Thursday, June 30, 2011
FEATURED AUTHOR: Kimberly Purpoz
Purpoz has been a professional writer and author for over 12 years. She is the owner and founder of of Messenger Inc. and was the publisher of Creative Minds Magazine. Kimberly is an author of several books under her current name and her previous pen names (Kimberly S. Phillips and Kimberly Ware). Purpoz started writing under her new pen name in February 2011. She has written several books and co-authored one book. The following are the titles of her books and series: “The Nia Trilogy”, “How To Release The Book In You” co-authored with Dr. Johnnie Swanson, “Heal My Wings: A Healing Guide for Women” and “Heal My Wings: A Healing Journal and Workbook for Women.”
Purpoz is also the author of the upcoming teen book series “Candace Green Mystery Series”. She completed the first two books to her urban fantasy novel series called “Foreshadowers”. The first book to “Foreshadowers” was released on Kindle in February 2011. The first book, “Age of Innocence” to her urban fiction series was re-released by Messenger Books. All of her novels are based on her dreams.
Under Kimberly Ware, She also writes for Associated Content and The
Kimberly is a graduate of Georgia State University. And is currently attending the American Institute of Holistic Theology to pursue her Master’s degree in Metaphysics. She is also a teacher and spiritual healer. Ware is also an artist and uses water color as a medium for her paintings.
She is a sought after speaker and conducts the Heal My Wings, Spiritual Pathway, and A Recipe for the Soul Workshop Series, seminars, and keynotes through out the country. She was also a speaker for the United Way Speakers Bureau. She is currently a speaker for the Great Black Speakers Bureau.
She has received many awards and recognition for her work. She was the 1998 Final Nominee for the Georgia Author of the Year. And she was nominated Who’s Who in Black Atlanta in 2000. She was nominated for the 2001 issue of Who’s Who National Registry for Business Executives. Purpoz was nominated for the Georgia Author’s Hall of Fame from the University of Georgia, under her previous pen name. And she was nominated and a member of the 2007/2008 Cambridge Who’s Who
When and where were you born?
I was born on December 9, 1972. Oh no I am giving away my age! Ha, Ha, Ha! I am a Sagittarius, for those who are into zodiac signs. I grew up in Decatur, Georgia what some people from that area used to call “The Dec.”
What types of books do you write?
I write spiritual books, romances, mysteries, urban fiction, urban fantasy, paranormal, and young adult fiction.
Where do you get your ideas for your novels?
My ideas for my novels come from my dreams; that is why I keep a dream journal handy!:-)
How long does it take you to write a book?
It takes me about 3-6 months to finish both my spiritual books and novels depending on my schedule.
Do you have a pen name?
My previous pen name was Kimberly S. Phillips. I will be phasing off of the Kimberly Ware name due to divorce. And my new titles will be under my new pen name, “Purpoz.” “Purpoz” is a play on the word purpose. The “Z” at the end of Purpoz represents zeal and zeal means power. “Purpoz” means power in your purpose.
What do you do during your spare time?
I love to watch movies, go for walks, to work in my garden, and paint. I love to use watercolor for my art work. I am also into drawing comics. I am looking to turn my Foreshadowers series into a graphic novel series and comics. I’ll keep you all posted with my art projects.
Tell us more about your current and future book projects.
“Age of Innocence”, book one to The Nia Trilogy Series, was re-released in March 2011 by Messenger Books. I have just completed the first two books to my new urban fantasy series called “Foreshadowers”. I will keep you all posted on my website.
Age of Innocence
A coming of age fiction about young love in da hood!
The Age of Innocence is the first book of the Nia Trilogy novel series. An urban classic street lit that foretells a saga of love, passion, hood life, street gangs, sex, violence, money, and power which weaves a web of deception.
Drug Lord, Q, has his eyes on his beautiful stepdaughter, Nia. Nia’s beauty and innocence is was what made Q want to draw her into his sinister world of human trafficking. Rachel, Nia’s crack addict mother gets entangled into Q’s illegal activities. Rachael witnesses a high profile murder spree; she vanishes with out a trace.
Nia finds the courage to run away and leave the dysfunctional home, but unfortunately she was placed back into the same dilemma by a social services system that failed.
Nia get some support from her high school sweet heart, Clay, but is he really there for her in the long run? Will peer pressure and gun violence ruin Nia and Clay’s lives? Will Nia be able to handle these problems that are beyond her age of innocence?
Journal Entry #1
Dear God:
I am new to journal writing. So if I don’t use proper English please forgive me Lord. Grandma Maria gave me this journal so that I can write down my deepest thoughts. She said it was a great way to talk to you, God. I want to share my feelings with you. And I want to do right by you because I want to go to heaven one day. Right now I am only fifteen years old but I have to grow up real fast.
I miss Grandma so much that it really hurts deep down inside. It’s been three months since her death but my heart still yearns for her. Will this feeling of hurt ever go away or will it forever linger? God please bless me with a family and home.
September 1986
I reached the towering buildings of James Monroe Housing. I opened the door to my building and went up a flight of stairs.
When I got home I heard commotions going on inside mama’s apartment. From outside the door, I heard Rachel’s voice and a male’s voice yelling in the background.
I opened the door. Rachel was in the living room pleading with the local drug dealer name Q which was short for Quinton.
The living room had holes and stains all over the walls. Instead of having lovely curtains hanging in the windows, there were cheap floral sheets covering the window seals. On top of the battered wooden end table there was a picture of mama, during mama’s earlier years when she was not abusing drugs. In her pictures she was a beautiful woman, but years of street life was beginning to take hold on her body; her beauty was beginning to fade away.
“Rachel, where is my money?” Q cursed and grabbed her thin arms and shook her. He threw her on to the floor like a rag doll.
Mama was dressed in an extremely short, provocative, purple colored mini dress; her cleavage was showing. Mama’s once long silky shoulder length hair was now in disarray. Q was a chestnut complexion with gold streak in his hair. He had shaved line designs going through his hair and had the letter Q shaved into the back of his head. He had a gold herringbone necklace around his neck.
“Q, please-”
I closed the door and my heart was pounding as fast as a locomotive and my palms were clammy. I wanted to help mama but I knew it was too dangerous. He had a gun strapped to the back of his pants and he was known in the community for killing people with his street gang.
Rachel saw me standing by the door, Q’s gaze followed Rachel’s.
“Nia what are you doing here?” Rachel got up and adjusted her short dress.
“Oh I see Rachel, you have a little girl. I didn’t know that you have such a fine little thang. Maybe we can keep it all in the family.” Q gave a sinister grin.
“Q, stay away from her your beef is with me!”
“I’m not going to give you anymore credits, Rachel!” Q turned around and approached mama.
“But there is one is thing you can do for me that would change my mind.” Q took his long index finger and caressed her cleavage. His dark evil eyes stared into hers.
“Come on Q, my baby is here.”
“You owe me! Don’t make me cut you in front of your baby girl!” He cursed and glared into her eyes. He grabbed her arms real tight. Rachel winced in pain.
“Ok, Q But not out here.”
“Baby, mama will be right back. This won’t take long.” Rachel blinked back her tears.
“Get your butt in here!” He cursed and smacked her hard on her bottom. He pushed her into the bedroom and slammed the door shut.
I sat in the living room and waited for mama. I could hear them moaning in the other room. I heard the head board from the bed banding against the wall. I shook my head in disgust.
Q opened the bedroom door. He adjusted his pants and had a dirty grin on his face.
Rachel’s hair was puffy and in more disarray, she stepped out of the room and pulled down her dress and adjusted her dress straps.
“Here’s ya damn drugs.” Q threw the crack rocks on to the filthy floor.”
