -

Tinisha Nicole Johnson is an Author/Writer/Poet residing in Denver, Colorado with her family. She's also a freelance writer for the Denver Examiner, a national news source and has her own column: "Empowering Women of Color" on Sisters Space. Besides writing, Tinisha hosts political and sports teleconference. You can learn more about the author at her website.

Website address:

Lessons Learned: Loving Yourself As A Black Woman emphasizes ten life lessons that addresses a Black woman’s most intimate, personal, and professional life. This non-fiction book was specifically catered to Black women in the self-healing process while laying out techniques on how to gain more self-confidence and strengthen your self-worth and your overall life

Debra Owsley turned her love for reading and her hobby to support her book habit, into the reading accessory and consulting business, Debra works with several major best selling authors, and book stores creating unique gift-marks, book thongs, creative displays and promoting literary. She also coaches authors on how to promote and market their book on a budget.

Debra never dreamed her two loves would turn into a marketing and promotional business, allowing her to meet authors she has read and admired, working book events and book festivals, and meeting other readers and book clubs. “Passion leaves “marks” and I am so glad I found mine!”

Debra loves to travel, read, dance, and discussing books with friends over great food.

Pamela Perry

Known as the “connector,” Pam Perry knows how to pull the right people together for the right project at the right time. Her public relations and advertising career spans over two decades. A graduate from Wayne State University with a B.A. in journalism, Perry has worked in media and the nonprofit sector.

She’s had sales positions at the Detroit Free Press, WNIC FM, WXYT/WMXD, agencies like Campau Advertising and Hermanoff & Associates. She’s worked in fund raising and development – selling the vision and mission of Joy of Jesus and then The Salvation Army.

Perry was the founder of BART (Blacks in Advertising, Radio & Television), a nonprofit networking organization for African Americans in the media. Over a ten-year period, the organization hosted career conferences, award programs honoring African American heroes in the industry and held regular professional development meetings. She is also a past winner of the “One to Watch” Award from the American Women in Radio and TV – Detroit Chapter and jointly won an Emmy for her work as a producer for “The Edge with Jeffrey Miller” television show. Currently she does public relations for the publishing industry.

Her best training and experience came when she spent five years working in her husband’s marketing communications firm, Perry Marketing Group. Now she uses those skills to give back to local ministries through Ministry Marketing Solutions which is a public relations/marketing consulting firm. The website address is A consummate communicator, Perry has even taught journalism at Renaissance High School in Detroit. She also pens weekly columns in the Michigan Chronicle and Michigan Front Page. Her work has also appeared in Gospel Today magazine, The Detroit News, The Detroit Free Press, CBA Marketplace Magazine, Precious Times Magazine, Christian Covenant News and The Christian Communicator.

Her passion is Christian books and assisting writers through the American Christian Writers Association (
) where she is president/founder of the Detroit Chapter. She and her family attend Life Changers Christian Center in Lansing under Drs. James and Stacia Pierce. She and her husband, Marc have a daughter and live in the metro Detroit area. Perry can be reached at 248.426.2300 or via email at

Dana Pittman, JD, founder of Nia Promotions, is an entrepreneur and self-proclaimed visionary with 15+ years’ experience in marketing and business development. She started Nia Promotions after running a family-owned website development company since 2001.

Pittman has developed and overseen marketing initiatives for small business owners, publishing companies, authors and a magazine. Nia Promotions specializes in envisioning and developing comprehensive business development and marketing solutions aimed at initiating and nurturing customer relations and profitability.

She, and her team, utilizes many services including, but not limited to: individual and group coaching, consulting, graphics design, creation of marketing collateral, developing business plans, developing marketing plans, market research, online promotions, website development, search engine optimization, online workshops, public speaking, teleseminars, and webinars.

Some of our publishing clients include: TL James, Jean Holloway, DeiIra Smith-Collard, Arlether Wilson, Lily L. Ratliff, Pastor Danyelle Scroggins, PHE Ink, Donneil Jackson, C. M. Jones, and Faith Based Christian Writers of Atlanta. Nia Promotions also hosts Nia Virtual Book Tours and Books, Beauty & Banter.

For more information about Dana Pittman contact her office at (832) 632-4451.


(Tiffany) Amber Stockton is an author and freelance web site designer who lives with her husband and fellow author, Stuart, in beautiful Colorado. They celebrated the birth of their daughter in April and have a vivacious puppy named Roxie, a Border Collie/Flat-Haired Retriever mix. Amber has sold six books so far to Barbour Publishing with more on the horizon. Other credits include writing articles for various publications, five short stories with Romancing the Christian Heart, and contributions to the books: 101 Ways to Romance Your Marriage and Grit for the Oyster. Read more about her at her web site:

Copper and Candles

A young lady of means discovers that keeping secrets, no matter how noble the intent, demands a price that she and a refinery worker, with all their resources, might not be able to pay.

LaConnie Taylor-Jones, a native Memphian, is a health educator consultant and holds advanced degrees in community public health and business administration.

Ms. Taylor-Jones has authored several community public health publications as well as two romance novels under the Indigo Imprint for Genesis Press: When I’m With You and When A Man Loves A Woman.

The mother of four and resides with her family in Northern California and is an active member of the Contra Costa Alumnae chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., the African American Community Health Advisory Committee, Black Women Organized for Political Action, and the San Francisco Area and Black Diamond chapters of Romance
Writers of America.

Friday, August 28, 2009


We had three ladies to share their poetry during our poetry slam. Please take a moment to vote for our poetry queen.

Read their poems:

Deadline Aug 28th


Welcome to the 6th day of the conference. This day is dedicated to the business part of writing. Most writers don't realize when they start to write that it is a business. Today is to help you understand that side of writing.

Today we also are featuring our editor panel. Here's your chance to ask those questions you've always wanted to ask a editor.

Please do not pitch your idea or book to the editor. Any pitches will be deleted.


No Chats will be held today.

ONLINE: (Go to - or click on the links below)

Meet The Editor - Monica Harris -Leisure Books, Deborah Schumaker - Genesis Press, Kymberlyn A Reed - Parker Publishing, Stacy Boyd - Harlequin, Joylynn Jossel - Urban Christian, Diana Ventimiglia - Harlequin

Workshop: Online Marketing Tips For Authors - Ty Moody

Workshop: 8 Points Online Marketing Plan For Authors - Dee Stewart

Discussion: Social Media - LaShaunda Hoffman - SORMAG, L. Martin - UrbanliteraryReview, Tiffany Amber Stockton





READER's Telechat Sponsor




QUESTIONS ROOM (Do you have questions about the conference?)

Did you enjoy these workshops?

Make a donation and help us send a lucky attendee to a live conference

Meet The Editor

Meet our panel of editors
Monica Harris - Dorchester , Deborah Schumaker - Genesis Press, Kymberlyn A. Reed - Parker Publishing, Stacy Boyd - Harlequin, Diana Ventimiglia - Harlequin, Joylynn Jossel - Urban Christian

DISCUSSION: Social Media

How are you using the social media?
Learn a few tips from our panel:

LaShaunda Hoffman - SORMAG
L. Martin - Urbanliterary Review
Tiffany Amber Stockton

Stop in and share how you are using social media to market your books.

WORKSHOP:8 Points Online Marketing Plan for Authors

8 Points Online Marketing Plan for Authors
By Dee Stewart

In the spirit of SORMAG, I want to talk to you about a specialized marketing form that has fast become the choice for publishing houses, online marketing. If you are an author with a contract, then you know most midlist authors and below are no longer receiving marketing support by way of product placement, instore events, book tours, and book promo items. Instead publishing houses are devoting a bulk of the author’s designated marketing dollars to online campaigns. And since I’ve talked about book marketing plans all year, I decided to switch the game up. I want to help you create an online marketing campaign that will help you meet and galvanize your ideal readers.

Imagine as an author your day consists of writing great stories you know your readers will love, then meeting these readers to fellowship with you about your story and why they love them. Isn’t that a sweet dream? In life coaching terms we call that place- operating in your sweet spot. Online Marketing—if you plan your efforts well—is the best tool to get you to that sweet spot faster than any other opportunity out there. It is why your publishing houses are using it, as well as the face that it is a more affordable alternative to traditional advertising.

Today’s session I will share basic online marketing planning tips, techniques and tricks to help you galvanize your readership. If you have further questions, you can leave a comment at the end of the post or email me at deegospelpr at gmail dot com.

Let’s begin by defining Online Marketing.

Marketing-- is a practiced science, the ongoing process to identify, anticipate, supply and satisfy your ideal client.