Rachel plugged on to the floor in desperation. She was like a stray dog in the street foraging around trash cans for food.
Q shook his head, “You junky whore.”
Q then turned his attention to me. I was sitting on the corner of the couch.
“You are a cute thang. I can have you walk the streets and sale your sweetness,” he reached over and caressed my face. I turned my head away in disgust.
“You stay away from her! You got what you wanted now leave!” Rachel stood up.
“I’m leaving. I’ll be over again for some repayment options. You still owe me.” Q gave Rachel an insinuating look and winked. Rachel’s eyes were filled with tears.
Rachel closed the door.
I rushed towards mama and hugged her.
“Mama you don’t have to use those drugs. I miss you.”
“I miss you too, baby.”
“What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be over Thelma’s house.”
“I know, but I wanted to see you, mama, and make sure you’re ok.”
“I’m fine.”
Mama was sweaty and was beginning to tremble.
“What’s wrong?”
“I need it baby.”
“Look baby, I need you to leave it is not safe out here.”
Rachel picked up her crack pipe and walked me towards the door.
“Now Nia, go back to Thelma’s and stay there. My life is complicated right and I just don’t need you in the middle of my mess.” Rachel scratched her head in frustration.
“Ok mama.”
Mama closed the door behind me.
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Tuesday, June 28, 2011
BLOG TOUR: Fatal Deception/ In Plain Sight By Michelle Kershaw
South Carolina native Michelle Kershaw attended Montgomery University, where she earned her degree in business administration in 2003. She then earned her degree in legal studies four years later at South University. While pursuing this degree, she came across the idea for her first novel.
Get to Know Michelle:
1. What inspired you to write?
I began writing as way to express myself. I am inspired by everyday life and the people in it.
2. Will you write more books?
Absolutely! I am currently working on the second novel in the Fatal Deception series, entitled Jaded Thoughts.
3. Who is your favorite author?
I just like a good book. I can’t pick a favorite. There are so many fabulous writers out there.
4. What are you reading now?
Current events, they give me comedy, tragedy, drama the news is better than television most day.
5. What puts you in the mood to write?
Neo-soul music is truly my muse.
6. This is your first published work?
This is my first published novel. I began publishing poetry at the age of
7. Anything you plan to do differently the next time?
As I learn about this industry there is always something new. I would definitely network more.
Find Michelle at:
Fatal Deception/ In Plain Sight
Just how far would you go to save a friend? In a city where dead men tell no tells, and things are never what they seem who can you trust. Is all really fair in love and war? When hearts are broken and egos are bruised all bets are off. DeAndrea Patterson- Black is an all American woman looking for love, happiness and a successful career. Greed and lust threaten to keep that all just out of her grasp. Friends and family rally to her side to bring her through her darkest hour. In trying to help DeAndrea everyone learns a little more about themselves, proving you can’t see the forest before the trees and what you are looking for just might be in plain sight.
This dramatic novel reveals the complicated nature of the relationships individuals hold with their families and close friends. I tried to develop the characters throughout the course of the novel as they face realistic scenarios in an effort to help the audience better relate to the storey line. I hope that “Fatal Deception: In Plain Sight” will inspire readers to look closely at their lives and their relationships.
“Just chill D, we came here to relax and enjoy ourselves tonight. Besides, since you started working for Thomas and Associates, when was the last time you just let go?”
Come to think of it, I hadn’t. I had been working 70 hour weeks since I graduated from grad school. I hadn’t had much time for myself or for anyone else. I began to survey the room. The room was dark, that was to be expected in a lounge. There were at least 10 guys that look like GQ models and several women who needed a ham sandwich. There was a dark skinned average Joe sitting near the fire pit. Hell even the bartender was cute.
“Since I am here I might as well have a drink.” I begin to nurse a purple guppy when the bartender places another in front of me.
“I didn’t”….
The bartender cuts me off and said “It paid for by the gentleman at the window.”
I turn and notice it was the same man from the fire pit. “Tell him thank you, I said to the bartender. ” M cuts me off to tell the bartender that I will keep the drink and to tell the gentleman thank you.
“Girl when do we ever turn down free drinks, are you crazy? Now get up off your cute ass and go tell the man thank you.” I begin to protest but I am distracted by a light brush against the back of my arm.
I turn, and hear a man say,
“Hello. I am David.”
As I stand there taking stock of the man that is so brazen I hear M. say, “She is DeAndrea and I am Emerald.”
“Good evening to both you ladies. David appeared to be a well groomed man. He had an appeal to him. He was Taye Diggs dark, with the most beautiful eyes. There was huskiness about his voice. Little did I know that same voice would be saying “I do” to me a year later.
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Monday, June 27, 2011
Having grown up in rural New Hampshire, I was fortunate to attend the cultural melting pot of Boston University in the early 70's. As president of the senior class I graduated with both a major in Business Administration and a concentration in Philosophy/Religious Studies.
Since graduation I have spent over 30 years trying to balance corporate success with the "summer of love"; tempering capitalism with peace, love, and understanding. To that end I offer my new novel, "Zor".
Currently living seaside, in a picturesque New England community with my wife and son, I am convinced the movement that captured our nation in the late 60's is still very much alive. Zor says it best, "no one can save the world, but anyone can change it. Let's change the world together."
How did you start your writing career?
I’m not sure I would classify this as a career, yet. I’ve always had things to say, (letters to the editor, blogs, public speaking, etc.), but I’ve never considered writing a book until the night I dreamt about Zor.
Ive been interested in philosophy, spirituality, and science my entire life. One night, about 5 years ago, I awoke from a dream with a crystal clear understanding of their synergistic existence. For the first time in my life I realized philosophy, spirituality, and science were not exclusionary but totally in sync. Sitting up in bed, it suddenly all made sense. I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote down a steady stream of thoughts.
About an hour later I had six pages of notes. Returning to sleep I awoke at my regular time with the recollection of a lucid dream about a Haitian dwarf named Zor. In this dream I vividly “saw” both the opening and closing scenes of my book. Soon it occurred to me that the six pages of notes I had taken hours earlier tied both ends together. Later that day I began writing Zor.
What did you learn while writing this book?
I discovered the actual craft of writing is an extremely humbling endeavor. My initial expectation was to have a final draft within 4-6 months. It took me three years.
What do you hope to accomplish with this book?
I am not seeking fame or fortune. I wrote this book to change the world. So many of us are fixated on politics, sports, current events, and reality T.V.; I’m hoping after reading “Zor”, people will begin to pursue a deeper consciousness. One of my reviewers paid me the ultimate compliment when he said, “Zor is the type of book that makes you want to read other books.” I really liked that.
What character did you have the most fun writing about?
I really enjoyed watching Jonathan Brewster evolve. I think there was a lot of me in that character.
What has surprised you most about being a published author?
Without a doubt, the biggest surprise has been the kindness of my readers. I have received countless e-mails and tweets thanking me for the book and offering positive comments. I’m very proud of book’s apparent impact, but I am amazed at the number of people who have made the effort to tell me about it.
What aspects of writing do you love the best and which do you hate the most.
I don’t think any part of writing a book is enjoyable; at least not to me. I did not write this book because I wanted to; I wrote it because I had to. There is much about writing that is arduous. The worst part for me was the self imposed isolation.
What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?
I am very much involved with the marketing of the book now. I wish I knew more about social networking, building a platform, and mass distribution.
Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?
My advice would be to let the story take you where it wants to go. Don’t try to manipulate the narrative. Whenever I tried to make “Zor” more saleable by writing to the market I became lost, but when I let it flow, “Zor” wrote itself.
What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?