Book Marketing is the ongoing processes to identify, anticipate, supply and satisfy your ideal clients( readers, your distributors, your publishing house, bookstores.)

Online Book Marketing: is the ongoing processes to identify, anticipate, supply and satisfy your ideal client by using online tools. It is an extension of your overall book marketing campaign.

Let me repeat: Online Book Marketing is an extension of your overall book marketing toolbox. Do not stop your other marketing efforts!

Now I will introduce you to seven basic online marketing tools and how to prepare a strategy to use them.

The 8 Point Online Marketing Toolbox

1. Email Marketing
2. Blogging, including Podcasting, Vlogging & Microblogging
3. Social Media Design
4. Forum Building
5. Online Advertising
6. Online PR
7. Social Bookmarking

A more detailed look:

Email Marketing: Email marketing is a public relations, customer relations management, direct mailing Trifecta (PR/CRM/DM.) You can participate in three marketing processes at once. What’s very good about email marketing is that your direct mailing efforts have a better return on investment(ROI) when you couple it with a client connection piece—consistent, compelling and strategic email placements to your ideal readers.

Blogging: Online Journaling (blogging) Many authors blog to share their writing life with their readers. Blogging can be used for various reasons:

· To serve as an online hub for your fanbase
· To serve as your newsletter content builder
· To promote your next event
· To attract event planners and bookclubs
· To serve as an online bookstore
· To serve as an online press room
· To attract agents and editors
· To create another source of writing revenue
· To host an online blogtour
· To podcast your book
· To videocast(vlog) your book

The key to blogging is commitment, consistence and content. Join me in September for 30 Days to Build a Better Book Blog at

Social Media Design: Despite the contrary authors should have a strategy and design in place when you are online. This design consists of scheduling, tooling, and driving readers from event to event. Tools like brightkite, eventbrite, igoogle,, and squidoo helps you create almost an online (ro)bot of you, whereby you are promoting yourself 24-7 streaming and responding to your ideal readers and clients in real time. The top social media building blocks for authors are:

· Twitter
· Facebook
· Amazon Author Pages
· Eventbrite
· BrightKite
· Skype
· FriendFeed
· LiveStream
· YouTube
· BlogTalkRadio
· TalkShoe
· MySpace
· GoodReads
· LibraryThing
· Flickr

Forum Building: Fan bases grow exponentially when they form a community. The Twilight Moms Club on Mommy Blogger is a huge community that talks about the series, meet regularly and host charity events. If you’re operating in your sweet spot your fans will come together and create a fun and exciting community for you as well. The best way to do that is through forum building. Couple your email campaign with a forum to continue conversations in and you have a winning combination. A great example of a blog that created a community with a forum is Faith*in*Fiction. Bethany House Editor David Long created the blog to start a conversation about compelling Christian novels. It is the catalyst for The Christian Fiction Blog Alliance, Relief Journal, First Wildcard Blog Tours, and over 150 Christian book review blogs.

The top forum building sites for authors are:

· Ning
· Facebook Groups
· Twitter Groups
· GoodReads Groups
· Utterli Groups
· MySpace Book Groups
· Shelfari Groups
· YahooGroups
· Blogger Fan Groups

Online Advertising – paid for placement. Examples of book ads are (ads in print & online publications, radio, internet or network television, blogs, etc.) Its goal is immediate promotional impact and short lived. It’s results can be measured via survey, tracking backlinks and sneeze page hits. It is the most expensive form of marketing. When you create your plan it is imperative to use online ads to promote your next event or next title, and most effective when creating and implementing book launch strategy. Where can you find online advertise placements?

· Online Mags like SORMAG
· Blogs like Christian Fiction Blog
· You can submit ads/drops to online radio shows like Media Candy
· Social Media Sites like Facebook Ads
· Internet TV Shows like Faithful Folios on LiveStream
· Eblast services like GoodGirlBookClub. Make sure to include in your plan to purchase eblast service from a local service, a genre specific service, a national magazine.
· Link Ads in online newsletters like Dee’s Goody Mail
· Book Trailers on DeeGospel on YouTube
· Sponsoring online events like SORMAG Online Conference
· Paying for a Blog Tour through Ty Moody Creations
· Ad placements on Literary Sites like