Writing a book is all consuming. I recently read Keith Richard’s book, “Life”. He talks about writing songs and how everyone thinks he is living his life while doing it, (romancing his wife, drinking with his mates, playing football with his children), when in actuality the only thing he is thinking about is the song, 24/7. Writing a book is the same thing.
If you could be a character from any book you've read, who would you be?
Is there any character in modern literature more perfect than Atticus Finch? I think not.
When you're not writing, what do you like to do in your spare time?
I have an old house, a young wife, and a seven year old son. There is no spare time.
What do you do to interact with your readers?
I have thousands of followers on twitter and reply to every message I receive. I am also hopeful interviews such as this, will open up new avenues of communication.
Our theme for this month is INDEPENDENT PUBLISHERS. Have you ever considered self publishing your work? Why or Why not?
Although not my initial intent, I did self publish “Zor”, and I couldn’t be happier. Self publishing is much more time intensive, but well worth it, for the total control it provides.
Oprah always asks, What do you know for sure?
The one thing I thought I knew before writing this book was actually verified repeatedly while researching this book; all truth is relative.
Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?
My next book begins exactly where this book ends; Zor and his attorney, Lynn, pulling away in a cab, leaving Jonathan Brewster on a sidewalk, in Washington D.C.
How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)
Web site
Twitter @GoToZor

"Zor" explores the relationship of middle-aged angst with philosophy, spirituality, and science by asking one simple question; where do you turn when life's core beliefs become suspect?
That is the dilemma confronting Jonathan Brewster, a money manager from Boston, whose "chance" meeting with a Haitian dwarf named Zor, spirals out of control. Forced to defend his life in a series of intense debates concerning negative ch'i, emotional addictions, neuron networks, vipassana meditation, the collective unconscious, laws of attraction, sub-atomic entanglement, placebos, Nietzche, metta, God, and happiness; John is reluctantly drawn to a new reality.
Rising above his crisis of conscience he restructures his life for the greater good, only to be challenged by the ultimate betrayal.
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Saturday, June 25, 2011
I want to thank you for taking time out of your day to participate in our Online Book Fair.
Send me your mailing address to and I’ll send out your SORMAG goody box.
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Teresa B
Patricia W.
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Greetings in the name of literature,
I'd like to welcome to the last day of the Online Book Fair.
Our featured books are wonderful and just a click away from you owning them for yourself. Remember to support our authors, we want them to be writing for many more years.
Today is an author panel. Feel free to make comments or ask the author those questions that have been on your mind forever. They will stop in through out the day to answer questions.
Today's Book Fair is in honor of my mother
Brenda Turner
Brenda J. Turner
June 18, 1947 - June 16, 2011
Brenda loved books and meeting authors. This picture was taken at the Slam Jam in North Carolina. She always had a great time at the Slams. Rest In Peace Mama - You will be missed.
If you have any problems or questions feel free to contact me at will be online all day, so I hope to see you on the net too.
Enjoy the Online Book Fair.
LaShaunda C. Hoffman
SORMAG's Online Book Fair Host
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SORMAG's ONLINE BOOK FAIR - Meet The Author Panel - Day Four
Click on the comments and leave a comment or question for our panel. Unless noted, the authors will drop in through out the day to answer questions or post comments.
MEET THE AUTHORS PANEL - The Paths To Publication
Rose Jackson-Beavers is a veteran social services administrator, and publisher. An advocate for children, teens and families, she spends her time working with various age groups to encourage their literary interests. She believes reading increases comprehension, which increases the reader's ability to do better in school and in the workplace.
To ensure aspiring writers have the information they need to understand the book business, this social-worker-turned-publisher hosts at least two free workshop each year to teach her often-requested seminar on self-publishing. She has written six books and published the works of 27 authors, with 4 winning awards for their work.
To encourage readers, her company has donated thousands of dollars in books to schools, churches, and afterschool programs. In addition, she founded a St. Louis nonprofit, The Family Enhancement Center. For the past two years, the center has donated school supplies, computer items and cash to high school graduates who receive The McKinley and Sylvester Jackson Scholarship. The scholarship is named for Jackson-Beavers’ late brothers, who succumbed to cancer before their 40th and 43rd birthdays. The scholarship reflects the brothers’ desire for their siblings to complete school and pursue further educational pursuits, while calling attention to the many African Americans who die from cancer each year.
Dr. Linda Beed is an author, educator, speaker and youth minister. She earned her Master of Theology (Magna Cum Laude) and Doctorate of Religious Education from A. L. Hardy Academy of Theology where she is now faculty emeritus.
As a conference coordinator and facilitator she has shared in the success of local and national conferences that include literary and social organizations. Her blogs, Let Us Bear Fruit and Reading Our Stories are places where you can find the best in book reviews, author dialogues, industry information and online workshops.
Dr. Linda is the founder of The Damascus Road Authors a collective of Christian authors with the common goal of ministering through the arts. She is also the founder and president of The Write Plan a course for those seeking to become writers and to learn the business side of the craft.
In support for others she has shared her articles at Shades of Romance Online Magazine and Blogging In Black.
Dr. Linda is a member of the Seattle chapter of the Professional Women of Color Network and the Black Dollar Days Task Force.
Adora Bennett is the pen name for an international business executive whose career encompasses experience as a copywriter at a world-renown New York advertising agency, fashion writing for a major department store, global marketing for a Fortune 500 company and a masthead position at a major metropolitan newspaper.
She has travelled around the world extensively, lived in several cities across Europe, and divides her time between homes in Boston, MA and the South of France.
Desiree Day has worked in the banking, telecommunication,and information technologies industries, as well as in academia.
Her fiction has appeared in Woman's Word magazine and on the Internet.
She is presently working on her next novel.
She lives in Georgia.
Ja'Nese Dixon is an Oklahoma native living in Houston, Texas. As a child, she spent most of her days reading anything she could grab. Her love for writing gave birth to a large collection of poetry and short stories. She continued to nurture her love of reading and writing until entering graduate school. As a wife and mother of two small children, she found little time to write but her reading continued.
In late 2004, she decided to quietly pursue her writing career by entering contests and ghost writing articles. After ranking in several contests, she began writing her first novel, Black Diamond.
Ja'Nese Dixon is still an avid reader, she loves to write, run, cook, crochet, watch romantic comedy movies, attend live concerts, volunteer in several ministries in her church, and most importantly spend time with her family.
Ja'Nese Dixon spends her days marketing small businesses and her nights writing African Emerald (Fall 2011), the much anticipated spinoff from Black Diamond. To learn more visit
As an Award-winning author, Bible teacher, Ordained Minister and Evangelist, Cheryl’s books, CD’s, and devotionals are not meant to only entertain, but to also minister to and encourage others.
Cheryl Donovan has developed a unique voice that manifests itself through her literary endeavors. Her newest contribution, “Women What in Hell are You Thinking Now: Transform Your Thinking to Transform Your Life arrives in bookstores March 2011. It compels women to look at themselves and their lives and take inventory. If they don’t like what they see then it’s time to clean the clutter.Welcome to the world of Cheryl Donovan.
A retired salon owner and hair stylist of more than 25 years, Elaine Flowers always dreamed becoming a published author, creating stories with interesting characters, and in 2004 it was realized when she released her first novel, Black Beauty.
In 2007, this bestselling author signed with Hollygrove Publishing joining the literary team headed by national bestselling author, Brian W. Smith releasing It’s Morning: Torn Lovers and Their Stories (2008) is her second book, comprised of two novellas and one short story The long-awaited Broken Appointments, and sequel to Black Beauty, is Ms. Flowers’ third work of fiction and was released in February 2011.
In the interim, this eager writer is having great success with her non fiction title. I Wouldn’t Mind Having a Husband, I Just Don’t Want to Be Somebody’s Wife: The Single Woman’s Guide to Self-fulfillment is a self help e-book designed for single-never-been-married women who are egregiously seeking a husband.
Elaine Flowers is a divorcee of 20 years with 2 adult children. She is a full time writer and discussion leader It is her desire to create a dense body of work for those who enjoy her writings.
After having 10 contemporary romances and 6 works of women's fiction published the traditional way, Bettye Griffin is now doing her own thing and telling the stories she wants to tell, bound only by the limits of her imagination and not publisher guidelines. In 2009 she formed Bunderful Books and to date has published two contemporary romances, Save The Best For Last in 2009 and The Heat of Heat in 2010. This year will see the eBook release of a revised, updated version of her classic, long-out-of-print Arabesque romance, A Love of Her Own, as well as her first interracial romance title. Bettye is also hard at work on her first women's fiction offering through Bunderful Books.
Bunderful Books...because good writing is always in fashion.
Trice Hickman’s love affair with books began at a very early age, setting the backdrop for her writing career. As a student, Trice excelled in literature and creative writing classes.
After graduating from college, Trice worked in a variety of industries and management positions, all the while continuing her love of books and her dream to write one of her own. Her literary window opened with the release of her self-published debut novel, Unexpected Interruptions, in November 2007. The book received high praise from reviewers, won two literary awards, and was selected as a Black Expressions Editor’s Pick for Dynamic Debut Feature. Trice’s much anticipated sequel, Keeping Secrets &; Telling Lies, quickly became a hit with book clubs and readers. Her third novel, Playing the Hand You’re Dealt, made the AOL Black Voices list of “The Top 15 Books That Mattered In 2010.”
Trice recently signed a three-book deal with Kensington Publishing Corp. for the publication rights of her self-published novels. Kensington re-released, Unexpected Interruptions, April 2011, and it received a starred review from Publishers Weekly.
Trice holds a BA degree from Winston-Salem State University and an MA degree from Wake Forest University . She is currently working on her next book.
TL James graduated with an MBA from LeTourneau University . At LETU, James cultivated an interest in biblical studies and research. Little did James know, but her love for research would become an integral thread in her writing style.
After many sleepless nights, James began writing her first speculative fictional book, with her newly born son tucked comfortably at her side. She developed the family drama storyline that showcases her love of research, biblical studies and literary classics (i.e., Chaucer, Shakespeare and Mythology). The MPire Trilogy was born.
In 2008, TL James revived PHE Ink, a Writing Solutions Firm, after discovering a number of gaps in the publishing industry. She later established The Quill Lab for all authors. James works with aspiring writers, one-on-one, to develop their literary voice. PHE Ink and The Quill Lab, also, assist entrepreneurs with transforming their literary business dreams into defined objectives and business plans.
Tina Martin is a fiction, romance novelist. In 2007, she published a collection of poetry entitled Love Like Yours. She is the author of the romantic suspense novel, Secrets On Lake Drive and Another Man’s Treasure. Her newest novel, The Baby Daddy Interviews is due to be released December 2011. Read more about Tina at her website:
Lisa G. Riley’s work has been called “character and issue driven; exciting, passionate and thought provoking.” Ms. Riley writes in several genres including romantic suspense, erotica and paranormal. Her next novel, After the Morning After, a contemporary, comedic sexual romp comes out August 9th, 2011 from Loose Id. Her last stand-alone novel, Give Yourself to Me, is a paranormal contemporary suspense, and came out in August 2010. Stolen, her second foray into historic paranormals was written with Roslyn Hardy Holcomb and has been available since November, 2010. The first in the series, Given, came out in February 2010. A romantic suspense novel, Do Me Right, was released in April 2010. All are available at Loose Id. Other books by Ms. Riley include:
• Simply Wicked
• At Last
• Caught Up in the Rapture
• Big Spankable A**es (anthology)
• Bound to Ecstasy (anthology)
Ms. Riley resides in Chicago where she is hard at work on her next project. Please visit her at or at
for more information about her work.
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Click on the comments and leave a comment or question for our panel. Unless noted, the authors will drop in through out the day to answer questions or post comments.
MEET THE AUTHORS PANEL - The Paths To Publication
Rose Jackson-Beavers is a veteran social services administrator, and publisher. An advocate for children, teens and families, she spends her time working with various age groups to encourage their literary interests. She believes reading increases comprehension, which increases the reader's ability to do better in school and in the workplace.
To ensure aspiring writers have the information they need to understand the book business, this social-worker-turned-publisher hosts at least two free workshop each year to teach her often-requested seminar on self-publishing. She has written six books and published the works of 27 authors, with 4 winning awards for their work.
To encourage readers, her company has donated thousands of dollars in books to schools, churches, and afterschool programs. In addition, she founded a St. Louis nonprofit, The Family Enhancement Center. For the past two years, the center has donated school supplies, computer items and cash to high school graduates who receive The McKinley and Sylvester Jackson Scholarship. The scholarship is named for Jackson-Beavers’ late brothers, who succumbed to cancer before their 40th and 43rd birthdays. The scholarship reflects the brothers’ desire for their siblings to complete school and pursue further educational pursuits, while calling attention to the many African Americans who die from cancer each year.
Dr. Linda Beed is an author, educator, speaker and youth minister. She earned her Master of Theology (Magna Cum Laude) and Doctorate of Religious Education from A. L. Hardy Academy of Theology where she is now faculty emeritus.
As a conference coordinator and facilitator she has shared in the success of local and national conferences that include literary and social organizations. Her blogs, Let Us Bear Fruit and Reading Our Stories are places where you can find the best in book reviews, author dialogues, industry information and online workshops.
Dr. Linda is the founder of The Damascus Road Authors a collective of Christian authors with the common goal of ministering through the arts. She is also the founder and president of The Write Plan a course for those seeking to become writers and to learn the business side of the craft.
In support for others she has shared her articles at Shades of Romance Online Magazine and Blogging In Black.
Dr. Linda is a member of the Seattle chapter of the Professional Women of Color Network and the Black Dollar Days Task Force.
Adora Bennett is the pen name for an international business executive whose career encompasses experience as a copywriter at a world-renown New York advertising agency, fashion writing for a major department store, global marketing for a Fortune 500 company and a masthead position at a major metropolitan newspaper.
She has travelled around the world extensively, lived in several cities across Europe, and divides her time between homes in Boston, MA and the South of France.
Desiree Day has worked in the banking, telecommunication,and information technologies industries, as well as in academia.
Her fiction has appeared in Woman's Word magazine and on the Internet.
She is presently working on her next novel.
She lives in Georgia.
Ja'Nese Dixon is an Oklahoma native living in Houston, Texas. As a child, she spent most of her days reading anything she could grab. Her love for writing gave birth to a large collection of poetry and short stories. She continued to nurture her love of reading and writing until entering graduate school. As a wife and mother of two small children, she found little time to write but her reading continued.
In late 2004, she decided to quietly pursue her writing career by entering contests and ghost writing articles. After ranking in several contests, she began writing her first novel, Black Diamond.
Ja'Nese Dixon is still an avid reader, she loves to write, run, cook, crochet, watch romantic comedy movies, attend live concerts, volunteer in several ministries in her church, and most importantly spend time with her family.
Ja'Nese Dixon spends her days marketing small businesses and her nights writing African Emerald (Fall 2011), the much anticipated spinoff from Black Diamond. To learn more visit
As an Award-winning author, Bible teacher, Ordained Minister and Evangelist, Cheryl’s books, CD’s, and devotionals are not meant to only entertain, but to also minister to and encourage others.