Online Public Relations & CRM – the activity to create opportunities to build relationships with your readers gatekeepers and to promote your service, product and brand. It is not a guaranteed sale, cannot be measured short-term, but affects are longer and more lasting than advertising. Customer Relations Management (CRM) is tied to PR, because PR also handles crisis management and customer feedback and retention. Online PR & CRM activities are:

Online Book Tours like CFBA
Online Audio Interviews like From Cover to Cover Literary Talk Show
Online Book club meetings using SKYPE or Mogalus
Book review placements on Christian Fiction Blog or RAWSISTAZ
Online mag interview opps like Victorious Living
Radio opps like Ella Curry’s BAN
Speaking opps like Nia Promotions’ Online Teleseminars
Online Parties via Twitter and Facebook and BrightKite

Social BookMarking– social bookmarking is a referral activity for bloggers. Blog readers find a great service or read and the refer what they like through social bookmarking sites like:

· Dig
· Mahalo
· StumbledUpon
· Delicious
· Librarything
· Facebook
· BookTour

Become very familiar with this tool and implore your readers to do the same.

Direct Selling – your website or blog is the lifeblood of your online presence. Moreover you can create a buyer’s page to navigate readers to direct selling. It is best practice to provide your local booksense tour, an online bookstore and an affiliate link with either Amazon, Borders or Faithpoint. To be able to watch the activity from your site setup a google analytics account and put the code inside or have your website designer place the code and provide monthly reports about your site’s activity. On that site make sure you have both audio and visual components of who you are and your book, preferably, you the author.

In short, let me share what these services should do for you. Online Marketing – is not the same as CRM, although social networking is a tool for both CRM, publicity, advertising, direct sales, and direct mailing. Online Marketing is using the 4ps of marketing process online.

Identify readers with online research using SMS, bookmarking, blogging, podcasting, polling.

Anticipating reader needs via polling, forum building, e-newsletter campaign strategy
Supply readers by introducing your answer to their wants and needs by creating an effective product launch strategy using online hubs, blogs and supplying online snippets in audio, video and print forms via viral sms like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Viddler, YouTube, UStream, Skype, Utterz

Satisfy readers by enabling your book e-reader capable with ebooks and sony reader and Kindle Ready.

Dee Stewart is a writing diva mother,
publicist, inspirational book reviewer for Romantic Times Magazine, Atlanta Satellite Bookseller for Mocha Readers Bookstores, and owner of Christian Fiction Blog( and The Christian Fiction Network( Her writings have appeared in: Spirit Led Woman, Gospel Today, Good Girl Book Club, The Dabbling Mum, Atlanta Christian Family, Mosaic Literary, Precious Times, Vertical Fix just a few. She will be featured in SistahFaith Anthology(Simon & Schuster, Feb. 2010.) Follow her on Twitter at @DeeGospel. Or visit my site at or on Facebook at

“This fall I will be hosting a six week Media Candy book marketing session for a very affordable rate. Let me know if you are interested in more details. Also in the fall my site will become a membership site, whereby you can download free reports, ebooks, tip sheets, bookclub contact info, participate in some of my free teleseminars, podcasts receive discounts for group coaching and marketing products, literary agents accepting submissions, book festival panel speaking opps, an invitation to apply to become a speaker’s bureau member, and much more more for a low fee of $25 a month. Subscribe to my free newsletter at to stay updated.

GOLD SPONSOR:, a novel approach to making your mark!

We specialize in creating unique bookmarks and book thongs customized for authors, book stores and book lovers. These keepsake type reading accessories are perfect for contest giveaways, party favors, book signings and promotional tools. Our main goal is to provide you with elegant ways in representing your work. Sure business cards and fliers are fine to give to customers and potential clients; however give them a complimentary item that is made to last.

You're making a lasting mark why not give one!

Our aim is to keep you remembered and retained, long after your fan has finished your book, and a waiting your next one. While providing them with a useful and creative souvenir from you. Give them something to hold their spot and they hold on to you

Let me make your make your mark, Simply Said

Debra Owsley turned her love for reading and her hobby to support her book habit, into the reading accessory and consulting business,
Debra works with several major best selling authors, and book stores creating unique gift-marks, book thongs, creative displays and promoting literary. She also coaches authors on how to promote and market their book on a budget.

Debra never dreamed her two loves would turn into a marketing and promotional business, allowing her to meet authors she has read and admired, working book events and book festivals, and meeting other readers and book clubs. “Passion leaves “marks” and I am so glad I found mine!”