Cheryl Donovan has developed a unique voice that manifests itself through her literary endeavors. Her newest contribution, “Women What in Hell are You Thinking Now: Transform Your Thinking to Transform Your Life arrives in bookstores March 2011. It compels women to look at themselves and their lives and take inventory. If they don’t like what they see then it’s time to clean the clutter.Welcome to the world of Cheryl Donovan.
A retired salon owner and hair stylist of more than 25 years, Elaine Flowers always dreamed becoming a published author, creating stories with interesting characters, and in 2004 it was realized when she released her first novel, Black Beauty.
In 2007, this bestselling author signed with Hollygrove Publishing joining the literary team headed by national bestselling author, Brian W. Smith releasing It’s Morning: Torn Lovers and Their Stories (2008) is her second book, comprised of two novellas and one short story The long-awaited Broken Appointments, and sequel to Black Beauty, is Ms. Flowers’ third work of fiction and was released in February 2011.
In the interim, this eager writer is having great success with her non fiction title. I Wouldn’t Mind Having a Husband, I Just Don’t Want to Be Somebody’s Wife: The Single Woman’s Guide to Self-fulfillment is a self help e-book designed for single-never-been-married women who are egregiously seeking a husband.
Elaine Flowers is a divorcee of 20 years with 2 adult children. She is a full time writer and discussion leader It is her desire to create a dense body of work for those who enjoy her writings.
After having 10 contemporary romances and 6 works of women's fiction published the traditional way, Bettye Griffin is now doing her own thing and telling the stories she wants to tell, bound only by the limits of her imagination and not publisher guidelines. In 2009 she formed Bunderful Books and to date has published two contemporary romances, Save The Best For Last in 2009 and The Heat of Heat in 2010. This year will see the eBook release of a revised, updated version of her classic, long-out-of-print Arabesque romance, A Love of Her Own, as well as her first interracial romance title. Bettye is also hard at work on her first women's fiction offering through Bunderful Books.
Bunderful Books...because good writing is always in fashion.
Trice Hickman’s love affair with books began at a very early age, setting the backdrop for her writing career. As a student, Trice excelled in literature and creative writing classes.
After graduating from college, Trice worked in a variety of industries and management positions, all the while continuing her love of books and her dream to write one of her own. Her literary window opened with the release of her self-published debut novel, Unexpected Interruptions, in November 2007. The book received high praise from reviewers, won two literary awards, and was selected as a Black Expressions Editor’s Pick for Dynamic Debut Feature. Trice’s much anticipated sequel, Keeping Secrets &; Telling Lies, quickly became a hit with book clubs and readers. Her third novel, Playing the Hand You’re Dealt, made the AOL Black Voices list of “The Top 15 Books That Mattered In 2010.”
Trice recently signed a three-book deal with Kensington Publishing Corp. for the publication rights of her self-published novels. Kensington re-released, Unexpected Interruptions, April 2011, and it received a starred review from Publishers Weekly.
Trice holds a BA degree from Winston-Salem State University and an MA degree from Wake Forest University . She is currently working on her next book.
TL James graduated with an MBA from LeTourneau University . At LETU, James cultivated an interest in biblical studies and research. Little did James know, but her love for research would become an integral thread in her writing style.
After many sleepless nights, James began writing her first speculative fictional book, with her newly born son tucked comfortably at her side. She developed the family drama storyline that showcases her love of research, biblical studies and literary classics (i.e., Chaucer, Shakespeare and Mythology). The MPire Trilogy was born.
In 2008, TL James revived PHE Ink, a Writing Solutions Firm, after discovering a number of gaps in the publishing industry. She later established The Quill Lab for all authors. James works with aspiring writers, one-on-one, to develop their literary voice. PHE Ink and The Quill Lab, also, assist entrepreneurs with transforming their literary business dreams into defined objectives and business plans.
Tina Martin is a fiction, romance novelist. In 2007, she published a collection of poetry entitled Love Like Yours. She is the author of the romantic suspense novel, Secrets On Lake Drive and Another Man’s Treasure. Her newest novel, The Baby Daddy Interviews is due to be released December 2011. Read more about Tina at her website:
Lisa G. Riley’s work has been called “character and issue driven; exciting, passionate and thought provoking.” Ms. Riley writes in several genres including romantic suspense, erotica and paranormal. Her next novel, After the Morning After, a contemporary, comedic sexual romp comes out August 9th, 2011 from Loose Id. Her last stand-alone novel, Give Yourself to Me, is a paranormal contemporary suspense, and came out in August 2010. Stolen, her second foray into historic paranormals was written with Roslyn Hardy Holcomb and has been available since November, 2010. The first in the series, Given, came out in February 2010. A romantic suspense novel, Do Me Right, was released in April 2010. All are available at Loose Id. Other books by Ms. Riley include:
• Simply Wicked
• At Last
• Caught Up in the Rapture
• Big Spankable A**es (anthology)
• Bound to Ecstasy (anthology)
Ms. Riley resides in Chicago where she is hard at work on her next project. Please visit her at or at
for more information about her work.
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Step in and enjoy a few book trailers. Post a comment and let us know what you think.
The Heat of Heat
By Bettye Griffin
MPire Empire
by T. L. James
Black Diamond
Ja'Nese Dixon
Women What the Hell are You Thinking Now?
Cheryl Donavan
Another Man's Treasure
Tina Martin
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Monday, June 20, 2011
FEATURED AUTHOR: Shanisha Dodson
S.Dodson is originally from Arkansas and currently resides in Northern Virginia. She is pursuing a doctorate degree in Education specializing in Adult Learning and Higher Education. She holds a BA in Psychology from Grambling State University and a MA in Counseling from Dallas Baptist University. Her memberships include Kappa Delta Pi honors society, Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority incorporated, and the American Management Association.Teen Girls Need L.O.V.E. is her first non-fiction book. She wrote this book with the hopes of inspiring all teens to push to the next level.
How did you start out your writing career?
I started my writing career while in college. Writing became a passion in high school. I was asked to write a narrative about anything. I picked "Sweet Meesy Wolf" my favorite uncle. I made 3 100’s on the assignment.
What did you learn while writing this book?
I learned that it is important to follow your dreams even when no one else believes in you.
What did you hope to accomplish with this book?
I hope to inspire teen girls all over the world to push to the next level.
What has surprised you most about becoming a published author?
The most surprising thing is receiving love from your fans.
What aspect of writing do you love the best, and which do you hate the most?
I hate the editing and re-writes. I enjoy receiving the finished product. No matter how many books you write, the feeling you get from seeing the finished product is indescribable.
What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?
I wish I would have known the secret to getting published, the secret to selling a million books, and the importance of taking advantage of unlimited opportunities.
Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?
Do-Always have thick skin. Don’t-Don’t give up on your dream.
What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?
I wish non-writers would understand that people write from the heart. You may hate a book but someone else might love it.
When you're not writing, what do you like to do in your spare time?
I enjoy reading, cooking, dancing and hanging with friends. I'm working on a doctorate so I don’t have much time to do anything outside of studying and promoting my upcoming book.
What do you do to interact with your readers?
I interact with readers via email, social networking sites and by hosting contests. I love
for readers to interact with me when I’m at book events.
Our theme for this month is INDEPENDENT PUBLISHERS.
Have you ever considered self publishing your work? I enjoy self publishing because it allows the author to be in control. As the author, you can choose a graphic designer, editing company and market any way you want.
Oprah always asks, What do you know for sure?
I know for sure that I am beautifully and wonderfully made!
Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?
Own Your Future
When all else fails, you can fall back on your education.
If I took a survey of 1000 students, most of them would not list school as being their most favorite thing in the world. It may not be something that you want to do, but it is something that you have to do. Work hard and own your future.