Debra loves to travel, read, dance, and discussing books with friends over great food.


Monica Harris spent her first three years at Dell Publishing working with mass-market women’s fiction and trade non-fiction. She then joined Kensington Publishing where she initiated and edited Arabesque, the first African American romance series by a major publisher. There she also edited historical romances, mysteries, women’s mainstream novels and non-fiction. Later, Harris edited non-fiction and children’s books at Carol Publishing Group before she responded to a request from Doubleday to inaugurate the first African American book club, Black Expressions, now one of the most popular direct mail book clubs in the country. By using her editorial experience, the book club successfully marketed a variety of genres, allowing publishers to expand their own publishing lists.

Monica Harris’ career has focused on improving the talents of writers and providing publishing opportunities for authors. She is proud of the many authors she has assisted in becoming bestsellers and her participation in creating profound changes in the publishing industry and the media.

LaShaunda C. Hoffman is the publisher of Shades Of Romance Magazine. An award winning online magazine for readers and writers of multi-cultural literature. She is a contributor for the anthology, How I Met My Sweetheart.

Born and raised in St. Louis Missouri, LaShaunda started her adventure in life by joining the United States Navy. She served her country for six years and returned to her home town to work for the U.S. government. At her 10 year class reunion she reconnected with the man who would become her husband. They are blessed with three children.

She is currently on the path to publication, working on a Christian romance and hunting for a literary agent. Her mission in life is to help promote writers by introducing them to readers.

You can visit her online at:
See Ya On The Net, her personal blog -

Joylynn M. Jossel, now writing as E. N. Joy, a native of Columbus , Ohio , after thirteen years of being a paralegal in the insurance industry, finally divorced her career and married her mistress and her passion; writing. In 2000, Joy formed her own publishing company, END OF THE RAINBOW projects, where she published her own books until landing a book deal with a major publisher.

In 2004, Joy branched off into the business of literary consulting in which she provided one-on-one consulting and literary services such as ghost writing, editing, professional read-throughs, write behinds, etc… Her clients consist of first time authors, Essence Magazine bestselling authors, New York Times bestselling authors, and entertainers. The end result of a couple of her clients’ projects resulted in Joy being able to present their manuscripts to publishers and land book deals for them, adding the title of literary agent to her repertoire.

Currently, Joy is the executive editor for Urban Christian, an imprint of Kensington Publishing Corp. When she’s not adding her two cents to other authors’ works, she’s diligently working on her own.

Tyora Moody has assisted authors with establishing their "brand" online for over ten years through Tywebbin Creations, her marketing and design company. Her services include web and graphic design, online marketing seminars and virtual book tour events. Visit her online at

Deborah Johnson Schumaker is the Executive Editor of Genesis Press, Inc. and the author of The Air Between Us, which was published by HarperCollins as a hardcover in January 2008 and a trade paperback in March 2009. Among other honors, The Air Between Us was chosen as an Indie Spring Pick, a Spring Pick both at Target and Costco and as the Books A Million Chain’s national June literary book club selection. Before coming to Genesis Press, Ms. Johnson Schumaker lived for 18 years in Italy where she worked for Vatican Radio and as a translator.

Diana Ventimiglia – Associate Editor was born and raised in Long Island, New York. She’s always had a passion for the creative and can remember from a very young age reading, writing, and drawing as much as possible. Diana’s ambitious nature carried over into college where she majored in English and minored in Art History and Philosophy. It didn’t take long (a year and a half) for her to realize that this was a ridiculous work load. She decided that literature and writing were where her heart truly was, and what her wallet could accommodate. Soon after graduating, Diana landed her dream job working for a renowned publishing house (Harlequin). And the love affair has continued ever since. Diana enjoys anything chocolate, cupcake, and Tom Jones.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Each day features a panel list, which includes contact info. So scroll down the blog and check out the panel list for each day.

Tonight's Chat

Tonight chats were wonderful. I learned a lot and enjoyed listening to our panel member talk about their passion. Yes passion is the word to use. These ladies are passionate about self publishing and about being an author's assistant.

I want to thank everyone who participated and those on the panel, thank you sharing your information.

Tonight was the last night for chats for the conference. I want to thank everyone who came out and supported the chats.

If you enjoyed the chats, please make a donation. Your donation will help me continue to offer these types of events and it will support the scholarship.