Own it! Own it! Own it! I know you are asking, “How can I own my future?” The answer is to take advantage of the unlimited opportunities the world has to offer. Take a moment to look around.
There are choices. You have the ability to choose your path. You can become anything you want, regardless of your background. Just work hard and let your best qualities shine.
No matter what road you plan to travel, you will need the foundation of a strong education to prosper. It will be a tough battle, but you can conquer it. Always remember that obtaining knowledge is a never-ending process.
Statistics show that thirteen percent of Hispanic, ten percent of African-American, and six percent of Caucasian students drop out of high school each year. Why is this? The most common answers are: 1. School is not fun; 2. I became a teenage parent; 3.There isn’t a need for education; 4. I had to take care of my family.
How can you be competitive if you don’t have the credentials?
I know that homework is not your most favorite thing to do, but you need a high school diploma or a GED to work in just about any field. It doesn’t matter if you choose McDonalds, the movie theater, or Microsoft. You will still need an education.
Everyone knows that men make more money than women for doing the same work. This means that as young ladies, you have to work twice as hard to be competitive. Now is the time to think about your future.
An educated woman is a powerful woman. Back in the day, women all over the world fought to have the same education as men had. As young ladies, I challenge you to achieve greatness by taking advantage of the unlimited opportunities the world has to offer.
On your journey to achieving success, you will come across stumbling blocks that might cause you to doubt your abilities. When this happens, keep pushing! You will also come across people that will only look for the worst in you. Marvin Sapp sang it best, “He saw the best in me when everyone else saw the worst.” When this happens, don’t let it get you down. Do what’s right for you. Follow your dreams, even if no one else believes in you. Believe in yourself!
How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)
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Saturday, June 18, 2011
SORMAG'S ONLINE BOOK FAIR - Day Three - June 18th
Greetings in the name of literature,
I'd like to welcome to the third day of the Online Book Fair.
Our featured books are wonderful and just a click away from you owning them for yourself. Remember to support our authors, we want them to be writing for many more years.
Today is an author panel. Feel free to make comments or ask the author those questions that have been on your mind forever. They will stop in through out the day to answer questions.
Today's Book Fair is in honor of
my mother, Brenda Turner.
Today would have been her 64th birthday.
Its only been two days since she left us
but it feels like an eternity.
Happy Birthday Mama - I love you
If you have any problems or questions feel free to contact me at
I will be online all day, so I hope to see you on the net too.
Enjoy the Online Book Fair.
LaShaunda C. Hoffman
SORMAG's Online Book Fair Host
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SORMAG's ONLINE BOOK FAIR - Meet The Author Panel - Day Three
Click on the comments and leave a comment or question for our panel. Unless noted, the authors will drop in through out the day to answer questions or post comments.
MEET THE AUTHOR PANEL - Ebooks - Advice From The Trenches
Chicki Brown
Chicki Brown is the author of three published novels. She is currently working on her first series, a family saga, yet untitled.
An avid reader, her favorite authors are Beverly Jenkins, Eric Jerome Dickey, Lisa Kleypas, J.R. Ward and Suzanne Brockmann.
A New Jersey native, Brown and her family relocated to suburban Atlanta, Georgia in 1994, and she now proudly calls herself a “Georgia peach.”
Her many homes in cyberspace include, and @Chicki 663 on Twitter.
Chicki Brown started writing seriously in 2001 and admits that she didn't know what she was doing or than simply writing the stories that were in her head. A friend convinced her to submit to publishers, and the rejections started pouring in. Chicki refused to be discouraged, kept writing and over next eight years signed with two different agents yet still didn't sell.
Sick and tired of the near misses, Chicki started following the buzz about the Amazon Kindle. Knowing that the Big 6 houses only paid authors between 6-15% royalties on their books, when she discovered Amazon was paying 70%, the decision was a no-brainer. That meant she could make the same royalty on a $2.99 book that trad authors make on a $20.00 hardcover.
In the past eleven months she has e-published three books to Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble Nook. The fourth is scheduled for release on August first. Her first book, Have You Seen Her? hit #843 on the overall Kindle sales ranking. That book also made #57 in the Contemporary Romance category. Her recent release, Hollywood Swinging hit #78 in Amazon Marriage & Relationships category.
Chicki has sold 800 books each month for the last several months.
Angie Daniels
Angie Daniels began her career as a storyteller in 2000. She loves a page turner and strives to write novels pulsating with sex and drama. The award winning author has written over twenty-two novels for imprints such as BET Arabesque, Harlequin/Kimani Romance and Kensington/ Dafina Books. For more information about upcoming releases, and to connect with Angie on facebook, please visit her website at
Shelia M. Goss
Shelia M. Goss is the author of seven ebooks. Love UnExpected has been on the top 10 Amazon Bestsellers list for the past six months. The majority of her ebooks are either short stories or novellas. UnAuthorized is a full length novel and is her first collaboration with mystery writer John A Wooden. Shelia writes in multiple genres and her books are available in paperback or hardcover. She's the Essence Magazine & Black Expressions Book Club Best-Selling author of the upcoming novel, Ruthless (Dec 2011), Delilah, My Invisible Husband, Roses are Thorns, Paige’s Web, Double Platinum, His Invisible Wife, Hollywood Deception, Savannah's Curse, Montana's Way and the teen series The Lip Gloss Chronicles: The Ultimate Test, Splitsville, Paper Thin and Secrets Untold (July 2011). To learn more, visit her website: or follow her on Facebook at
Tremayne Moore
Tremayne Moore, founder of Maynetre Manuscripts, LLC is an accountant, a writer, a psalmist, a griot and a spoken word motivational speaker.
He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting from Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management Information Systems from Florida State University .
Tremayne’s life can be summarized with a quote from the Apostle Paul from Philippians: “Christ shall be magnified in my body; whether by life or by death.”
My website is
Kimberly Purpoz
Kimberly Purpoz has been a professional writer and author for over 12 years. Kimberly currently writes under the following pseudonyms: Kimberly Purpoz and Purpoz. She is the author of "Age of Innocence", "Foreshadowers: The Seeker of Legends, and the upcoming motivational book, "Purpose Lies Within: A Motivational Book for the Heart and Soul." Purpoz is a graduate of Georgia State University. She is a motivational speaker and speaks for Great Black Speakers Bureau.
Find out more about Purpoz @:
Beverly Taylor
Beverly Taylor is the author of Christian fiction adult and young adult titles: Desires of the Heart, Every Head Bowed, The Sweetest Day Ever (Series), Foolish Virgin, Sea of Passion (July, 2011), Love on a Budget (August, 2011), and the nonfiction title: Woman, Take Your Position (A woman's Godly position with man, marriage, children, church and community).
Beverly holds a M.A. in Psychology and is working towards a Ph.D. in Counseling.
AlTonya Washington
AlTonya Washington has been a published romance novelist for 8 years. In addition to teaching a community college course entitled Writing the Romance Novel she works as a Senior Library Assistant and resides in North Carolina.
In March 2009, AlTonya- writing as T. Onyx- released her debut erotica title Truth In Sensuality. In August 2009 she released her final installment in her Ramsey series A Lover's Soul. Her latest release with the Harlequin/Kimani label is the February 2011 release "Every Chance I Get."
A Lover's Shame marks a new chapter in the Ramsey saga with the introduction of the Tesano family.
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Age of Innocence by Kimberly Purpoz
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Friday, June 17, 2011
Award-winning author Patricia Sargeant writes romantic suspense. She also writes contemporary romance as Regina Hart.
A voracious reader, Patricia first realized she wanted to be a published author at the age of nine. She was drawn to write romances because she loves happy endings. Her romantic suspense novels feature ordinary people in extraordinary situations. Her contemporary romances reveal characters struggling to overcome their inner demons.
In addition to reading, Patricia’s hobbies include music, jogging and hiking. Her favorite spectator sports are basketball, football and track-and-field, both college and pros. She loves movies and she’s addicted to Law & Order and TruTV. Patricia's website address is Her Regina Hart website is
Patricia loves to hear from readers. Her e-mail address is
Raised in New York City, Patricia now lives in Ohio with her husband.
How did you start out your writing career?
I finished my first full-length novel in 1991. Little did I know at the time that it was only the first draft. After years of rejections, I joined Romance Writers of America in 1999. That's when I learned I didn't even know what I didn't know. (smile) I learned about the craft as well as the business of writing fiction. Seven years later, I signed my first publishing contract.
What did you learn while writing this book?
Fast Break is my seventh title. While writing Fast Break, I learned I didn't know as much about basketball as I thought I did. (smile) I did a lot of research. Iesearch is an extremely important part of writing. It adds realism to your scenes and helps you better understand your characters. I attended several men's and women's college basketball practices, read player blogs and watched documentaries for "behind the scenes" information.
What did you hope to accomplish with this book?
Great question! Fast Break's message is you can't win unless you're willing to risk losing. That sounds strange, doesn't it? But it's true. I know a couple of aspiring authors who won't finish a manuscript because they're afraid. I know other aspiring authors who've finished at least one manuscript, but they won't shop it because they're afraid. You're not going to win unless you're willing to risk losing.
Which character did you have the most fun writing about?
That's a very difficult question. LOL! I enjoyed writing all of the characters, including the ones I think readers will hate. I think I had the most fun writing the heroine. I enjoyed making her really feminine as well as tough and fearless.
What has surprised you most about becoming a published author?
This is hard to express. It's always so amazing and so incredibly humbling when people "get" my story. When people understand the message in my story, when they understand the characters. Writers write first for themselves because, at the end of the day, we're responsible for our stories. But when other people understand the story and enjoy the story, it's an amazing, humbling and truly gratifying experience.
What aspect of writing do you love the best, and which do you hate the most?
LOL! Truly, it depends on the story and the day. LOL! But in general, I love when I connect with my characters and they start telling their story. I hate when I get stuck in a scene.
What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?
The most important thing I wish I'd learned is how to better manage my time so I could juggle my personal and professional demands more successfully. I still haven't learned how to do that.
Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?
Do continue to study the business and craft of writing.
Don't ever stop learning the business and craft of writing.
What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?
It's work. Yes, as authors we love what we do. Writing is such a big part of us. It's our vocation and avocation. But it's also our job and we take our work very seriously. For example, don't ask why I have to do research for my fictional story. Fiction is anchored in fact. That's what allows readers to suspend belief and move seamlessly into my world.
If you could be a character from any book you've read, who would you be?
Ooh. This is a tough one. For today, I'll answer Jessi Teresa Blake from Beverly Jenkins's Deadly Sexy. JT has courage and confidence.
When you're not writing, what do you like to do in your spare time?
Sleep. LOL! I also love spending time with my husband. We enjoy hiking, movies and cuddling. And talking. I love talking with him. Of course, I love to read and I'm trying to get back into a regular running routine. I'd love to run another marathon. Ha! One mile at a time. LOL!
What do you do to interact with your readers?
Most of my reader interactions occur on the Internet. I have an e-newsletter that I distribute when I have announcements. Readers who are interested can subscribe to my e-newsletter through either or through I'm on Twitter at @BooksByPatricia. There are two reader and author events I try to attend every year. The Lori Foster and Dianne Castell Readers &; Authors Get Together in Cincinnati, Ohio, and the Romance Slam Jam, which this year is in Baltimore.
Our theme for this month is INDEPENDENT PUBLISHERS.
Have you ever considered self publishing your work? Why or Why not? Oh, now this is a very timely question for me. Yes, I have considered self-publishing at least one story. I would very much like to write the sequel to You Belong to Me. However, my publisher wasn't interested in the proposal. For that reason, 'm seriously considering self-publishing that story.
Oprah always asks, What do you know for sure?
I know absolutely, positively and unequivocally that there are a lot of things I don't know. (smile)
Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?
My next release, Game Plan, is the second book in the Brooklyn Monarchs trilogy. It's another Regina Hart release. It picks up where Fast Break ends. Readers will meet Game Plans hero and heroine - Troy Marshall and Andrea Benson - in Fast Break. Troy is the Monarchs' vice president of marketing and media. Andrea is a sports reporter for a struggling publication. They both have a lot of issues to overcome. (smile)
How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)
I absolutely love communicating with readers. I love talking about my books, other people's books, TV, movies, music, sports and various other topics. My e-mail address is In the interest of full disclosure, when I'm on deadline, I don't always respond as quickly as I would like to. But I do always respond. Readers also can follow me on Twitter, if they're interested, at @BooksByPatricia.
My website address is My website address as Regina Hart is LaShaunda, thank you so much for this opportunity. You ask really great questions.
Fast Break by Regina Hart
It’s 24/7 money, fame, and game on—and off—the court. But the real action is behind the scenes in Regina Hart’s sizzling new pro b-ball series, where the stakes are everything and winning means playing for keeps.
He’s a two-time MVP and three-time championship winner. He lives to be the best. And now that he’s a first-time coach, DeMarcus Guinn will lead the NBA’s worst team to the top his way—or no way at all. But the team’s fiery franchise owner, Jaclyn Jones, is fighting him at every turn. And their unexpectedly seductive one-on-one is the kind of game time he can’t resist.
Turning her family’s team into winners is Jaclyn’s only hope of saving them and her community. She’s used to being in control, but DeMarcus’ determination—and the way he makes her feel—are like no moves she’s ever seen. And with everything they care about on the line, they’ll have to play to win … or lose their hearts.
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A voracious reader, Patricia first realized she wanted to be a published author at the age of nine. She was drawn to write romances because she loves happy endings. Her romantic suspense novels feature ordinary people in extraordinary situations. Her contemporary romances reveal characters struggling to overcome their inner demons.
In addition to reading, Patricia’s hobbies include music, jogging and hiking. Her favorite spectator sports are basketball, football and track-and-field, both college and pros. She loves movies and she’s addicted to Law & Order and TruTV. Patricia's website address is Her Regina Hart website is
Patricia loves to hear from readers. Her e-mail address is
Raised in New York City, Patricia now lives in Ohio with her husband.
How did you start out your writing career?
I finished my first full-length novel in 1991. Little did I know at the time that it was only the first draft. After years of rejections, I joined Romance Writers of America in 1999. That's when I learned I didn't even know what I didn't know. (smile) I learned about the craft as well as the business of writing fiction. Seven years later, I signed my first publishing contract.
What did you learn while writing this book?
Fast Break is my seventh title. While writing Fast Break, I learned I didn't know as much about basketball as I thought I did. (smile) I did a lot of research. Iesearch is an extremely important part of writing. It adds realism to your scenes and helps you better understand your characters. I attended several men's and women's college basketball practices, read player blogs and watched documentaries for "behind the scenes" information.
What did you hope to accomplish with this book?
Great question! Fast Break's message is you can't win unless you're willing to risk losing. That sounds strange, doesn't it? But it's true. I know a couple of aspiring authors who won't finish a manuscript because they're afraid. I know other aspiring authors who've finished at least one manuscript, but they won't shop it because they're afraid. You're not going to win unless you're willing to risk losing.
Which character did you have the most fun writing about?
That's a very difficult question. LOL! I enjoyed writing all of the characters, including the ones I think readers will hate. I think I had the most fun writing the heroine. I enjoyed making her really feminine as well as tough and fearless.
What has surprised you most about becoming a published author?
This is hard to express. It's always so amazing and so incredibly humbling when people "get" my story. When people understand the message in my story, when they understand the characters. Writers write first for themselves because, at the end of the day, we're responsible for our stories. But when other people understand the story and enjoy the story, it's an amazing, humbling and truly gratifying experience.
What aspect of writing do you love the best, and which do you hate the most?
LOL! Truly, it depends on the story and the day. LOL! But in general, I love when I connect with my characters and they start telling their story. I hate when I get stuck in a scene.
What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?
The most important thing I wish I'd learned is how to better manage my time so I could juggle my personal and professional demands more successfully. I still haven't learned how to do that.
Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?
Do continue to study the business and craft of writing.
Don't ever stop learning the business and craft of writing.
What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?
It's work. Yes, as authors we love what we do. Writing is such a big part of us. It's our vocation and avocation. But it's also our job and we take our work very seriously. For example, don't ask why I have to do research for my fictional story. Fiction is anchored in fact. That's what allows readers to suspend belief and move seamlessly into my world.
If you could be a character from any book you've read, who would you be?
Ooh. This is a tough one. For today, I'll answer Jessi Teresa Blake from Beverly Jenkins's Deadly Sexy. JT has courage and confidence.
When you're not writing, what do you like to do in your spare time?
Sleep. LOL! I also love spending time with my husband. We enjoy hiking, movies and cuddling. And talking. I love talking with him. Of course, I love to read and I'm trying to get back into a regular running routine. I'd love to run another marathon. Ha! One mile at a time. LOL!
What do you do to interact with your readers?
Most of my reader interactions occur on the Internet. I have an e-newsletter that I distribute when I have announcements. Readers who are interested can subscribe to my e-newsletter through either or through I'm on Twitter at @BooksByPatricia. There are two reader and author events I try to attend every year. The Lori Foster and Dianne Castell Readers &; Authors Get Together in Cincinnati, Ohio, and the Romance Slam Jam, which this year is in Baltimore.
Our theme for this month is INDEPENDENT PUBLISHERS.
Have you ever considered self publishing your work? Why or Why not? Oh, now this is a very timely question for me. Yes, I have considered self-publishing at least one story. I would very much like to write the sequel to You Belong to Me. However, my publisher wasn't interested in the proposal. For that reason, 'm seriously considering self-publishing that story.
Oprah always asks, What do you know for sure?
I know absolutely, positively and unequivocally that there are a lot of things I don't know. (smile)
Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?
My next release, Game Plan, is the second book in the Brooklyn Monarchs trilogy. It's another Regina Hart release. It picks up where Fast Break ends. Readers will meet Game Plans hero and heroine - Troy Marshall and Andrea Benson - in Fast Break. Troy is the Monarchs' vice president of marketing and media. Andrea is a sports reporter for a struggling publication. They both have a lot of issues to overcome. (smile)
How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)
I absolutely love communicating with readers. I love talking about my books, other people's books, TV, movies, music, sports and various other topics. My e-mail address is In the interest of full disclosure, when I'm on deadline, I don't always respond as quickly as I would like to. But I do always respond. Readers also can follow me on Twitter, if they're interested, at @BooksByPatricia.
My website address is My website address as Regina Hart is LaShaunda, thank you so much for this opportunity. You ask really great questions.
Fast Break by Regina Hart
It’s 24/7 money, fame, and game on—and off—the court. But the real action is behind the scenes in Regina Hart’s sizzling new pro b-ball series, where the stakes are everything and winning means playing for keeps.
He’s a two-time MVP and three-time championship winner. He lives to be the best. And now that he’s a first-time coach, DeMarcus Guinn will lead the NBA’s worst team to the top his way—or no way at all. But the team’s fiery franchise owner, Jaclyn Jones, is fighting him at every turn. And their unexpectedly seductive one-on-one is the kind of game time he can’t resist.
Turning her family’s team into winners is Jaclyn’s only hope of saving them and her community. She’s used to being in control, but DeMarcus’ determination—and the way he makes her feel—are like no moves she’s ever seen. And with everything they care about on the line, they’ll have to play to win … or lose their hearts.
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011
COLUMN: Are You On The Net
Online Promotion Plan V
7. Have you researched the online radio shows that promote your genre?
8. Have you created your list of online radio shows you want to be on?
9. Have you sent out your letters to the online radio shows?
Online radio is an excellent way to promote yourself and your book. Many online radio shows are in need of topics and guests. If you have a topic that fits into their needs you could be on your way to introducing yourself to the shows loyal listeners.
There are three forms of online radio. The first is radio shows that are broadcast online and can be picked up all over the country. These are your local radio shows. The second are live shows broadcast only online. They consist of an interview and callers asking questions. The last type are online radio shows that are taped and broadcast at a later date.
Do an online search for online radio shows and see what you come up with. You'll be surprise how many other shows are out there looking for guests. Check out your fellow writers and see what shows they have been on. Try to pick out at least 10 shows to contact.
You want to find shows that fit the genre you write. I recommend you take time to listen to the shows you're interested in being a guest on before contacting the hosts. It gives you a chance to hear how the show host interacts with their guests and it gives you a feel of the pace of the show.
You don't want to be on a show, where the host is constantly harassing their guest. You want to inform the listeners, not be on constant guard. You also don't want to come across high-strung or tied tongue or worse have nothing to contribute to the conversation
How can I get on a show? That's the number one question. I hear it all the time. It’s not that hard, but it does take time and patience.
You found a show you like and think you'll make an excellent guest. First check to see if the show has guidelines posted, if not most shows will have contact information. If you have a publicist, notify them of the show and have them contact the show on your behalf.
If you don't have a publicist, send a short email introducing yourself and your book. Suggest a topic you feel will be of interest to their listeners. Ask if you can send a press kit with a copy of your book. The host or producer will contact you requesting the press kit and ask for questions pertaining to the topic. I recommend you do not send your info unless ask. You’re trying to save funds, not waste them.
Send the press kit as quickly as possible and include as least 10 questions about the topic and your book. I suggest including these, because sometimes host don't have time to read your book and this gives them an idea where to focus the interview.
Never done a radio interview? Don't worry, if you prepare before hand, you'll sound like a pro.
Listen to the shows. See how the hosts conduct interviews. What type of questions did they ask? Do they give the guest time to answer or do they monopolize the time?
As I said before, always submit a list of questions. This is your chance to promote yourself and your book. You don't want to miss an opportunity to talk about your book. It also prepares you on what questions to expect in the interview. Most hosts do not send questions beforehand. They like to be spontaneous.
Practice answering your questions. I suggest talking into a tape recorder. It lets you know how you sound. I found out I sounded like a professional Minnie Mouse, after my first interview. You can't change what you sound like, however you will be prepared for what your taped voice sounds like.
Send a thank you note to the host for the interview and let them know you are always available for future interviews. Even offer a few topics if you have them.
Post on the interview link on your site the interview day. Send out the information to your mailing lists and forums.
If you get a chance, listen to the interview and take notes on how you did. What you can do to improve your interviews for future use.
Now you're a pro at online radio interviews and ready for the next one.
Next month we will break down more of these questions to help you continue to build your plan.
Until then,
I’ll see you on the net.
LaShaunda C. Hoffman
LaShaunda is the creator of SORMAG – Shades Of Romance Magazine. She has 11 years of experience on online promotion, most she learned from trial and error. She has taught workshops on online promotion and is available for private online promotion coaching.
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- LaShaunda
- I believe in promoting authors and their books. Let me introduce you and your books to online readers.
I'm also a happily married mother of three who's trying to break into the Christian writing field. The writing road can be rocky.
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Online promotion coaching
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